Special thanks to https://github.com/virajg224 for sticking with the project from start to the end of summer!
Contrail Alpha v1.0.1 is out! Please feel free to log any bugs/issues/suggestions.
Quickly and conveniently share files with coworkers, classmates, friends or family using our user-friendly interface!
Created using
- React
- Node.js/Express
- Firebase
- GCP Cloud Storage
| .gitignore
│ package.json
└─── contrail-api
| |
| └─── functions
| |
| └─── index.js <--- main express app
| └─── actions
└─── |
| └─── resource.js <--- endpoint functions
| | ...
└── src
└── components <-- app ui components
└── firebase <-- firebase and firebase controllers
└── http <-- client-side http response text
└── store <-- redux store
└── types <-- global types
└── utils