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Setting up an Agoric Dapp Client with docker compose

Michael FIG edited this page May 9, 2021 · 29 revisions

Note for Incentivized Testnet participants:

Some of the following instructions are different if you're on the incentivised testnet. In particular, be sure to:

  1. When starting your background ag-solo, use the following docker-compose.yml (not the one for the beta)
  2. When registering your client, send your !faucet client agoric1... request to #testnet-faucet not #faucet
  3. Use the following to run ag-cosmos-helper commands:
# enter Bash in the container
docker-compose exec ag-solo bash
# list your keys
AGCH="ag-cosmos-helper --home=agorictest-11/ag-cosmos-helper-statedir --keyring-backend=test"
$AGCH keys list
# run other helper commands
$AGCH ...
# exit Bash

Quick Start (Overview)

  1. Install Docker Compose (if you haven't already)
  2. Start the ag-solo service: docker-compose up -d
  3. Watch the logs for registration details: docker-compose logs -f --tail=50
  4. Register your client via the Agoric discord faucet
  5. Issue an unguessable URL to the wallet: docker-compose exec ag-solo agoric open --repl

See also: How To: Connect Your Wallet video.

Detailed Instructions

Install Docker Compose

Choose your platform:

Note: On desktop systems like Docker Desktop for Mac and Windows, Docker Compose is included as part of those desktop installs. You will need to open the application to install docker-compose.

Start background ag-solo

Get docker-compose.yml (for beta) or docker-compose.yml (for testnet), make sure it's in the current directory of your terminal, and enter the following commands:

docker-compose pull    # get the current image
docker-compose up -d

Watch the logs

Enter this command to watch the logs:

docker-compose logs -f --tail=50

You should see logs like:

ag-solo_1  | 2021-03-23T19:50:25.466Z ag-solo: init: key generated, now extracting address
ag-solo_1  | 2021-03-23T19:50:25.534Z ag-solo: init: ag-solo initialized in /usr/src/agoric-sdk/packages/cosmic-swingset/solo/agoric
ag-solo_1  | 2021-03-23T19:50:25.535Z ag-solo: init: HTTP/WebSocket will listen on

Note: visiting without an access token is of little use.

Register your client via the Agoric discord faucet

The ag-solo service will prompt you every few seconds until you register:

ag-solo_1  | =============
ag-solo_1  | agoricdev-1 chain does not yet know of address agoric1l73dgx3yhxc6...
ag-solo_1  | 
ag-solo_1  | Send:
ag-solo_1  | 
ag-solo_1  |   !faucet client agoric1l73dgx3yhxc6...
ag-solo_1  | 
ag-solo_1  | to #faucet channel on
ag-solo_1  | =============

So visit , go to the #faucet channel, and enter the message as instructed. After a brief pause, you should see in discord that your request was approved.

Note: Each address can be registered this way only once. If you make another request with the same address, it will be declined.

Your ag-solo log should show:

ag-solo_1  | 2021-03-23T19:51:09.339Z start: swingset running

At this point, you can stop the docker-compose logs process (Control-C).

Open the Agoric wallet using an unguessable URL

Request an unguessable URL using agoric open:

docker-compose exec ag-solo agoric open --repl

You should see:

Launching wallet...

Visit that URL to open the Agoric wallet and REPL.

Right away the wallet should show "connected" to the local ag-solo, but most of the page is inactive while it does a few on-chain transactions to locate issuers and such. Then you should see a few purses with balances of various (fictitous) tokens.

Persistent state: the ag-solo volume

You may have noticed that the ag-solo service generated a key when it started:

ag-solo_1  | 2021-03-23T19:50:25.466Z ag-solo: init: key generated, now extracting address

The docker-compose.yml file is configured to set up an ag-solo docker volume to store that key and your client state.

You can bring your ag-solo service up and down as usual; the ag-solo volume is preserved:

docker-compose down

docker-compose up -d

# to check whether it's up or down:
docker-compose ps


If you want to reset the client state (note that this will LOSE ALL TOKENS), use docker-compose down -v to remove the persistent volume.

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