Uses an object-hash replacer to transform FormData objects to key-value object maps before hashing.
This allows requests using FormData to be cached: #7
Applications that relied on exceptions being thrown when sending FormData requests through Cachios should be modified to expect the updated behaviour.
Adds initial Typescript support.
Adds support for asynchronous cache repositories like keyv: #61
If you use a synchronous cache store and have not modified
in your project, Cachios v3 will be backwards compatible for you. -
If you modified Cachios to use an asynchronous cache store, or
to return promises or undefined values, orsetCachedValue
to return promises, Cachios v3 may not be backwards compatible for you.
The full change can be viewed in 9ee35e125ee7c8dc08c80da0db9f972c222c0462 , human-readable changes summarized below:
Results from getCachedValue
were passed back to caller as-is.
Results from setCachedValue
were ignored.
Results from getCachedValue
are resolved using Promise.resolve
. If they are rejected or resolve to undefined
, Cachios will assume no cached value exists and will send a fresh request using Axios.
Results from setCachedValue
are passed up the promise chain.
Prevents issues with sharing cancelled promises: #55
Support Axios ^0.21.0 and ^0.20.0 in addition to ^0.18.0 and ^0.19.0
Support node-cache ^5.0.0 in addition to ^4.1.1
Bump object-hash to ^2.0.0
Support Axios ^0.19.0 in addition to ^0.18.0
Forced cache invalidation added:
Deduplicates simultaneous identical requests: #44
This release does not change the public interface to cachios
, but does vastly change the build process and removes some polyfills.
Because of this, I am releasing it as 2.0.0.
It removes:
- eslint, but the project still adheres to
- this could affect browser compatibility, but it "shouldn't". Axios already requires promises to be natively supported (it does not polyfill them) and that is the only "new JS" we use.