WebSocket adapter provides an WebSocket API for sending and receiving messages through the platform.
The service is configured using the environment variables presented in the following table. Note that any unset variables will be replaced with their default values.
Variable | Description | Default |
MF_WS_ADAPTER_CLIENT_TLS | Flag that indicates if TLS should be turned on | false |
MF_WS_ADAPTER_CA_CERTS | Path to trusted CAs in PEM format | |
MF_WS_ADAPTER_LOG_LEVEL | Log level for the WS Adapter | error |
MF_WS_ADAPTER_PORT | Service WS port | 8180 |
MF_NATS_URL | NATS instance URL | nats://localhost:4222 |
MF_THINGS_URL | Things service URL | localhost:8181 |
MF_JAEGER_URL | Jaeger server URL | localhost:6831 |
MF_WS_ADAPTER_THINGS_TIMEOUT | Things gRPC request timeout in seconds | 1 |
The service is distributed as Docker container. The following snippet provides a compose file template that can be used to deploy the service container locally:
version: "2"
image: mainflux/ws:[version]
container_name: [instance name]
- [host machine port]:[configured port]
MF_THINGS_URL: [Things service URL]
MF_NATS_URL: [NATS instance URL]
MF_WS_ADAPTER_PORT: [Service WS port]
MF_WS_ADAPTER_LOG_LEVEL: [WS adapter log level]
MF_WS_ADAPTER_CLIENT_TLS: [Flag that indicates if TLS should be turned on]
MF_WS_ADAPTER_CA_CERTS: [Path to trusted CAs in PEM format]
MF_JAEGER_URL: [Jaeger server URL]
MF_WS_ADAPTER_THINGS_TIMEOUT: [Things gRPC request timeout in seconds]
To start the service outside of the container, execute the following shell script:
# download the latest version of the service
git clone https://github.com/mainflux/mainflux
cd mainflux
# compile the ws
make ws
# copy binary to bin
make install
# set the environment variables and run the service
MF_THINGS_URL=[Things service URL] MF_NATS_URL=[NATS instance URL] MF_WS_ADAPTER_PORT=[Service WS port] MF_WS_ADAPTER_LOG_LEVEL=[WS adapter log level] MF_WS_ADAPTER_CLIENT_TLS=[Flag that indicates if TLS should be turned on] MF_WS_ADAPTER_CA_CERTS=[Path to trusted CAs in PEM format] MF_JAEGER_URL=[Jaeger server URL] MF_WS_ADAPTER_THINGS_TIMEOUT=[Things gRPC request timeout in seconds] $GOBIN/mainflux-ws
For more information about service capabilities and its usage, please check out the WebSocket paragraph in the Getting Started guide.