diff --git a/notebooks/220606_trial_averaged_stimulus_response_dfs.html b/notebooks/220606_trial_averaged_stimulus_response_dfs.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a6a49d24 --- /dev/null +++ b/notebooks/220606_trial_averaged_stimulus_response_dfs.html @@ -0,0 +1,17721 @@ + + +
+ +Using learning_mFISH
branch of visual_behavior_analysis
import os
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import seaborn as sns
+sns.set_context('notebook', font_scale=1.5, rc={'lines.markeredgewidth': 2})
%load_ext autoreload
+%autoreload 2
+%matplotlib inline
import visual_behavior.data_access.loading as loading
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.behavior_project_cache import VisualBehaviorOphysProjectCache
+cache = VisualBehaviorOphysProjectCache.from_lims()
experiments_table = cache.get_ophys_experiment_table(passed_only=False)
+experiments_table = experiments_table[experiments_table.project_code=='LearningmFISHTask1A']
# what mice do we have?
behavior_sessions = cache.get_behavior_session_table()
mouse_id = '603892' # bestest GAD2 mouse
+# look at training history for this mouse
+mouse_beh_data = behavior_sessions[behavior_sessions.mouse_id==mouse_id].sort_values(by='date_of_acquisition')
+mouse_beh_data[['mouse_id', 'session_type', 'ophys_experiment_id', 'prior_exposures_to_image_set']]
experiment_ids = experiments_table[experiments_table.behavior_session_id==1156064616].index.values
experiment_id = experiment_ids[0]
dataset = cache.get_behavior_ophys_experiment(experiment_id)
plt.imshow(dataset.max_projection, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dataset.segmentation_mask_image, cmap='gray')
This VBA helper function calls core functions in mindscope_utilities
, including mindscope_utilities.visual_behavior_ophys.data_formatting.get_stimulus_response_df
and mindscope_utilities
, including mindscope_utilities.visual_behavior_ophys.data_formatting.get_annotated_stimulus_presentations
stimulus_response_df = loading.get_stimulus_response_df(dataset, time_window=[-3, 3.1],
+ interpolate=True, output_sampling_rate=30,
+ data_type='dff', event_type='all')
contains the stimulus aligned trace for every cell, for every stimulus presentation in the session, in a defined time window around stimulus onset
You can easily plot the population average response for all rows of the table (all stimulus conditions, all cells), or separating out just omissions or just changes
+ +plt.plot(stimulus_response_df.trace_timestamps.mean(), stimulus_response_df.trace.mean())
+plt.xlabel('time relative to stimulus onset (s)')
+plt.ylabel('population response')
# changes
+traces = stimulus_response_df[stimulus_response_df.is_change==True].trace.values
+timestamps = stimulus_response_df.trace_timestamps.values[0] # timestamps are shared across all rows
+plt.plot(timestamps, traces.mean())
+plt.xlabel('time after change (s)')
+plt.ylabel('population response')
# for each image
+for image_name in stimulus_response_df.image_name.unique():
+ traces = stimulus_response_df[stimulus_response_df.image_name==image_name].trace.values
+ timestamps = stimulus_response_df.trace_timestamps.values[0] # timestamps are shared across all rows
+ plt.plot(timestamps, traces.mean(), label=image_name)
+plt.xlabel('time (s)')
+plt.ylabel('population response')
There is a lot of metadata for each stimulus presentation
+ +stimulus_response_df.keys()
import visual_behavior.visualization.utils as utils
# hits vs. misses
+hit_traces = stimulus_response_df[(stimulus_response_df.is_change==True)&
+ (stimulus_response_df.licked==True)].trace.values
+miss_traces = stimulus_response_df[(stimulus_response_df.is_change==True)&
+ (stimulus_response_df.licked==False)].trace.values
+timestamps = stimulus_response_df.trace_timestamps.values[0] # timestamps are shared across all rows
+fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ax = utils.plot_mean_trace(hit_traces, timestamps, legend_label='hit', color='g', xlim_seconds=[-2, 2], ax=ax)
+ax = utils.plot_mean_trace(miss_traces, timestamps, legend_label='miss', color='r', xlim_seconds=[-2, 2], ax=ax)
+ax = utils.plot_flashes_on_trace(ax, timestamps, change=True)
+ax.set_xlabel('time after change (s)')
+ax.set_ylabel('population response')
check the documentation for what data_type
values are accepted
# use a different data_type, and set event_type to just get changes
+running_traces = loading.get_stimulus_response_df(dataset, time_window=[-2, 2.1],
+ interpolate=True, output_sampling_rate=30,
+ data_type='running_speed', event_type='changes')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+timestamps = running_traces.trace_timestamps.values[0]
+traces = running_traces.trace.values
+ax = utils.plot_mean_trace(traces, timestamps, xlim_seconds=[-2, 2.1], ax=ax)
+ax = utils.plot_flashes_on_trace(ax, timestamps, change=True)
# lets look at the first day of novel images
+expts = experiments_table[(experiments_table.mouse_id==mouse_id)&
+ (experiments_table.prior_exposures_to_image_set==0)&
+ (experiments_table.session_type=='OPHYS_4_images_B')]
experiment_id = expts.index.values[0]
+expts.loc[experiment_id][['targeted_structure', 'imaging_depth', 'cre_line']]
# include invalid ROIs so it actually loads something
+dataset = loading.get_ophys_dataset(experiment_id)
# set all params here so they can be used later
+time_window = [-3, 3.1]
+interpolate = True
+output_sampling_rate = 30
+data_type = 'dff'
+event_type = 'changes'
+# get stimulus_response_df for changes, with annotated stimulus presentations columns
+stimulus_response_df = loading.get_stimulus_response_df(dataset, time_window=time_window,
+ interpolate=interpolate, output_sampling_rate=output_sampling_rate,
+ data_type=data_type, event_type=event_type)
df = stimulus_response_df.copy()
# check that 'epoch' column is in the dataframe so it can be used as a condition to group by
import visual_behavior.ophys.response_analysis.utilities as ut
# get params for mean df creation from stimulus_response_df
+if 'response_window_duration' in df.keys():
+ response_window_duration = df.response_window_duration.values[0]
+output_sampling_rate = df.frame_rate.unique()[0]
+timestamps = df.trace_timestamps.values[0]
+window_around_timepoint_seconds = [timestamps[0], timestamps[-1]]
+# set conditions to average over
+conditions = ['cell_specimen_id', 'epoch']
+# use VBA get_mean_df function to average over trials defined by `conditions`
+# must use same time_window and frame rate as was used to create the stim_response_df
+mdf = ut.get_mean_df(df, conditions=conditions, frame_rate=output_sampling_rate,
+ time_window=time_window, response_window_duration=response_window_duration)
+# get rid of last epoch which doesnt have 10 full minutes in it
+epochs = np.sort(mdf.epoch.unique())
+mdf = mdf[mdf.epoch<epochs[-1]]
import visual_behavior.visualization.utils as utils
cell_specimen_id = mdf.cell_specimen_id.unique()[0]
+epochs = mdf.epoch.unique()
+colors = sns.color_palette('magma', len(epochs))
+fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+for i,epoch in enumerate(epochs):
+ cell_data = mdf[(mdf.cell_specimen_id==cell_specimen_id)&(mdf.epoch==epoch)]
+ ax = utils.plot_mean_trace_from_mean_df(cell_data, frame_rate=output_sampling_rate, color=colors[i],
+ legend_label=epoch, xlims=time_window, ax=ax)
+ ax = utils.plot_flashes_on_trace(ax, timestamps=cell_data.trace_timestamps.values[0], change=True)
+ax.legend(fontsize='x-small', title='epoch', title_fontsize='x-small', loc='upper left')
+ax.set_title('cell_specimen_id: '+str(cell_specimen_id))
