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531 lines (394 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

531 lines (394 loc) · 11.5 KB

Project: Task Manager App

github repo

an API which provides the functionality of a TODO APP which is built using Node.js

all the requests are not public and require you to have a Json Web Token to be able to access the the app. the Json Web Token can be obtained form the only two public end point the Register User which allow us to get a new account and the Login end point which authenticate users

End-point: Register User

Registering a new User Account

Method: POST



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value
Content-Type application/json

Body (raw)

    "name": "Amr Monier",
    "password": "a12345678",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "age": 23

Response: 201

    "user": {
        "name": "Amr Monier",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "age": 23,
        "_id": "61b51c999db7d4b19b0b3086"
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiQW1yIE1vbmllciIsImVtYWlsIjoiYS5tb25pZXIxMjNAZ21haWwuY29tIiwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiIkMmIkMTAkNnB3VDRhb0x1cXJydEp3LjJvRFNaZUVnenRBbWlxZXg1NDNldUc0ZnlLcEUyZjQzZ1duVk8iLCJhZ2UiOjIzLCJfaWQiOiI2MWI1MWM5OTlkYjdkNGIxOWIwYjMwODYiLCJfX3YiOjAsImlhdCI6MTYzOTI1OTI4OX0.LS4aZUun_goCPUTZe---GpUARpu7rmkvKe9AyI6OMD0"

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: Get User Profile

Get the Authenticated user information

Method: GET



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value

🔑 Authentication bearer

Param value Type
token {{token}} string

Response: 200

    "user": {
        "_id": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
        "name": "Amr Monier",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "age": 23
    "tasks": []

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: User Login

Authenticate a user

Method: POST



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value
Content-Type application/json

Body (raw)

    "password": "a12345678",
    "email": "[email protected]"

🔑 Authentication noauth

Param value Type

Response: 200

    "user": {
        "_id": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
        "name": "Amr Monier",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "age": 23
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2MWIzOWNlYzkyMmI1ZWU3MjUzYTliOWYiLCJuYW1lIjoiQW1yIE1vbmllciIsImVtYWlsIjoiYS5tb25pZXJAZ21haWwuY29tIiwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiIkMmIkMTAkLlYxcHJiYnRaZm81VzhBanZsMTF3ZU83SFNMV0p0Z2ZPazluYjljd1kueHUwUUMzcHJsU2kiLCJhZ2UiOjIzLCJfX3YiOjAsImlhdCI6MTYzOTE2MTIyOH0.15R2AFSGRIWhSUcxXHKGpIau16J-VecM5o000TDLeJQ"

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: Update User

Update an existing User by providing an object with any field we want to update

Method: PUT



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value
Content-Type application/json

Body (raw)

    "name": "Amira axel",
    "password": "a123456"

Response: 202

    "user": {
        "_id": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
        "name": "Amira axel",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "age": 23

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: Delete User

this End Point allow a user to delete his own account, so use it wisely

Method: DELETE



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value
Content-Type application/json

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: get user avatar

get the avatar of the current authenticated user

Method: GET


⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: upload user avatar

upload an avatar for the currently authenticated user it must be an image of type

  • png
  • jpg
  • jpeg

and with 5MB as the maximum file size

Method: POST



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value

Body formdata

Param value Type
avatar /E:/pic/neon_genesis_evangelion_1920x1080.jpg file

Response: 200

    "user": {
        "_id": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
        "name": "Amira axel",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "age": 23

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: Fetch All Tasks

Fetching all the Tasks related to the currently authenticated user with ability to filter them using the query parameters in the URL by adding the field name and the value desired for example


this would return all the tasks with their completed field equal to true

also we can sort the tasks based on any field we want using the sort query parameter using the following format


for example if we want to find all the uncompleted tasks and sort them to get the recently updated one first we use the following


Method: GET



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value

Query Params

Param value
completed true
sortBy createdAt:desc

Response: 200

    "tasks": [
            "_id": "61b39e57922b5ee7253a9ba8",
            "description": "Shoping for Friday party",
            "completed": false,
            "owner": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
            "createdAt": "2021-12-10T18:37:11.857Z",
            "updatedAt": "2021-12-10T18:37:11.857Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "61b39e64922b5ee7253a9bab",
            "description": "Go to Gym",
            "completed": false,
            "owner": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
            "createdAt": "2021-12-10T18:37:24.316Z",
            "updatedAt": "2021-12-10T18:37:24.316Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "61b39e77922b5ee7253a9bae",
            "description": "Finish the Node.js course",
            "completed": true,
            "owner": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
            "createdAt": "2021-12-10T18:37:43.590Z",
            "updatedAt": "2021-12-10T18:37:43.590Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "61b39e8b922b5ee7253a9bb1",
            "description": "Find the love of my life",
            "completed": false,
            "owner": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
            "createdAt": "2021-12-10T18:38:03.414Z",
            "updatedAt": "2021-12-10T18:38:03.414Z",
            "__v": 0

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: Create Task

Adding a new task to the current authenticated user tasks

Method: POST



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value
Content-Type application/json

Body (raw)

    "description": "Find the love of my life",
    "completed": false

Response: 201

    "task": {
        "description": "Find the love of my life",
        "completed": false,
        "owner": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
        "_id": "61b39e8b922b5ee7253a9bb1",
        "createdAt": "2021-12-10T18:38:03.414Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-12-10T18:38:03.414Z",
        "__v": 0

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: Read Task

Read an existing task

Method: GET



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value
Content-Type application/json

Response: 200

    "task": {
        "_id": "61b39e8b922b5ee7253a9bb1",
        "description": "Find the love of my life",
        "completed": false,
        "owner": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
        "createdAt": "2021-12-10T18:38:03.414Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-12-10T18:38:03.414Z",
        "__v": 0

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: Update Task

Update an existing task

Method: PUT



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value
Content-Type application/json

Body (raw)

    "description": "Shoping for the party",
    "completed": true

Response: 202

    "task": {
        "_id": "61b39e8b922b5ee7253a9bb1",
        "description": "Shoping for the party",
        "completed": true,
        "owner": "61b39cec922b5ee7253a9b9f",
        "createdAt": "2021-12-10T18:38:03.414Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-12-10T18:49:14.699Z",
        "__v": 0

⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

End-point: Delete Task

Deleting an existing task the response status is 204 if the task is deleted successfully other wise it would return 404 if the task we are trying to delete is not found or 500 if some internal server error occurred

Method: DELETE



Content-Type Value
Accept application/json


Content-Type Value
Content-Type application/json

Response: 204


⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

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