The repos contains individual pipelines to process cohorts of human genome samples through alignment, calling, joint calling and variant quality score recalibration. Some additional pipelines for pre and post BAM/gVCF manipulation/checking are also included.
Each folder contains part of the pipeline or scripts to prepare the data for a specific part of the pipeline.
- align - Need to provide a sample sheet containing paths to forward and reverse reads. BWA, Picard MarkDuplicates and GATK BaseRecalibrator are run on the samples.
- generate-gvcf - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the BAMs. GATKs HaplotypeCaller is run in gVCF mode on the samples.
- combine-gvcfs - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the gVCFs. GATKs CombineGVCFs is run on all samples.
- genomics-db-import - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the gVCFs. GATKs GenomicsDBImport is run on all samples. A new database can be created or an existing database can be updated.
- genome-calling - Need to provide the path to the combined gVCF. GenotypeGVCFs are run jointly on all samples on full genome. VQSR is also applied to chromosome 1 to 22, X, Y and MT. GenotypeGVCFs are run on chromosome level where SNP and INDEL VQSR are run on genome level (according to GATKs best practices).
Note: Can use combine-gvcfs or genomics-db-import for combining the gVCFs. genomics-db-import is however the latest method and allows for updating of an existing database / combined set.
- bam-to-cram - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the BAMs. BAMs are converted to CRAM (v3), indexed, stats are calculated and md5sums are generated.
- cram-to-bam - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the CRAMs. CRAMs are converted to BAM, indexed, stats are calculated and md5sums are generated.
- cram-to-fastq - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the CRAMs. CRAMs are converted to Fastq (forward and reverse pair).
- index-bams - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the BAMs. BAMs are indexed.
- index-vcf - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the VCFs/gVCFs. VCFs/gVCFs are indexed.
- filter-vcf - Filter final VCFs based on the PASS flag in the FILTER column.
- bam-flagstat - Need to provide a sample sheet with paths to the BAMs/CRAMs. Flagstat reporsts are created.
- mt-calling - Need to provide a samples sheet with paths to BAMs/CRAMs. Mitochondrial variant calling are doen with the Mutect2 pipeline.
- combine-lanes - Need to provide a samplesheet to directories with the multi-lane BAMs. BAMs are merged and indexed.
- validate-gvcf - Need to provide a samplesheet with path to gVCFs and gender info. gVCF validation are done on chromosome level using GATK's ValidateVariants.
- The main pipeline can be followed for a single sample or joint calling sample. For a single sample the combine-gvcfs or genomics-db-import can be skipped and the genome-calling configs can point to single sample
The GiaB dataset can be downloaded and used for testing
wget -O NA12878_R1.fastq.gz
wget -O NA12878_R2.fastq.gz
- align
- generate-gvcf
- combine-gvcf
- genomics-db-import
- genome-calling
- cram-to-fastq
- bam-to-cram
- index-bams
- filter-vcf
- bam-flagstat
- index-vcf
- mt-calling
- combine-lanes
- validate-gvcf