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CSxAPI is a strongly-typed API client library for Cisco xAPI. It is similar to the official jsxapi implementation, but for .NET instead of JavaScript. xAPI is an API exposed by Cisco video conferencing devices, also known as Collaboration Endpoints, Webex Rooms, Cisco devices, room systems, TelePresence, and codecs.

This library can send and receive xCommands, xConfigurations, xStatuses, and xEvents over a WebSocket connection, which is available in Cisco software versions ≥ CE 9.7, and enabled by default in versions ≥ RoomOS 10.8.

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. API documentation
  4. Connection
  5. Operations
  6. Error handling
  7. Testing

Room Kit


  • .NET 6 or later
  • Cisco endpoint
    • Targeted endpoint software version: RoomOS 11.14
      • Each CSxAPI library release targets exactly one endpoint software version, ideally the latest on-premises version
      • Other endpoint software versions should also work, as long as the API didn't introduce any breaking changes from the target version
      • This library makes no additional attempt at backwards compatibility other than that afforded by xAPI, which is very backwards compatible on its own
    • Minimum endpoint software versions: CE 9.7 and RoomOS 10.3
    • Hardware: Room, Board, Desk, SX, DX, or MX series are compatible
      • Tested on a Room Kit and a Room Kit Plus PTZ 4K
      • xAPI over WebSocket does not exist on C, CTS, E, EX, IX, MXP, or T series endpoints, therefore they are not compatible
    • Configuration: WebSocket protocol must be enabled
      • Enabled by default in endpoint software versions ≥ RoomOS 10.8
      • Enable by running xConfiguration NetworkServices Websocket: FollowHTTPService through SSH, Telnet, or an RS-232 serial connection (XACLI); the web admin site; or the XML HTTP API (TXAS)
      • /Configuration/NetworkServices/HTTP/Mode must not be Off
    • Addressing: you must know the endpoint's IP address, FQDN, or other hostname
    • Authentication: you need the username and password of an active user that can log in to the endpoint
      • If the endpoint is registered to Webex and has no local users, you must create a new local user through Local Device Controls
    • Network: open TCP route from your client to port 443 on the endpoint


The CSxAPI package is available on NuGet Gallery.

dotnet add package CSxAPI

API documentation

For xAPI documentation, refer to the API Reference Guide PDF or xAPI documentation website for the endpoint software version that this CSxAPI release targets.


Construct a new CSxAPIClient instance for each Cisco endpoint you want to connect to.

using CSxAPI;

await using XAPI xAPI = new CSxAPIClient(hostname: "", username: "admin", password: "password123!");

await xAPI.Connect();

To disconnect, CSxAPIClient instances must be disposed with await using, using, or .Dispose().


You don't have to pass any of these options, but they're here if you need them.

new CSxAPIClient(hostname, username, password) {
    AllowSelfSignedTls = false,
    AutoReconnect = true,
    ConsoleTracing = false
  • AllowSelfSignedTls: set to true if connections to WebSocket servers with self-signed or invalid TLS certificates should be allowed, or false (default) to require valid certificates that chain to trusted CAs.
  • AutoReconnect: set to false to disable automatic reconnections when the WebSocket is lost
  • ConsoleTracing: set to true to print all JSON-RPC requests and responses sent and received over the WebSocket connection to the console.



You can call xCommand methods, passing arguments and receiving a dictionary response.

IDictionary<string, object> result = await xapi.Command.Dial(number: "[email protected]");
Console.WriteLine($"Dialed call {result["CallId"]} (conference {result["ConferenceId"]})");


You can read, write, and listen for changes to the value of xConfiguration options.


string name = await xapi.Configuration.SystemUnit.Name();


await xapi.Configuration.SystemUnit.Name("Whisper Blade");


xapi.Configuration.SystemUnit.NameChanged += newName => Console.WriteLine($"System name changed to {newName}");


You can read the current value of xStatus states and get notified when they change.


TimeSpan uptime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(await xapi.Status.SystemUnit.Uptime());
Console.WriteLine($"Endpoint has been up for {uptime.Days:N0} day(s), {uptime.Hours:N0} hour(s), {uptime.Minutes:N0} minute(s), and {uptime.Seconds:N0} second(s).");


xapi.Status.Call.N.StatusChanged += callStatus => {
    if (callStatus == StatusCallNStatus.Connected) {
        Console.WriteLine("Call connected");


In addition to changes to Configuration and Status values, you can also listen for an xEvent being emitted.

xapi.Event.UserInterface.Message.TextInput.Response += response => {
    if (response.FeedbackId == "my expected feedback ID") {
        Console.WriteLine($"User entered {response.Text} into the TextInput dialog");

Error handling

All exceptions thrown by this library inherit from the XapiException superclass. Exceptions that are the fault of the client (like illegal arguments) inherit from the ClientException subclass. Exceptions that are caused by network issues (like timeouts) inherit from the NetworkException subclass.


