ios 13 app that fetch data from deezer api and keep track the most famous artist and songs
musico is music app buitl with avkit with the ability to listen the music with the song for the most famous artists and search for your favoirite songs from deezer api
- [1] search for songs
- [2] listen for music with the ability to change sound
- [3] animate playerView from the small view to full view
- [4] listen to famuos music with the spesific genre
- [5] famous artists music like arabic artists
- [6] profile page
- [7] support for dark and white mode
- iOS 13.0
- Xcode 11
pod 'Alamofire'
pod 'Kingfisher'
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
pod 'lottie-ios'
- Alamoofire Network layer
- MVC pattern
- collection view compostional layout
- xibs files
- layout with code
I would appreciate the contribution for musico, just fork the repo and feel free to use it