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Console Chipset

The console has a chipset that controls the interrupts and system timer as well as provides access to read the status of the controller buttons. Since the chipset is a custom design, the potential to add capabilities to the chipset may be possible. Below is the register memory location and size.

Base Address Size Description
0x40000000 0x4 (4B) Interrupt Enable Register
0x40000004 0x4 (4B) Interrupt Pending Register
0x40000008 0x8 (8B) Machine Time (mtime)
0x40000010 0x8 (8B) Machine Time Compare (mtimecmp)
0x40000018 0x4 (4B) Multi-Button Controller Status Register
0x4000001C 0x4 (4B) Cartridge Status Register
0x40000020 0x4 (4B) DMA Channel 1 Source Register
0x40000024 0x4 (4B) DMA Channel 1 Destination Register
0x40000028 0x4 (4B) DMA Channel 1 Command Register
0x4000002C 0x4 (4B) DMA Channel 1 Status Register
0x40000030 0x4 (4B) DMA Channel 2 Source Register
0x40000034 0x4 (4B) DMA Channel 2 Destination Register
0x40000038 0x4 (4B) DMA Channel 2 Command Register
0x4000003C 0x4 (4B) DMA Channel 2 Status Register
0x40000040 0x4 (4B) Machine Clock Period Register
0x40000044 0x4 (4B) Video Clock Period Register

Notice that the Machine Time and Machine Time Compare registers are 64 bits in size and will require multiple accesses to read or write them. See Machine Timer Registers (mtime and mtimecmp) section of The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume II: Privileged Architecture for more information.

Interrupt Enable Register

The layout of the Interrupt Enable Register can be seen in the table below.

Bit 31..6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Description Reserved D2IE D1IE Reserved CMIE VIE CIE

The CIE bit represents the Cartridge Interrupt Enable bit, the VIE bit represents the Video Interrupt Enable bit, the CMIE bit represents the Command Interrupt Enable bit, and the D1IE and D2IE bits represent the DMA channel 1 and 2 Interrupt Enable bits respectively. The CIE, VIE, CMIE, D1IE, and D2IE have corresponding Pending Interrupt bits CIP, VIP, CMIP, D1IP, and D2IP in the Interrupt Pending Register.

Interrupt Pending Register

See table below for the layout of the Interrupt Pending Register. The pending interrupt is cleared by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit, NOT by writing a zero. The reason for writing a 1 is that the register doesn't need to be read ANDed and then written back in order to clear the pending interrupt.

Bit 31..6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Description Reserved D2IP D1IP Reserved CMIP VIP CIP

Multi-Button Controller Status Register

The Multi-Button Controller Status Register layout can be seen below.

Bit 31..8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Description Reserved B4D B3D B2D B1D RDD DDD UDD LDD

The LDD, UDD, DDD, and RDD bit represent the status of the Left Direction, Up Direction, Down Direction and Right Direction switches if they are Depressed. The buttons 1 – 4 are represented by the B1D through B4D bits.

Cartridge Status Register

The Cartridge Status Register layout can be seen in below.

Bit 31..2 1 0
Description Entry Address Reserved CIS

The CIS bit specifies if the cartridge is inserted or not. The Entry Address is the entry point to the cartridge application. It is assume that instructions are 32-bit aligned in RISC-V 32, so the low two bits will be zero for the Entry Address.

DMA Channel

The console chipset has two integrated DMA channels that are each capable of transfering up to 16,777,215 bytes in a transfer. Once intiated the DMA channel will transfer up to 32-bits per CPU cycle until the transfer has been completed.

DMA Source Register

The DMA Source Register layout can be seen below. Each source register is a memory source base for the beginning of the DMA transfer.

Bit 31..0
Description Source Address

DMA Destination Register

The DMA Destination Register layout can be seen below. Each destination register is the memory destination base for the beginning of the DMA transfer.

Bit 31..0
Description Destination Address

DMA Command Register

The DMA Command Register layout can be seen below. The SDT bit specifies to start a DMA transfer, it is always read as a zero. The Transfer Size specifies the number of bytes to transfer from the source to destination, if zero bytes are specified the current transfer will be cancelled.

Bit 31 30..24 23..0
Description SDT Reserved Transfer Size

DMA Status Register

The layout of the DMA Status Register can be seen below. The DTA bit specifies if a DMA transfer is active currently and if commands will be ignored. The SME and DME specify if a source or destination memory error occurred on the previous DMA transfer. The DTC bit specifies if the previous DMA transfer was cancelled. The SME, DME, and DTC bits will be cleared upon initialization of the next DMA transfer.

Bit 31 30 29 28 27..24 23..0
Description DTA SME DME DTC Reserved Transfer Remaining

Machine Clock Period Register

The Machine Clock Period Register provides the clock period of the Machine Time clock in microseconds. The register is read only.

Bit 31..0
Description Period

Video Clock Period Register

The Video Clock Period Register provides the clock period of the Video Timer Tick clock in milliseconds. The register is read only.

Bit 31..0
Description Period