Create a new React app
npx create-react-app name
Develop mode
npm start
React Router Dom
npm install react-router-dom
npm install boostrap
npm install firebase
npm run build
ByteBazaar it's an e-commerce made with React js where you can visualize products stored in firebase and generate an purchase order.
You can buy products form the home page or navigating into three categories where the products are distributed; Those categories are headphones, notebooks and smartphones.
After having chosen your products and having pressed the "Finish buying " button, you will be redirected to the cart page.
The cart section contains the quantity of porducts and the products to buy. There you can delete items from the cart, make a cart refresh or go to the checkout section.
To generate an order first of all you must complete the formulary. It is not posible leaving inputs in blank space, the phone number only accepts numbers and the email must be the equal to email validation. Both must have "@" and ".com", If any of the requirements is not met, a message will be displayed informing which field to modify. if all the requirements are right, the checkout will generate an id of purchase.
Making the app responsive would improve the performance and usability of the app.
The login space to verify the customers.
Validate the stock at the moment of generating a new order.