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69 lines (49 loc) · 2.66 KB

Intermediate Quiz

File metadata and controls

69 lines (49 loc) · 2.66 KB

Intermediate Quiz Answers

1. What does an Executor do?

  • ☐ An Executor is the tool you use to execute your Flow from the CLI: execute
  • ☐ An Executor is a processing pipeline for indexing or querying a dataset
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] An Executor performs a single task on a Document or DocumentArray, like segmenting or encoding it.

2. What does a Flow do?

  • [:heavy_check_mark:] The Flow ties Executors together into a processing pipeline to perform a bigger task, like indexing or querying a dataset.
  • ☐ The Flow is a graphical interface that lets users see how their Documents are flowing into the processing pipeline.
  • ☐ The Flow is short for "fast, low-resource" and is a special kind of Executor for low-powered machines.
  • ☐ The Flow helps you visualize the input and the output flow of data.

3. What's the recommended way to share Executors with a colleague?

  • ☐ Send them a link to the repo
  • ☐ Dockerize your Executor and push directly to Docker Hub
  • ☐ Push your Executor to Pypi and ask them to install via pip
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Push your Executor to Jina Hub and share

4. Given a Document doc, what does doc.content refer to?

  • ☐ doc.tensor
  • ☐ doc.blob
  • ☐ doc.text
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Any of the above as long as the field is not empty

5. What is the best way to embed Documents in a DocumentArray

  • ☐ loop over Documents and compute embeddings
  • ☐ Iterate over batches of Documents and compute embeddings in batches
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Use method DocumentArray.embed
  • ☐ Create a new DocumentArray with computed embeddings

6. What formats are supported for creating Executors?

  • ☐ YAML
  • ☐ JSON
  • ☐ Python
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] YAML and Python

7. What function decorator is used to invoke an Executor?

  • [:heavy_check_mark:] @requests
  • ☐ @start
  • ☐ @invoke
  • ☐ @jina_invoke

8. What are the different ways to send request data in a Flow?

  • ☐ Document, DocumentArray, and None
  • ☐ An iterator of Document
  • ☐ A generator of Document
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] All of them

9. How can I store a DocumentArray in a database?

  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Use a different DocumentArray store
  • ☐ Serialize the DocumentArray and store it in a database
  • ☐ Create a relational database table for Document and use an ORM to persist Document to the table

10. Which communication protocol(s) does the Flow support?

  • ☐ HTTP, ZMQ and Sockets
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] GRPC, Websockets and HTTP
  • ☐ GRPC, HTTP and ZMQ
  • ☐ Websockets, GRPC and FTP