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The Imperative and Subjunctive Mood

The Imperative Mood

  • The indicative mood indicates what is happening. - My friend is coming over to my place.
  • The conditional mood depends on conditions to occur. - If he finishes his homework, then he can come over.
  • The imperative mood commands people, it is imperative you do this. - Come over!

The imperative mood can be expressed by adding on -j to the end of the verb unless it's an irregular verb. Here are some examples:

Format: indef. -- def.

Pronoun Mond Van/Lesz Jön Megy Néz
én mondjak--mondjam legyek jöjjek Menjek nézzek--nézzem
te mondj--mondjad/mondd légy/legyél gyere Menj nézz--nézzed/nézd
ő mondjon--mondja legyen jöjjön Menjen nézzen--nézze
mi mondjunk--mondjuk legyünk jöjjünk Menjünk nézzünk--nézzük
ti mondjatok--mondjátok legyetek gyertek Menjetek nézzetek--nézzétek
ők mondjanak--mondják legyenek jöjjenek Menjenek nézzenek--nézzék

See how for the most part, verbs have a short and long form in the second person.


  • Gyertek gyerekek, az ugráló vár erre van! - (Come kids, the bouncy castle is this way!)
  • Hagyd abba! - (Quit it!)
  • Na mondjad, mi újság? - (So tell me, what's up?)
  • Menj el a szobádba! - (Go to your room!)

Note: Mi újság is often shortened to mizu


siet Siessetek már, mert itthagynak!

Hurry up (guys), because they're leaving!


Gollam and Szméagol are talking, try to work out what they are saying!

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<script type = "text/javascript"> function check_reveal(button) { var hun = document.getElementById("transcript"); var eng = document.getElementById("translation"); var none = document.getElementById("none"); if (button === 'transcript') { if ( === "none" && === "none") { = "none"; = "block"; }else if ( === "none" && === "block") { = "none"; = "none"; = "block"; } }else if (button === 'translation') if ( === "none" && === "none") { = "none"; = "block"; }else if ( === "none" && === "block") { = "none"; = "none"; = "block"; } } function clearAll() { var hun = document.getElementById("transcript"); var eng = document.getElementById("translation"); = "none"; = "none"; = "block"; } </script> Transcript Translation Clear
G: Mondd, hol lennél nélkülem?! Gollam, Gollam! Megóvtalak! Igen, én! Nekem köszönhetjük, hogy itt vagyunk!
Sz: Ez már nem igaz!
G: Mit mondtál?
Sz: Ránk most már gazda vigyáz, és rád nincs szükség.
G: Mi?
Sz: Menj el és ne gyere többet vissza!
G: Nem!
Sz: Menj el és ne gyere többet vissza!
G: *Morog*
Sz: Menj el és ne gyere többé vissza!
G: Tell me, where would you be without me?! Gollam, Gollam! I saved you! Yes, me! We can thank me that we are here!
Sz: That's not true anymore!
G: What did you say?
Sz: Master looks after us now, and so you aren't required.
G: What?
Sz: Go away and don't come back anymore!
G: No!
Sz: Go away and don't come back anymore!
G: *Growls*
Sz: Go away and don't ever come back!

Use of nouns

Hungarian makes the distinction between addressing someone (with imperatives) and specifying the action to do. The latter is achieved by using verbs that are formed into nouns using -ás,-és. You are more likely to hear this in the army and also when you change your device's language to Hungarian, as options will be displayed this way.

  • Futás! - (Run!)
  • Visszahivás. - (Call back.)
  • Az összes törlése. - (Delete all. lit. deletion of it all)
  • Lövés! - (Shoot!)

The Subjunctive Mood

The Subjunctive mood expresses a wish or a suggestion. Nowadays (in English at least) it is rarely used, but still exists in some phrases.

  • I wish it was were still in use.
  • She demands that he leave at once.
  • God save the Queen.

In Hungarian, the subjunctive mood uses the same form as the imperative. It is used to suggest or as the structure x happens/happened so that y will/will not happen.

  • Úgy legyen. - (So be it.)
  • A célom az, hogy jó legyek. - (My goal is to be good.)
  • Bogi azt kéri, hogy ne kérdezz annyit. - (Bogi asks that you (should) not question so much.)
  • Menjünk vissza. - (Let's go back.)
  • Idehoztam, hogy lássa amit megcsináltad. - (I brought him/her here so that they could see what you did.)
  • Vizet kérek, hogy holnap nem legyek másnapos. - (I ask for water, so that tomorrow I don't get a hangover.)

Alex: Ma mit csináljunk? - (What should we do today?)

Barnabás: Menjünk az állatkertbe. - (Let's go to the zoo.)

Alex: Jó ötlet. - (Good idea.)


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