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Advanced Video Web

English | 中文

Agora provides a set of sample applications demonstrating how to get advanced video features integrated into your application using the Agora Video SDK on Web.

Project Folder Name Description
17-Multistream How to quickly create a live app using Agora Web SDK, implement 17 person live
Agora-Custom-VideoSource-Web-Webpack How to quickly create Custom Video Source
Agora-Screen-Sharing-Web-Webpack How to quickly create ScreenSharing
LargeGroupVideoChat-Web-Webpack How to quickly create Custom Video Source using the Agora sample app
Remote-Control-Web A web based remote control demo, built on AgoraRTCSDK and AgoraRTMSDK

Contact Us

  • For potential issues, take a look at our FAQ first
  • Dive into Agora SDK Samples to see more tutorials
  • Take a look at Agora Use Case for more complicated real use case
  • Repositories managed by developer communities can be found at Agora Community
  • You can find full API documentation at Document Center
  • If you encounter problems during integration, you can ask question in Stack Overflow
  • You can file bugs about this sample at issue


All sample applications are licensed under the MIT License (MIT).