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196 lines (170 loc) · 7.89 KB

This is a Aidbox Forms Smart Launch project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

You can use this project as a starting point for building your own Aidbox Forms Smart App. It is intentionally kept simple to help you understand how to integrate Aidbox Forms adapt it to your needs.

It includes an implementation of:

  • SMART on FHIR Launch sequence on the backend
    • Cookie based session management
  • Configuration of Aidbox server
    • Multitenancy via Organization based Access Control
  • Client authentication with Aidbox
  • FHIR resources synchronization using $everything
  • FHIR resources synchronization using predefined resource URLs
  • Integration of Aidbox Forms via web components
  • Questionnaire CRUD operations
    • Searching questionnaires
    • Viewing questionnaires
    • Creating questionnaire responses
    • Viewing public library
    • Importing questionnaires from public library
    • Editing questionnaires
    • Deleting questionnaires
  • Questionnaire response CRUD operations
    • Creating questionnaire responses
      • Pre-populating questionnaire responses
    • Viewing questionnaire responses
    • Editing questionnaire responses
    • Deleting questionnaire responses



First, copy .env.example to .env and set the correct values:

cp .env.example .env

Obtain license key from Aidbox and set it in AIDBOX_LICENSE variable.

Then, start aidbox server:

docker-compose up -d

Install dependencies:

pnpm install

Then, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Aidbox server will be available at http://localhost:8888.

Interaction Diagram

    actor Customer as User
    participant EHR as EHR <br> (with auth server)
    participant Smart App as Smart App <br> (with backend)
    participant Aidbox as Aidbox <br> (not publicly accessible)
    Note right of Smart App: Communicates with Aidbox <br> using HTTP basic auth
    Customer ->> EHR: Launch Smart App
    EHR ->> Smart App: Launch context + Access Token
    Smart App ->> Aidbox: Upsert organization
    activate Smart App
    Note right of Smart App: Unique organization per EHR
    Note right of Aidbox: From this point forward, 🔒 indicates that <br> requests are made exclusively within <br>the scope of the corresponding EHR Organization
    Smart App ->> Aidbox: Upsert resources from launch context 🔒

    alt Sync using $everything
        Smart App ->>+ EHR: Request /Patient/:id/$everything
        EHR ->>- Smart App: Return a bundle
        Smart App ->> Aidbox: Upsert resource from the bundle 🔒
    else Sync using predefined resource URLs
        loop For each resource URL
            Smart App ->>+ EHR: Send Get request to the URL
            Note left of Smart App: Optionally substitute current patient id
            EHR ->>- Smart App: Return a bundle (or single resource)
            Smart App ->> Aidbox: Upsert resource from the bundle 🔒
    deactivate Smart App
    Smart App ->> Customer: Redirect to dashboard
    opt Viewing questionnaires
        Customer ->>+ Smart App: Show questionnaires
        Smart App ->>+ Aidbox: Request /Questionnaire 🔒
        Aidbox ->>- Smart App: Return questionnaires
        Smart App ->>- Customer: Display questionnaires
        Customer ->>+ Smart App: Edit questionnaire
        Smart App ->>- Customer: Display Form Builder
%% opt Viewing public library
%%     Customer ->>+ Smart App: Show public library
%%     Smart App ->>+ Public Library: Request /Questionnaire
%%     Public Library ->>- Smart App: Return questionnaires
%%     Smart App ->>- Customer: Display questionnaires of public library
%% end
%% opt Importing questionnaires
%%     Customer ->>+ Smart App: Import questionnaire
%%     Smart App ->>+ Public Library: Request /Questionnaire/:id
%%     Public Library ->>- Smart App: Return a questionnaire
%%     Smart App ->> Aidbox: Insert the questionnaire 🔒
%%     Smart App ->>- Customer: Display questionnaires
%% end
    opt Creating questionnaire responses
        Customer ->>+ Smart App: Create response response <br> from the selected questionnaire
        Smart App ->>+ Aidbox: Request Questionnaire/$populate 🔒
        Aidbox ->> Aidbox: Execute fhir queries <br> from population expression 🔒
        Note right of Aidbox: Guaranteed by Aidbox to run correctly, as <br> it has proper implementations of search parameters
        Aidbox ->>- Smart App: Return a questionnaire response
        Smart App ->> Aidbox: Save the questionnaire response 🔒
        Smart App ->>- Customer: Display Form Renderer with <br> the created questionnaire response
        Customer ->> Smart App: Fill
        Customer ->>+ Smart App: Submit
        Smart App ->> Aidbox: Request /Questionnaire/$process-response 🔒
        activate Aidbox
        Aidbox ->> Aidbox: Validate the questionnaire response 🔒
        alt validation ok
            Aidbox ->> Aidbox: Save the questionnaire response 🔒
            Aidbox ->> Smart App: Return the questionnaire response
            Smart App ->> Customer: Display update questionnaire response
        else validation error
            Aidbox ->> Smart App: Return errors
            Smart App ->> Customer: Display Errors
        deactivate Aidbox
        deactivate Smart App


  1. SMART Launch & Authorization Flow:
  • The app implements SMART on FHIR launch sequence using /api/launch/authorize and /api/launch/ready endpoints
  • Uses fhirclient library for SMART authorization
  • Supports both standalone and EHR launch flows
  • Configured scopes include: openid, fhirUser, profile, offline_access, launch, launch/patient, patient/.rs, user/.rs
  • Client ID is set to "aidbox-forms"
  1. Resource Synchronization:
  • After successful authorization, the app syncs FHIR resources from the launch context to Aidbox
  • The sync process includes:
    • Patient data from launch context
    • User data (Practitioner/RelatedPerson)
    • Current encounter if available
    • Additional context resources from token response
    • Patient $everything operation results
  • Resources are synchronized using a FHIR batch bundle with PUT requests
  • Each resource is stored in an organizational compartment in Aidbox
  1. Forms Management:
  • Supports FHIR Questionnaire and QuestionnaireResponse resources
  • Provides UI for:
    • Viewing/searching questionnaires
    • Creating/editing questionnaires using a form builder
    • Filling questionnaires
    • Managing questionnaire responses
  • Uses web components from for rendering and building forms
  • Supports population of QuestionnaireResponses with launch context data
  1. Data Access:
  • Resources are stored in organizational compartments based on the FHIR server URL
  • Implements pagination and search functionality for resources
  • Supports filtering by various attributes (name, gender, title etc.)
  • Handles resource relationships and includes (e.g. QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire)
  1. UI Features:
  • Modern React-based UI with Next.js
  • Responsive sidebar navigation
  • Tabular views with sorting and filtering
  • Form builder and renderer integration
  • Patient context display

The application follows a clean architecture with:

  • Clear separation of server/client code
  • Type-safe FHIR resource handling
  • Error handling and logging
  • Efficient resource synchronization
  • Modern UI components and styling with shadcn/ui

The key integration points are:

  1. SMART launch sequence for authorization
  2. Resource synchronization with Aidbox
  3. Form builder/renderer web components
  4. FHIR API interactions for resource management