Download rebind.h
from here
The difference between <> and "" is:
- <> are used to include standard library header files. These files are typically provided by the compiler or standard library and are located in predefined system directories. You don't need to specify the file path explicitly. (<stdio.h>, <math.h>, <string.h>,..)
- "" are used to include header files that are part of your project or located in specific directories. These files are typically user-defined header files, and you need to specify the relative or absolute file path within the quotation marks. ("rebind.h", "ram.h",...)
int main() {
ram clsstrngth = CLASS_STRENGTH; // ram is integer here
guru classname[10] = "re-bin-d"; // guru is character here
printf("Our Class Strength: %d\n", clsstrngth);
printf("The example for typedef is %d\n", clsstrngth);
printf("Roll Number of Class Representatives are: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", KOLLURU_SAI_SUPRAJ, N_MEERA, RAMRAJ_S, LALITHA_K);
printf("Average Grade for Computer Programming should be %c\n", GRADE(85));
ram sem;
printf("Enter the Semester to know the representatives:");
return 0;