diff --git "a/app/components/espa\303\261ol/projects.jsx" "b/app/components/espa\303\261ol/projects.jsx" index 746d390..2c8d0e8 100644 --- "a/app/components/espa\303\261ol/projects.jsx" +++ "b/app/components/espa\303\261ol/projects.jsx" @@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ const Proyectos = () => {

Tienda de instrumentos con CRUD - Inventario y Punto de venta.


Harmony & Heaven se desarrollo como un inventario para una tienda de instrumentos donde se registrarán los productos con "unidades a la venta", "precio del producto" y "categoria", ademas se creo el punto de venta para el cliente donde podra añadir al carrito cualquier producto disponible de la tienda.


Harmony & Heaven se desarrollo como un inventario para una tienda de instrumentos donde se registrarán los productos con "unidades a la venta", "precio del producto" y "categoria", ademas se creo el punto de venta para el cliente donde podra añadir al carrito cualquier producto disponible de la tienda.

En el apartado de Vendedor, Harmony & Heaven cuenta con un motor de busqueda y filtrado de los datos para facilitar la recoleccion de productos, tambien cuenta con un gestor de pedidos al Provedor de productos donde se registraran cuando se soliciten y cuando se reciban para estar en stock añadiendose automaticamente las cantidades recibidas en el inventario, asi como un dashboard para ver resumenes de ventas, empleados y demas cosas.

Los productos se pueden editar o eliminar de ser necesario.


En el apartado de cliente "Punto de venta", el cliente podra unicamente ver los productos en stock y añadirlos al carrito para su compra, el precio total por los productos a comprar se mostrara siempre hasta realizar la compra.


En el apartado de cliente "Punto de venta", el cliente podra unicamente ver los productos en stock y añadirlos al carrito para su compra, el precio total por los productos a comprar se mostrara siempre hasta realizar la compra.

@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ const Proyectos = () => {

Videojuego desarrollado 100% con Python con la libreria Pygame


Pick Em' Everithing es un videojuego dedicado para niños con el enfoque del cuidado del medio ambiente, Arthur (el personaje principarl del juego) ira recogiendo basura a lo largo de su aventura para llevarla al camion recolector, haciendo referencia a la responsabilidad de mantener limpio un lugar.


Pick Em' Everithing es un videojuego dedicado para niños con el enfoque del cuidado del medio ambiente, Arthur "el personaje principal del juego" ira recogiendo basura a lo largo de su aventura para llevarla al camion recolector, haciendo referencia a la responsabilidad de mantener limpio un lugar.

diff --git a/app/components/ingles/projectsen.jsx b/app/components/ingles/projectsen.jsx index 82994b8..582d5c9 100644 --- a/app/components/ingles/projectsen.jsx +++ b/app/components/ingles/projectsen.jsx @@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ const ProyectosEN = () => {

CRUD Instrument Store, Inventory and Point of Sale.


Harmony & Heaven was developed as an inventory for an instrument store where products would be recorded with "units for sale", "product price" and "category", in addition the point of sale was created for the customer where they can add any product available in the store to the cart.


Harmony & Heaven was developed as an inventory for an instrument store where products would be recorded with "units for sale", "product price" and "category", in addition the point of sale was created for the customer where they can add any product available in the store to the cart.

In the Seller section, Harmony & Heaven has a search engine and data filtering to facilitate the collection of products, it also has an order manager for the Product Supplier where they will be registered when they are requested and when they are received to be in stock, automatically adding the quantities received in the inventory, as well as a dashboard to see summaries of sales, employees and other things.

Products can be edited or deleted if necessary.


In the customer section -point of sale-, the customer will only be able to see the products in stock and add them to the cart for purchase, the total price for the products to be purchased will always be shown until the purchase is made.


In the customer section "Point of sale", the customer will only be able to see the products in stock and add them to the cart for purchase, the total price for the products to be purchased will always be shown until the purchase is made.

@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ const ProyectosEN = () => {

Video game developed 100% with the Pygame Python library


Pick Em' Everithing is a video game dedicated to children with a focus on caring for the environment. Arthur - the main character of the game - will collect garbage throughout his adventure to take it to the garbage truck, referring to the responsibility of keeping a clean environment. place.


Pick Em' Everithing is a video game dedicated to children with a focus on caring for the environment. Arthur "the main character of the game" will collect garbage throughout his adventure to take it to the garbage truck, referring to the responsibility of keeping a clean environment. place.

@@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ const ProyectosEN = () => {

- BuggBlock was developed with PHP to manage user data and posts on the Backend side, and the design was made with Bootstrap icons and pure CSS.
+ BuggBlock was developed with PHP to manage user data and posts on the Backend side, and the design was made with Bootstrap icons and pure CSS. + )}