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Compiling ANTs on Windows 10

David Hoffman edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 8 revisions

These instructions require the Linux subsystem, which requires the Windows 10 anniversary update (Aug 2016). You may need to disable some antivirus software for some parts of the install.

Enable the Linux subsystem on Windows 10

Follow the instructions here:

You can install your choice of Linux distributions. The instructions below are for Ubuntu, using the apt-get system to install software.

Verify development environment

Required build tools include gcc, g++, and make. If these are not installed already, install them before proceeding.

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential

Install git

sudo apt-get -y install git

Install CMake

sudo apt-get -y install cmake
sudo apt-get -y install cmake-curses-gui

Install Zlib

sudo apt-get -y install zlib1g-dev

Install ANTs

From here, it should be possible to obtain the ANTs source code and compile as one would on Linux or Mac OS.

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