The LetsGo CLI provides a command to inspect the deployment status of all components of your app: yarn ops status
. It is a convenient way to:
- Quickly check the health status of all components.
- Inspect currently deployed configuration settings.
- Discover the URLs of the web and API components.
- Zero in on the CloudWatch log groups for each component to further inspect them in AWS.
- Check the messages in flight in SQS.
- Check the amount of data in the database.
You can get all of this information with:
yarn ops status
Or, just to limit the output to a single component, e.g. the API:
yarn ops status -a api
Like all other LetsGo CLI commands, you can specify the deployment name and region through options:
yarn ops status -d stage -r us-west-1
The -o json
option generates the output in JSON and provides even more details than the textual form:
yarn ops status -o json
The -p
option can be used to extract just a single property from the output, which is useful for scripting. For example, to get the URL of the API component you can call:
yarn -s ops status -a api -p 'api.apprunner.ServiceUrl'
NOTE Notice the -s
option passed to yarn
. This disables output normally generated by yarn so that only the value you are interested in is written to stdout.
In addition, you can construct simple JavaScript expressions using the -p
option to further facilitate scripting, e.g.:
yarn -s ops status -a api -p 'api.apprunner.Status === "RUNNING" ? 1 : 0'