Install mongodb-sharded on k8s with the help of bitnami chart:
helm upgrade mongoshard --install bitnami/mongodb-sharded \
--set shards=3,global.imageRegistry="" \
--set configsvr.replicaCount="3" \
--set shardsvr.dataNode.replicaCount="2",mongos.replicaCount=2 \
--version 7.0.2
mongodb sharded structure is made of mainly 3 parts:
- mongos : coordinator or a router for the incoming connections from the clients
- configserver: it stores data about the current mongodb cluster and gives mongos info for coordination
- shards : where the actuall data is stored , shards are replicated to each instance (you should read more about it)
This helm chart will deploy:
- 3 shards
- and the shard instances are replicated (2*3 instances for shards)
- 3 config server instances
- 2 mongos instances
this is just a quick setup and it is not advised for production because there will be more than enough complexity
python code example for connection to mongodb