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Forward and inverse warps for warping images, pointsets and Jacobians
Applying the deformations computed by ANTs require the user to specify the correct warps, and to specify them in the correct order. Common use cases are explained below.
The command
-d 3 \
-f fixedImage.nii.gz \
-m movingImage.nii.gz \
-o movingToFixed_ \
-t s
The forward transforms from moving to fixed space are defined as those we use to deform an image in the moving space and produce output in the fixed space. These are movingToFixed_1Warp.nii.gz
and movingToFixed_0GenericAffine.mat
The inverse transforms are the transforms that are used to perform the opposite operation, deforming an image in the fixed space and producing output in the moving space. This operation uses the file movingToFixed_1InverseWarp.nii.gz
and the inverse of the forward affine transform movingToFixed_0GenericAffine.mat
. The inverse affine transform is not usually stored because it is easy to invert on demand. However, the inverse warp field cannot be precisely computed from the forward warp field, so the inverse warp field is saved separately.
Deforming the moving image to fixed space:
${ANTSPATH}antsApplyTransforms \
-d 3 \
-i movingImage.nii.gz \
-r fixedImage.nii.gz \
-t movingToFixed_1Warp.nii.gz \
-t movingToFixed_0GenericAffine.mat \
-o movingToFixedDeformed.nii.gz
Regions of interest are contained in fixedLabels.nii.gz
, in the fixed image space. Deforming these to moving space:
${ANTSPATH}antsApplyTransforms \
-d 3 \
-i fixedLabels.nii.gz \
-r movingImage.nii.gz \
-t [movingToFixed_0GenericAffine.mat, 1] \
-t movingToFixed_1InverseWarp.nii.gz \
-n GenericLabel[Linear] \
-o movingToFixedDeformed.nii.gz
Transform points from fixed to moving space:
${ANTSPATH}antsApplyTransformsToPoints \
-d 3 \
-i landmarksInFixedSpace.csv \
-o landmarksInMovingSpace.csv \
-t movingToFixed_1Warp.nii.gz \
-t movingToFixed_0GenericAffine.mat
The forward warps, which we use to deform an image from moving to fixed space, are the warps that transform points from fixed to moving space. To move points in the opposite direction:
${ANTSPATH}antsApplyTransformsToPoints \
-d 3 \
-i landmarksInMovingSpace.csv \
-o landmarksInFixedSpace.csv \
-t [movingToFixed_0GenericAffine.mat, 1]
-t movingToFixed_1InverseWarp.nii.gz \
The input and output to antsApplyTransformsToPoints
is in physical space as defined by ITK. This may vary from the coordinates as understood by NIFTI or other file formats. The coordinates need to be carefully validated by users. ANTsR has some capabilities to help with this.
Internally, deforming an image involves transforming a point set in the opposite direction to the intuitive direction of the warping. The "moving" image appears to be moving, but in reality it's being resampled. The sample points are a regular grid of voxel centers in the fixed space. A point at the center of a voxel is transformed to the corresponding location in moving space, an interpolated intensity value is computed, and the result is placed in the voxel in the output image.
This is why the transform ordering for antsApplyTransforms
and antsApplyTransformsToPoints
is different.