-Core 3: Research Compendia and Reproducible Reporting
-This week we will cover the “Research compendium” and reproducible reporting which are part of the assessment. Research Compendium that is a documented collection of all the digital parts of the research project including data (or access to data), code and outputs. The Compendium might be a single Quarto/RStudio Project, or it might be a folder including an Quarto/RStudio Project and some additional materials including the description of unscripted processing. The collection is organised and documented in such a way that reproducing all the results is straightforward for another individual. We will also cover reproducible reporting which means using literate programming to weave together code and text together in a single document. Quarto is a multi-language literate programming tool (very like R Markdown).
-Learning objectives
-The successful student will be able to:
- explain what a research compendium is and describe its components -
- relate the content and concepts in Core 1 and Core 2 to the research compendium -
- Create a quarto document and:
- appreciate the role of the YAML header -
- format text as bold, italics, headings etc -
- add citations and a bibliography -
- create automatically numbered figures and tables with cross references in text -
- set default code chunk behaviour and those for individual chunks -
- use inline code to report results -
- insert special characters and mathematical expressions with LaTeX -