The CSxAPIClient class exposes the bool IsConnected property, which is true when the WebSocket is connected and false otherwise.

To receive notifications when it is disconnected, subscribe to the IsConnectedChanged event. Its isConnected argument will be false if the endpoint just disconnected, or true if it just reconnected. The disconnectionDetails will contain the underlying reason behind the disconnection if the endpoint just disconnected, otherwise it will be null if the endpoint just reconnected. This event is fired when the first call to Connect() succeeds after constructing the CSxAPIClient instance, but not when the instance is disposed.

If you send a request when the client is disconnected from the WebSocket server and auto-reconnecting is disabled, it will throw a DisconnectedException instead of retrying the request.


The WebSocket connection between this library and the endpoint can disconnect, for example, if an ethernet cable is unplugged, or if the endpoint reboots. When this happens, CSxAPI will try to automatically reconnect.

If it succeeds, it will fire the IsConnectedChanged event with isConnected set to true, calls to xCommands, xConfigurations, and xStatuses will succeed again, and any xFeedback events to which you previously subscribed will be able to be received again. Any commands that were sent while the endpoint was reconnecting will automatically wait for the connection is reestablished, retry, and return the new result to the original caller.

To disable automatic reconnections, set the AutoReconnect property to false on the CSxAPIClient. In this case, any commands that are sent while the endpoint is disconnected will throw a DisconnectedException instead of being retried.

Not authenticated

If you connect with the wrong username or password, Connect() will throw an AuthenticationException.

It will also throw this same exception if you supply a hostname for a different server, because the response HTTP status code will not be 101 (Switching Protocols). Authentication failures to Cisco endpoint WebSocket server return 403 Forbidden, but any old HTTP server could also return 403 (or 401, or 404, or any number of other status codes) if you set the hostname wrong. The question of whether that hostname corresponds to a Cisco endpoint for which you're not authorized is ultimately unanswerable and unimportant.

Command not found

If you try to call an xCommand, xConfiguration, or xStatus on an endpoint that does not support it, the method call will asynchronously throw a CommandNotFoundException.

For example, xCommand Cameras Background Clear only applies to Desk series endpoints. If you try to call it on a different endpoint, such as a Room Kit, it will throw that exception.

Illegal arguments

If you try to call an xCommand or xConfiguration on an endpoint and pass an argument that is invalid, the method will asynchronously throw an IllegalArgumentException.

For example, xCommand Dial requires a Number argument. If you pass the empty string, instead of a valid dial string like a SIP URI, it will throw that exception.

Network errors

All other exceptions caused by network issues are subclasses of NetworkException:

  • ConnectionRefusedException
  • DisconnectedException
  • InvalidCertificateException
  • NoRouteToHostException
  • TimeOutException
  • UnknownHostException


If you want to automate testing of code that depends on CSxAPI, you can easily mock out CSxAPI because it is based on interfaces like XAPI.

For example, using the best-in-class .NET testing libraries FakeItEasy for mocking and Fluent Assertions for assertions, it's simple to verify this sample code under test that dials and hangs up a call.

using CSxAPI;
using FakeItEasy;
using FluentAssertions;
using Xunit;

public class SampleUnitTest {

    private readonly XAPI xapi = A.Fake<XAPI>(); // mocked CSxAPIClient

    public async Task DialAndHangUp() {
        // Arrange
        A.CallTo(() => xapi.Command.Dial(A<string>._, null, null, null, null, null, null, null))
            .Returns(new Dictionary<string, object> { ["CallId"] = 3, ["ConferenceId"] = 2 });

        // Act
        IDictionary<string, object> actual = await xapi.Command.Dial("[email protected]");
        await xapi.Command.Call.Disconnect((int?) actual["CallId"]);

        // Assert

        A.CallTo(() => xapi.Command.Dial("[email protected]", null, null, null, null, null, null, null))
        A.CallTo(() => xapi.Command.Call.Disconnect(3)).MustHaveHappened();
