This repository will be used for sharing code, projects and notes
- github
- Create an account
- We will use this for version control, class examples, and submission of your assignments
- git for windows + git bash
- installs linux-like bash environment (terminal)
- also installs git, for version control
- Slack
- Create a slack account or join using the magic link.
- We will use this for communications between the group outside of work hours.
- visual studio
- atleast .net core workload required for week 1
- visual studio code
- .net core sdk
- lets us compile c# code.
- included with visual studio workload
- gives us "dotnet" command
The most common laptops are Windows PCs. Where MacOS and Linux systems can use package managers, Windows prefers its own GUI wizards.
- Hacker Rank
- Good source of practice. Use it often for practice. Of course, if you still have assigned work to do, that work takes precedence.
- learn about md files
- it's always good to read and manage markdowns.
- Also markdown cheatsheet