# get some container for special mouse
+mouse_data = experiments_table[experiments_table.mouse_id==mouse_id]
+container_id = mouse_data.ophys_container_id.unique()[0]
+experiment_ids = mouse_data[mouse_data.ophys_container_id==container_id].index.values
Note: this takes a while
+ +# params for stim_response_df
+data_type = 'dff'
+event_type = 'changes'
+time_window = [-2, 2.1]
+interpolate = True
+output_sampling_rate = 30
+# conditions to average trials over
+conditions = ['cell_specimen_id', 'image_name']
+# loop through experients and aggregated trial averaged dfs
+big_mdf = pd.DataFrame()
+for experiment_id in experiment_ids:
+ try: # not all experiments load so need to to try except
+ print('expt_id:', experiment_id, ',', np.where(experiment_ids==experiment_id)[0][0], 'out of', len(experiment_ids))
+ # get dataset
+ dataset = loading.get_ophys_dataset(experiment_id)
+ # get stimulus_response_df
+ df = loading.get_stimulus_response_df(dataset, data_type=data_type, event_type=event_type, time_window=time_window,
+ interpolate=interpolate, output_sampling_rate=output_sampling_rate)
+ # get params for mean df creation from stimulus_response_df
+ if 'response_window_duration' in df.keys():
+ response_window_duration = df.response_window_duration.values[0]
+ output_sampling_rate = df.frame_rate.unique()[0]
+ timestamps = df.trace_timestamps.values[0]
+ window_around_timepoint_seconds = [timestamps[0], timestamps[-1]]
+ # get trial averaged response for conditions
+ mdf = ut.get_mean_df(df, conditions=conditions, frame_rate=output_sampling_rate,
+ time_window=time_window,
+ response_window_duration=response_window_duration)
+ # add experiment ID to be able to distinguish different sessions
+ mdf['ophys_experiment_id'] = experiment_id
+ # aggregate
+ big_mdf = pd.concat([big_mdf, mdf])
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ print('problem for', experiment_id)
big_mdf = big_mdf.merge(experiments_table, on='ophys_experiment_id')
def condense_session_types(df):
+ df = df.copy()
+ df = df.reset_index()
+ for row in range(len(df)):
+ session_type = df.iloc[row].session_type
+ # all of Training 4 and 5 are basically the same
+ if session_type in ['TRAINING_4_images_A_training', 'TRAINING_5_images_A_epilogue', 'TRAINING_5_images_A_handoff_ready']:
+ df.at[row, 'session_type'] = 'TRAINING_4_images_A'
+ # for the first training session with images, remove the '10uL_reward bit'
+ elif session_type == 'TRAINING_3_images_A_10uL_reward':
+ df.at[row, 'session_type'] = 'TRAINING_3_images_A'
+ # otherwise, keep the same name
+ else:
+ pass
+ return df
big_mdf = condense_session_types(big_mdf)
import visual_behavior.visualization.ophys.platform_paper_figures as ppf
axes_column = 'session_type'
+hue_column = 'image_name'
+palette = sns.color_palette()
+ppf.plot_population_averages_for_conditions(big_mdf, data_type, event_type, axes_column, hue_column, palette=palette,
+ suptitle=None, horizontal=True, save_dir=None, folder=None)
from visual_behavior.ophys.io.create_multi_session_df import get_multi_session_df
This function will run the steps above iteratively for all sessions for the provided mouse_id and project code:
+ +* load dataset for each experiment
+* generate stimulus_response_df to get stimulus aligned traces
+* compute mean response dataframe averaged over the provided set of conditions
+* concatenate with all other sessions
+NOTE: this takes tens of minutes
+ +There is code to do this on the cluster in visual_behavior_analysis.scripts.run_create_multi_session_df.py
project_code = 'LearningmFISHTask1A'
+conditions = ['cell_specimen_id', 'image_name']
+data_type = 'dff'
+event_type = 'changes'
+multi_session_df = get_multi_session_df(project_code, mouse_id, conditions, data_type, event_type,
+ time_window=[-3, 3.1], interpolate=True, output_sampling_rate=30, response_window_duration=0.5)
