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71 lines (50 loc) · 1.94 KB

Beginner Quiz

File metadata and controls

71 lines (50 loc) · 1.94 KB

Beginner Quiz Answers

1. What differentiates neural search from the traditional symbolic search?

  • ☐ It takes less time to perform search
  • ☐ It works by matching the keywords to find the search results.
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] It provides contextual search results based on the semantics

2. What is the quickest way to experience the power of Jina?

  • ☐ Developer Portal
  • ☐ Reading the docs
  • ☐ Coding a simple search solution
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Running tutorial Colab notebook

3. Which among the following correctly represents Jina?

  • ☐ It's a neural search engine
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] It's a neural search framework
  • ☐ It's a deep learning framework
  • ☐ It's a search service provider

4. What is the fastest way to run Jina without worrying about the dependencies?

  • ☐ Via PIP Install
  • ☐ Via Docker
  • ☐ Via Conda
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] All of them takes the same time

5. What among the following are the basic building blocks of Jina?

  • ☐ Document, DocumentArray, Flow
  • ☐ Flow, DocumentArray, Document Store
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Document, Executor, Flow
  • ☐ Document, DocumentArray, DocumentArrayMemMap

6.Which of the following data types are supported by Jina to create a search solution?

  • ☐ Text
  • ☐ Image
  • ☐ Audio
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] All of them

7. What is the most basic data type in DocArray?

  • ☐ Document
  • ☐ Integer
  • ☐ String
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Array

8. What kind of data can a Document contain?

  • ☐ Text data
  • ☐ Numpy Array
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Any kind of data
  • ☐ Images

9. DocumentArray is first class citizen of?

  • ☐ Flow
  • ☐ Document
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Executor
  • ☐ All of them

10. An Executor performs a single task on?

  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Document
  • ☐ Flow
  • ☐ Graph
  • ☐ Text