All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.0 (2023-05-06)
- cloud: remove cloud service (dc1b3b8)
1.0.0 (2020-08-24)
- deps: upgrade remax to 2.x version (a21d4a5)
- doc: update docs (4a0617b)
- func: migrate api call to serverless func (940dd43)
- proxy: use serverless as proxy (4dca752)
0.0.5 (2020-03-01)
- docs: update image size (529d50a)
- landing: fix loading effect in saga (45b92f7)
- sentry: remove token (e096403)
- windows: fix build on windows (25af576)
- auth: add auth page (d6c4b59)
- changelog: add standard-version (7486f4e)
- endpint: add endpoint modify page (3ed7330)
- endpoints: 将 endpoints 通过环境变量读取,代理默认 (9972627)
- init: init project (5ff0526)
- issue: add issue detail module (afa551f)
- issue: add simple issue view (a2bda6c)
- issue: update issue style (238b898)
- service: add issue service (92c076a)
- style: update font family to lato and add token reset entry (e506030)
0.0.2 (2020-01-30)
- endpint: add endpoint modify page (3ed7330)
- auth: 修复鉴权失败的逻辑 (a9a47f4)
- auth: add auth page (d6c4b59)
- changelog: add standard-version (7486f4e)
- init: init project (5ff0526)
- issue: add issue detail module (afa551f)
- issue: add simple issue view (a2bda6c)
- issue: update issue style (238b898)
- service: add issue service (92c076a)
- style: update font family to lato and add token reset entry (e506030)
- typo: fix command typo (3c16d75)