title | layout | permalink |
General Questions |
layouts/page.njk |
/questions/general-questions/index.html |
- What did you learn yesterday/this week?
- What excites or interests you about coding?
- What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?
- When building a new web site or maintaining one, can you explain some techniques you have used to increase performance?
- Can you describe some SEO best practices or techniques you have used lately?
- Can you explain any common techniques or recent issues solved in regards to front-end security?
- What actions have you personally taken on recent projects to increase maintainability of your code?
- Talk about your preferred development environment.
- Which version control systems are you familiar with?
- Can you describe your workflow when you create a web page?
- If you have 5 different stylesheets, how would you best integrate them into the site?
- Can you describe the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation?
- How would you optimize a website's assets/resources?
- How many resources will a browser download from a given domain at a time?
- What are the exceptions?
- Name 3 ways to decrease page load (perceived or actual load time).
- If you jumped on a project and they used tabs and you used spaces, what would you do?
- Describe how you would create a simple slideshow page.
- If you could master one technology this year, what would it be?
- Explain the importance of standards and standards bodies.
- What is Flash of Unstyled Content? How do you avoid FOUC?
- Explain what ARIA and screenreaders are, and how to make a website accessible.
- Explain some of the pros and cons for CSS animations versus JavaScript animations.
- What does CORS stand for and what issue does it address?
- How did you handle a disagreement with your boss or your collaborator?
- What resources do you use to learn about the latest in front end development and design?
- What skills are needed to be a good front-end developer?
- What role do you see yourself in?
- Explain the difference between cookies, session storage, and local storage?
- Can you explain what happens when you enter a URL into the browser?
- Describe the difference between SSR and CSR. Discuss the pros and cons.
- Are you familiar with static rendering?
- Rehydration?