This document outlines the exchange of the public keys of the mint Bob
with the wallet user Alice
. Alice
uses the keys to unblind Bob
's blind signatures (see NUT-00).
Wallet user Alice
receives public keys from mint Bob
via GET /v1/keys
. The set of all public keys for a set of amounts is called a keyset.
The mint responds only with its active
keysets. Keyset are active
if the mint will sign promises with it. The mint will accept tokens from inactive keysets as inputs but will not sign with them for new outputs. The active
keysets can change over time, for example due to key rotation. A list of all keysets, active and inactive, can be requested separately (see NUT-02).
Note that a mint can support multiple keysets at the same time but will only respond with the active keysets on the endpoint GET /v1/keys
. A wallet can ask for the keys of a specific (active or inactive) keyset via the endpoint GET /v1/keys/{keyset_id}
(see NUT-02).
Keysets are generated by the mint. The mint is free to use any key generation method they like. Each keyset is identified by its keyset id
which can be computed by anyone from its public keys (see NUT-02).
Keys in Keysets are maps of the form {<amount_1> : <mint_pubkey_1>, <amount_2> : <mint_pubkey_2>, ...}
for each <amount_i>
of the amounts the mint Bob
supports and the corresponding public key <mint_pubkey_1>
, that is K_i
(see NUT-00). The mint MUST use the compressed Secp256k1 public key format to represent its public keys.
Request of Alice
With curl:
curl -X GET
Response GetKeysResponse
of Bob
"keysets": [
"id": <keyset_id_hex_str>,
"unit": <currency_unit_str>,
"keys": {
<amount_int>: <public_key_str>,
"keysets": [
"id": "009a1f293253e41e",
"unit": "sat",
"keys": {
"1": "02194603ffa36356f4a56b7df9371fc3192472351453ec7398b8da8117e7c3e104",
"2": "03b0f36d6d47ce14df8a7be9137712c42bcdd960b19dd02f1d4a9703b1f31d7513",
"4": "0366be6e026e42852498efb82014ca91e89da2e7a5bd3761bdad699fa2aec9fe09",
"8": "0253de5237f189606f29d8a690ea719f74d65f617bb1cb6fbea34f2bc4f930016d",