\n", + " | mouse_id | \n", + "session_type | \n", + "ophys_experiment_id | \n", + "prior_exposures_to_image_set | \n", + "
behavior_session_id | \n", + "\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " |
1153004187 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_0_gratings_autorewards_15min | \n", + "[1153099555, 1153099558, 1153099559, 115309956... | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "
1153543065 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_1_gratings | \n", + "[1153662768, 1153662770, 1153662771, 115366277... | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "
1153793704 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_1_gratings | \n", + "[1153920566, 1153920568, 1153920569, 115392057... | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "
1154034257 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_2_gratings_flashed | \n", + "[1154288458, 1154288461, 1154288463, 115428846... | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "
1154262140 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_2_gratings_flashed | \n", + "[1154369474, 1154369476, 1154369477, 115436947... | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
1154472358 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_3_images_A_10uL_reward | \n", + "[1154572286, 1154572288, 1154572289, 115457229... | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "
1155069835 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_3_images_A_10uL_reward | \n", + "[1155282289, 1155282293, 1155282294, 115528229... | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "
1155426295 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_4_images_A_training | \n", + "[1155524637, 1155524639, 1155524640, 115552464... | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "
1155634565 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_5_images_A_epilogue | \n", + "[1155760201, 1155760204, 1155760205, 115576020... | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "
1155862755 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "TRAINING_5_images_A_handoff_ready | \n", + "[1155949165, 1155949168, 1155949169, 115594917... | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "
1156064616 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "OPHYS_1_images_A | \n", + "[1156751800, 1156751803, 1156751804, 115675180... | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "
1156620226 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "OPHYS_1_images_A | \n", + "[1156776068, 1156776070, 1156776071, 115677607... | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "
1156884393 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "[1156990779, 1156990784, 1156990789, 115699079... | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
1157136612 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "[1157244780, 1157244782, 1157244783, 115724478... | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "
1157372172 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "OPHYS_6_images_B | \n", + "[1157477414, 1157477416, 1157477417, 115747741... | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "
1157575929 | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "OPHYS_6_images_B | \n", + "[1157708779, 1157708781, 1157708782, 115770878... | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | cell_roi_id | \n", + "dff | \n", + "
cell_specimen_id | \n", + "\n", + " | \n", + " |
1157152946 | \n", + "1158443134 | \n", + "[1.7956229820633356, 1.7855465485410342, 1.387... | \n", + "
1167392300 | \n", + "1158443136 | \n", + "[4.6408898183455385, 5.3055226028490585, 3.562... | \n", + "
1157153040 | \n", + "1158443137 | \n", + "[1.86498742629028, 1.3428503785057742, 1.00591... | \n", + "
