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Track Data with Adobe

This page is about tracking AppsFlyer data with Adobe. (Conversions and Engagement)

Table of content

The extension supports the following data elements:

Note that the data elemets are set using shared state in the onConversionDataReceived callback on first launch only.

Name Key
AppsFlyer ID appsflyer_id
Attribution Status af_status
Campaign campaign
Media Source media_source
AppsFlyer SDK Version sdk_version
Agency agency
Campaign ID campaign_id
Click Time click_time
Install Time install_time
Ad ID ad_id
Retargeting Conversion Type retargeting_conversion_type
Af Keywords af_keywords

For more info on the keys, checkout the AppsFlyer docs here.

In order data elements to work, the 'Send Attribution Data to Adobe Analytics' setting in the AppsFlyer extension page must be enabled.

When the Send attribution data to Adobe Analytics setting is enabled, then a Action events is sent from the AppsFlyer extension to adobe analytics. Here is what you need to know about this event:

  1. The event name is "AppsFlyer Attribution Data"
  2. The event values are a copy of the conversion data
  3. The appsflyer_id is added to the event
  4. "appsflyer." is appended to all values
  5. The event is sent on first launch only
  6. The Event is sent after the AppsFlyerLibDelegate.onConversionDataSuccess method is called.

For example here is a sample organic "AppsFlyer Attribution Data" event:

        class: Event,
        name: Analytics Track,
        eventNumber: 13,
        uniqueIdentifier: a8b5a26a-01d2-****-****-feac597ac2eb,
        source: com.adobe.eventsource.requestcontent,
        type: com.adobe.eventtype.generic.track,
        pairId: null,
        responsePairId: d3371461-****-****-9b7d-3bbafb8d3d52,
        timestamp: 1589810779830,
        data: {
            "action" : "AppsFlyer Attribution Data",
            "contextdata" : {
                "appsflyer.appsflyer_id" : "1589810776752-6880051***1087",
                "appsflyer.af_status" : "Organic",
                "appsflyer.sdk_version" : "version: 5.3.0 (build 14)",
                "appsflyer.af_message" : "organic install",
                "appsflyer.install_time" : "2020-05-18 14:06:19.154",
                "appsflyer.media_source" : "organic"

Non-organic example:

        class: Event,
        name: Analytics Track,
        eventNumber: 13,
        uniqueIdentifier: ef1c9625-8eb0-****-****-202c10203ca8,
        source: com.adobe.eventsource.requestcontent,
        type: com.adobe.eventtype.generic.track,
        pairId: null,
        responsePairId: a49fab46-2dd0-****-****-b4a9ba82dd3d,
        timestamp: 1589814096088,
        data: {
            "action" : "AppsFlyer Attribution Data",
            "contextdata" : {
                "appsflyer.adgroup" : null,
                "appsflyer.af_click_lookback" : "7d",
                "appsflyer.sdk_version" : "version: 5.3.0 (build 14)",
                "appsflyer.esp_name" : null,
                "appsflyer.is_universal_link" : null,
                "appsflyer.appsflyer_id" : "1589814094317-3288*****557929",
                "appsflyer.af_cpi" : null,
                "appsflyer.campaign_id" : null,
                "appsflyer.orig_cost" : "0.0",
                "appsflyer.iscache" : "true",
                "appsflyer.adgroup_id" : null,
                "appsflyer.match_type" : "id_matching",
                "appsflyer.advertising_id" : "7ce7ba7d-2b6b-****-****-2158bdf3e2f6",
                "" : null,
                "appsflyer.af_status" : "Non-organic",
                "appsflyer.campaign" : "None",
                "appsflyer.install_time" : "2020-05-18 15:01:36.502",
                "appsflyer.media_source" : "af_test",
                "appsflyer.af_siteid" : null,
                "appsflyer.cost_cents_USD" : "0",
                "appsflyer.adset_id" : null,
                "appsflyer.redirect_response_data" : null,
                "appsflyer.is_branded_link" : null,
                "appsflyer.retargeting_conversion_type" : "none",
                "appsflyer.http_referrer" : "",
                "appsflyer.engmnt_source" : null,
                "appsflyer.af_sub1" : null,
                "appsflyer.click_time" : "2020-05-18 15:01:29.170",
                "appsflyer.af_sub3" : null,
                "appsflyer.af_sub2" : null,
                "appsflyer.adset" : null,
                "appsflyer.af_sub5" : null,
                "appsflyer.af_sub4" : null

When a deeplink is opened, and the Send attribution data to Adobe Analytics setting is enabled, then a Action events is sent from the AppsFlyer extension to adobe analytics. Here is what you need to know about this event:

  1. The event name is "AppsFlyer Engagement Data"
  2. The event values are a copy of the attribution deeplink data
  3. The appsflyer_id is added to the event
  4. "appsflyer.af_engagement_" is appended to all values
  5. The Event is sent after the AppsFlyerLibDelegate.onAppOpenAttribution or DeepLinkDelegate.didResolveDeepLink method is called.

For example here is a sample "AppsFlyer Engagement Data" event:

        class: Event,
        name: Analytics Track,
        eventNumber: 17,
        uniqueIdentifier: 5b51d80b-9bc7-****-****-d579a77ca356,
        source: com.adobe.eventsource.requestcontent,
        type: com.adobe.eventtype.generic.track,
        pairId: null,
        responsePairId: b7c39fd0-0f02-****-****-f8718b12dc88,
        timestamp: 1589811327647,
        data: {
            "action" : "AppsFlyer Engagement Data",
            "contextdata" : {
                "appsflyer.af_engagement_scheme" : "appsflyer",
                "appsflyer.af_engagement_link" : "appsflyer://test",
                "appsflyer.af_engagement_install_time" : "2020-05-18 14:06:14",
                "appsflyer.af_engagement_host" : "test",
                "appsflyer.af_engagement_path" : ""

By default the AppsFlyer SDK sets the ExperienceCloudId (ECID) as the CustomerUserID.
Setting the Wait for ECID setting to true, will guarantee that the ECID will be set on the first launch.
Use this setting if you must have ECID attached to the install.

If this setting is set to false, ECID will be set as soon as it is available.