1157152999 | \n", + "1158443143 | \n", + "[1.9320210116782677, 1.6513325990239662, 0.982... | \n", + "
1167392307 | \n", + "1158443149 | \n", + "[3.7695539807775593, 2.99196758556438, 2.92723... | \n", + "
1157152989 | \n", + "1158443156 | \n", + "[2.3044750898421107, 2.213317466747521, 1.5230... | \n", + "
1157152952 | \n", + "1158443157 | \n", + "[3.151107572899905, 2.0914650518660785, 2.2618... | \n", + "
1157152967 | \n", + "1158443160 | \n", + "[1.0118235004632778, 1.2237537530888847, 0.671... | \n", + "
1157152838 | \n", + "1158443162 | \n", + "[2.7104277552009055, 2.3025511271370673, 2.030... | \n", + "
1157153085 | \n", + "1158443165 | \n", + "[2.7264602911565303, 2.7098134227023056, 2.713... | \n", + "
1157152854 | \n", + "1158443167 | \n", + "[5.106896608499884, 4.086827308728901, 3.41907... | \n", + "
1157152993 | \n", + "1158443174 | \n", + "[1.4537320506408704, 1.6752925209526544, 1.326... | \n", + "
1157152934 | \n", + "1158443178 | \n", + "[0.7327016564004085, 0.9744498065718734, 0.735... | \n", + "
1157152848 | \n", + "1158443182 | \n", + "[2.552677441679444, 2.208307959680402, 1.72310... | \n", + "
1157153002 | \n", + "1158443183 | \n", + "[2.634607265350429, 2.030799524784848, 1.96075... | \n", + "
1157152863 | \n", + "1158443188 | \n", + "[2.5561709926073126, 2.20100917839999, 1.87895... | \n", + "
1157152940 | \n", + "1158443190 | \n", + "[0.5955948321878124, 0.6319295811135481, 0.362... | \n", + "
1157152884 | \n", + "1158443194 | \n", + "[1.7294731637146477, 1.1192965884821509, 1.230... | \n", + "
1157152922 | \n", + "1158443195 | \n", + "[1.5357136367662858, 1.1643502403866912, 0.908... | \n", + "
1157153071 | \n", + "1158443197 | \n", + "[1.6317978858771232, 1.4646353737712814, 0.990... | \n", + "
1167392324 | \n", + "1158443199 | \n", + "[2.0329831800484763, 1.6030086329648214, 1.548... | \n", + "
1157152834 | \n", + "1158443205 | \n", + "[2.3152891053205438, 1.65738012759169, 1.63434... | \n", + "
1157152872 | \n", + "1158443208 | \n", + "[2.2877347439296525, 2.7624630263400753, 2.398... | \n", + "
1157152907 | \n", + "1158443223 | \n", + "[2.227587737370925, 1.6921453294390625, 1.7207... | \n", + "
1157152910 | \n", + "1158443226 | \n", + "[0.8240220897816866, 1.0151355421925268, 1.034... | \n", + "
\n", + " | stimulus_presentations_id | \n", + "cell_specimen_id | \n", + "trace | \n", + "trace_timestamps | \n", + "mean_response | \n", + "baseline_response | \n", + "p_value_gray_screen | \n", + "ophys_frame_rate | \n", + "data_type | \n", + "event_type | \n", + "... | \n", + "engaged | \n", + "engagement_state | \n", + "time_from_last_change | \n", + "pre_change | \n", + "pre_omitted | \n", + "post_omitted | \n", + "licked | \n", + "lick_on_next_flash | \n", + "frame_rate | \n", + "exclude_invalid_rois | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "1157152834 | \n", + "[-0.07069653720906108, -0.07207795680055795, -... | \n", + "[-3.0, -2.966666666666667, -2.933333333333333,... | \n", + "0.052041 | \n", + "-0.044729 | \n", + "0.2705 | \n", + "30 | \n", + "dff | \n", + "all | \n", + "... | \n", + "False | \n", + "disengaged | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "False | \n", + "False | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "True | \n", + "True | \n", + "30 | \n", + "True | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "1157152838 | \n", + "[-0.05911301125485008, -0.02572556703543228, 0... | \n", + "[-3.0, -2.966666666666667, -2.933333333333333,... | \n", + "0.093860 | \n", + "-0.064363 | \n", + "0.0000 | \n", + "30 | \n", + "dff | \n", + "all | \n", + "... | \n", + "False | \n", + "disengaged | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "False | \n", + "False | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "True | \n", + "True | \n", + "30 | \n", + "True | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "1157152848 | \n", + "[-0.04550768470120481, -0.04748771288143631, -... | \n", + "[-3.0, -2.966666666666667, -2.933333333333333,... | \n", + "0.005496 | \n", + "-0.036429 | \n", + "0.5260 | \n", + "30 | \n", + "dff | \n", + "all | \n", + "... | \n", + "False | \n", + "disengaged | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "False | \n", + "False | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "True | \n", + "True | \n", + "30 | \n", + "True | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "1157152854 | \n", + "[0.0023735727893200442, -0.030777591201634084,... | \n", + "[-3.0, -2.966666666666667, -2.933333333333333,... | \n", + "0.017920 | \n", + "-0.145822 | \n", + "0.0449 | \n", + "30 | \n", + "dff | \n", + "all | \n", + "... | \n", + "False | \n", + "disengaged | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "False | \n", + "False | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "True | \n", + "True | \n", + "30 | \n", + "True | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "1157152863 | \n", + "[-0.052457907697404965, -0.05176138603558173, ... | \n", + "[-3.0, -2.966666666666667, -2.933333333333333,... | \n", + "0.049606 | \n", + "-0.117652 | \n", + "0.2214 | \n", + "30 | \n", + "dff | \n", + "all | \n", + "... | \n", + "False | \n", + "disengaged | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "False | \n", + "False | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "True | \n", + "True | \n", + "30 | \n", + "True | \n", + "
5 rows × 54 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | equipment_name | \n", + "donor_id | \n", + "full_genotype | \n", + "mouse_id | \n", + "reporter_line | \n", + "driver_line | \n", + "sex | \n", + "age_in_days | \n", + "foraging_id | \n", + "cre_line | \n", + "... | \n", + "session_name | \n", + "isi_experiment_id | \n", + "imaging_depth | \n", + "targeted_structure | \n", + "published_at | \n", + "date_of_acquisition | \n", + "session_type | \n", + "experience_level | \n", + "passive | \n", + "image_set | \n", + "
ophys_experiment_id | \n", + "\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " |
1156990779 | \n", + "MESO.2 | \n", + "1142290477 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre/wt;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO/wt;Ai195(TIT... | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "Ai195(TIT2L-GC7s-ICF-IRES-tTA2)-hyg | \n", + "[Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO, Gad2-IRES-Cre] | \n", + "M | \n", + "129.0 | \n", + "4ff292b1-07ad-4b42-9769-d154736e1398 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre | \n", + "... | \n", + "20220208_603892_ophys4 | \n", + "1145918593 | \n", + "165 | \n", + "VISp | \n", + "NaT | \n", + "2022-02-08 10:36:49 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "Novel 1 | \n", + "False | \n", + "B | \n", + "
1156990784 | \n", + "MESO.2 | \n", + "1142290477 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre/wt;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO/wt;Ai195(TIT... | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "Ai195(TIT2L-GC7s-ICF-IRES-tTA2)-hyg | \n", + "[Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO, Gad2-IRES-Cre] | \n", + "M | \n", + "129.0 | \n", + "4ff292b1-07ad-4b42-9769-d154736e1398 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre | \n", + "... | \n", + "20220208_603892_ophys4 | \n", + "1145918593 | \n", + "265 | \n", + "VISp | \n", + "NaT | \n", + "2022-02-08 10:36:49 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "Novel 1 | \n", + "False | \n", + "B | \n", + "
1156990789 | \n", + "MESO.2 | \n", + "1142290477 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre/wt;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO/wt;Ai195(TIT... | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "Ai195(TIT2L-GC7s-ICF-IRES-tTA2)-hyg | \n", + "[Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO, Gad2-IRES-Cre] | \n", + "M | \n", + "129.0 | \n", + "4ff292b1-07ad-4b42-9769-d154736e1398 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre | \n", + "... | \n", + "20220208_603892_ophys4 | \n", + "1145918593 | \n", + "165 | \n", + "VISl | \n", + "NaT | \n", + "2022-02-08 10:36:49 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "Novel 1 | \n", + "False | \n", + "B | \n", + "
1156990795 | \n", + "MESO.2 | \n", + "1142290477 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre/wt;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO/wt;Ai195(TIT... | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "Ai195(TIT2L-GC7s-ICF-IRES-tTA2)-hyg | \n", + "[Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO, Gad2-IRES-Cre] | \n", + "M | \n", + "129.0 | \n", + "4ff292b1-07ad-4b42-9769-d154736e1398 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre | \n", + "... | \n", + "20220208_603892_ophys4 | \n", + "1145918593 | \n", + "265 | \n", + "VISl | \n", + "NaT | \n", + "2022-02-08 10:36:49 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "Novel 1 | \n", + "False | \n", + "B | \n", + "
1156990801 | \n", + "MESO.2 | \n", + "1142290477 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre/wt;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO/wt;Ai195(TIT... | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "Ai195(TIT2L-GC7s-ICF-IRES-tTA2)-hyg | \n", + "[Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO, Gad2-IRES-Cre] | \n", + "M | \n", + "129.0 | \n", + "4ff292b1-07ad-4b42-9769-d154736e1398 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre | \n", + "... | \n", + "20220208_603892_ophys4 | \n", + "1145918593 | \n", + "165 | \n", + "VISal | \n", + "NaT | \n", + "2022-02-08 10:36:49 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "Novel 1 | \n", + "False | \n", + "B | \n", + "
1156990807 | \n", + "MESO.2 | \n", + "1142290477 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre/wt;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO/wt;Ai195(TIT... | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "Ai195(TIT2L-GC7s-ICF-IRES-tTA2)-hyg | \n", + "[Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO, Gad2-IRES-Cre] | \n", + "M | \n", + "129.0 | \n", + "4ff292b1-07ad-4b42-9769-d154736e1398 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre | \n", + "... | \n", + "20220208_603892_ophys4 | \n", + "1145918593 | \n", + "265 | \n", + "VISal | \n", + "NaT | \n", + "2022-02-08 10:36:49 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "Novel 1 | \n", + "False | \n", + "B | \n", + "
1156990811 | \n", + "MESO.2 | \n", + "1142290477 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre/wt;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO/wt;Ai195(TIT... | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "Ai195(TIT2L-GC7s-ICF-IRES-tTA2)-hyg | \n", + "[Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO, Gad2-IRES-Cre] | \n", + "M | \n", + "129.0 | \n", + "4ff292b1-07ad-4b42-9769-d154736e1398 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre | \n", + "... | \n", + "20220208_603892_ophys4 | \n", + "1145918593 | \n", + "160 | \n", + "VISam | \n", + "NaT | \n", + "2022-02-08 10:36:49 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "Novel 1 | \n", + "False | \n", + "B | \n", + "
1156990817 | \n", + "MESO.2 | \n", + "1142290477 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre/wt;Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO/wt;Ai195(TIT... | \n", + "603892 | \n", + "Ai195(TIT2L-GC7s-ICF-IRES-tTA2)-hyg | \n", + "[Slc32a1-T2A-FlpO, Gad2-IRES-Cre] | \n", + "M | \n", + "129.0 | \n", + "4ff292b1-07ad-4b42-9769-d154736e1398 | \n", + "Gad2-IRES-Cre | \n", + "... | \n", + "20220208_603892_ophys4 | \n", + "1145918593 | \n", + "265 | \n", + "VISam | \n", + "NaT | \n", + "2022-02-08 10:36:49 | \n", + "OPHYS_4_images_B | \n", + "Novel 1 | \n", + "False | \n", + "B | \n", + "
8 rows × 31 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | cell_roi_id | \n", + "dff | \n", + "
cell_specimen_id | \n", + "\n", + " | \n", + " |
1157152993 | \n", + "1158441063 | \n", + "[1.7447209311456708, 1.5865674673630625, 1.189... | \n", + "
1157152952 | \n", + "1158441079 | \n", + "[0.9821773875653413, 0.6815864160489754, 0.875... | \n", + "
1157152838 | \n", + "1158441086 | \n", + "[0.9440638128741594, 0.6928306142067617, 0.923... | \n", + "
1157153061 | \n", + "1158441126 | \n", + "[0.4295891950014597, 0.12311089148520898, 0.17... | \n", + "
1157152917 | \n", + "1158441136 | \n", + "[0.5040607683989946, 0.1996595831637253, 0.217... | \n", + "
1157152910 | \n", + "1158441151 | \n", + "[0.34777108353096425, 0.22056436698997897, 0.1... | \n", + "
1167392461 | \n", + "1158441182 | \n", + "[1.700689762686462, 1.5516912827058043, 1.1277... | \n", + "
1157153043 | \n", + "1158441211 | \n", + "[0.6829429581189924, 0.5359614482912533, 0.860... | \n", + "
1157152934 | \n", + "1158441276 | \n", + "[0.34941670363725896, 0.5404771402225802, 0.33... | \n", + "
1157152872 | \n", + "1158441280 | \n", + "[1.5672415079239674, 1.2482531712780118, 1.081... | \n", + "
\n", + " | cell_specimen_id | \n", + "epoch | \n", + "mean_response | \n", + "sem_response | \n", + "mean_trace | \n", + "sem_trace | \n", + "trace_timestamps | \n", + "mean_responses | \n", + "mean_baseline | \n", + "sem_baseline | \n", + "response_window_duration | \n", + "fano_factor | \n", + "peak_response | \n", + "time_to_peak | \n", + "p_value | \n", + "sd_over_baseline | \n", + "fraction_significant_p_value_gray_screen | \n", + "reliability | \n", + "correlation_values | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "1157152838 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "0.046280 | \n", + "0.008041 | \n", + "[-0.012199797613191779, -0.012247351090620482,... | \n", + "[0.015650344384645958, 0.014990897708778022, 0... | \n", + "[-3.0, -2.966666666666668, -2.9333333333333327... | \n", + "[0.060822094999087514, 0.0717100039089949, 0.1... | \n", + "-0.009901 | \n", + "0.010590 | \n", + "0.5 | \n", + "1.737402 | \n", + "0.076979 | \n", + "0.266667 | \n", + "6.191129e-09 | \n", + "3.883407 | \n", + "0.440000 | \n", + "0.030802 | \n", + "[0.18707681181671063, 0.7166727421288949, 0.28... | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "1157152838 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "0.050308 | \n", + "0.006432 | \n", + "[0.011839090833916007, 0.012669363836058095, 0... | \n", + "[0.012479521220842157, 0.01250013591873294, 0.... | \n", + "[-3.0, -2.966666666666668, -2.9333333333333336... | \n", + "[0.1159659258776442, -0.01590334638979228, 0.0... | \n", + "0.016427 | \n", + "0.007654 | \n", + "0.5 | \n", + "1.468822 | \n", + "0.089437 | \n", + "0.233333 | \n", + "1.551863e-06 | \n", + "9.941990 | \n", + "0.424242 | \n", + "0.098395 | \n", + "[-0.5203967795194145, 0.8731867866305196, -0.5... | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "1157152838 | \n", + "2 | \n", + "0.063059 | \n", + "0.006859 | \n", + "[0.01616523979730032, 0.015763250202315136, 0.... | \n", + "[0.013673149659509562, 0.013116437982355919, 0... | \n", + "[-3.0, -2.966666666666668, -2.933333333333334,... | \n", + "[0.04478745017078148, 0.02911787742961676, 0.0... | \n", + "0.005728 | \n", + "0.006828 | \n", + "0.5 | \n", + "1.287000 | \n", + "0.102716 | \n", + "0.233333 | \n", + "7.256622e-08 | \n", + "8.613148 | \n", + "0.514286 | \n", + "0.131187 | \n", + "[-0.8626962860970627, -0.6452970913391443, 0.5... | \n", + "