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Air Control (AIR) is responsible for all aerodrome movements on runways and their associated taxiways. AIR shall also ensure separation between IFR aircraft that are arriving at and departing the aerodrome, as well as provide traffic information to VFR aircraft operating within the aerodrome control zone.
5.2 Preferential runways
The preferred calm wind configuration is departing runway 30R, and landing 30L, which shall be used up to a 5-knot tailwind. When this is unfeasible due to winds or other circumstances, the configuration shall be departing 12R and landing 12L.
5.3 Departure procedures
5.3.1 Standard departure points
Dubai has “standard departure points” from which pilots are expected to base their performance calculations. Aircraft may be tactically issued holding points closer to the runway end to optimise traffic flow or to yield a more efficient departure sequence. If the standard departure point is insufficient, crews must advice ATC of the required departure on first contact. The AIR controller may issue delays for such departures based on runway dependency requirements, as priority is given to the standard departure points.
Standard departure points
+Table 5-1: Standard departure points
5.3.2 Line up clearances
Conditional line up instructions shall include the traffic that the aircraft is to follow, as well as the word “behind” at the beginning and end of the transmission. It is recommended to only have a maximum of two conditional line up clearances active at one i.e., one aircraft lining up behind a departure, and another aircraft lining up behind them.
Controller: "AFR662, behind the departing Emirates A380, via M13A, line up and wait runway 30R behind."
If aircraft have not yet reached the holding point where they are expected to line up at, ATC shall reiterate the cleared holding point.
Controller: "UAE4KC, via M14A, line up and wait runway 30R."
5.3.3 Take-off clearances
Aircraft shall be cleared for take-off once adequate separation exists as provided in 4.3.4 and 4.6.
Aircraft shall be separated on departure in compliance with standard IFR departure separation minima, enhanced wake turbulence separation (eWTS) requirements or as provided in 4.6 where applicable.
Except as provided in, succeeding aircraft on the same SID shall be separated by a minimum of 2 minutes.
VFR aircraft may be instructed to maintain visual separation with preceding aircraft and given a take-off clearance if no wake turbulence separation minima exists.
+ Muscat FIR flow control procedure
Special flow control procedures are required for traffic entering the Muscat FIR via certain entry points after departure from UAE airports.
During off-peak times, this separation minima may be disregarded, and standard separation minima of 2 minutes may be applied provided it is not done for more than two successive departures.
FIR exit point
Longitudinal separation
3 minutes
3 minutes
+Table 5-2: Flow control procedures for traffic entering the Muscat FIR
LALDO and GOMTA are to be considered a common FIR exit point. These procedures do not apply to traffic landing at Oman airports.
+ Low visibility and IMC
During low visibility operations and during IMC, departing aircraft shall not be cleared for take-off when there is an arriving aircraft within 4 NM of the landing runway threshold.
5.3.5 IFR handoff procedure
+ General
IFR departures shall be handed off to the appropriate departure controller as provided in and
Except as provided in 4.4.3, aircraft shall be handed off when passing 800 ft to ensure adequate time for a frequency change and avoid a level-off on departure.
Where DEP 2 is offline, all handoffs shall be to DEP 1. If DEP 1 is offline, handoffs shall be made to APP.
Where no approach controller is present, aircraft shall be handed off directly to the appropriate UAE controller.
+ Procedure for 30 configuration
IFR aircraft shall be handed off in the following manner:
Aircraft departing on an omnidirectional departure shall be instructed to fly a specific heading on departure appropriate to the Dubai CTA exit point. This departure instruction shall be delivered to the aircraft before issuing the take-off clearance
When departing 30L/R, they may be assigned a heading from 270 clockwise to 350. When departing 12L/R, they may be assigned 090 clockwise to 160.
These headings shall be coordinated with departures control.
Controller: "AEE959, after departure, turn left heading 270 degrees and maintain 4000ft, wind 280 degrees, 6 knots, runway 30R, cleared for take-off."
5.3.7 Stopping a departure
Aircraft that have commenced their take-off roll may be instructed to stop immediately to avert a collision due to a runway incursion or any other dangerous situation.
It must be noted though, that the instruction to stop must be given early enough such that the aircraft does not reach its decision speed. Therefore, aerodrome controllers must be vigilant and remain aware of the location of traffic at all times as well as runway incursion hotspots.
Controller: "UAE1KM, stop immediately, I say again stop immediately, truck entering the runway!"
For aircraft that have been given a take-off clearance, but have not yet started the roll, they shall be instructed to hold position and the take-off clearance must be cancelled along with the reason for cancellation.
Controller: "FDB687, hold position, cancel take-off, I say again cancel take-off, aircraft entering the runway, acknowledge."
5.4 Arrival Procedures
5.4.1 Preferred exit points
On initial contact, aircraft shall be instructed to vacate at a designated taxiway for arrival. The planned exit point shall be one of the preferred exit taxiways (Table 5-2).
Landing Runway
Preferred Exit POint
M6, N5
+Table 5-5: Preferred exit points
5.4.2 Separation requirements
+ General
While the radar controllers are responsible for separating arriving aircraft, the AIR controller shall still ensure that minimum separation is maintained until the preceding aircraft crosses the runway threshold.
+ Speed control
If it is apparent that minimum separation may not exist as provided in, AIR may use a tactical reduction in aircraft speed.
Controller: "FDB1784, reduce to final approach speed."
+ Visual separation
Aircraft may be instructed to maintain own separation visually, if speed control alone will not resolve the conflict. This shall only be done in VMC and with agreement with the pilot. If no other solutions are practical, the succeeding aircraft shall be instructed to go around.
5.4.3 Go-around instruction
+ General go-around procedure
At any time should a runway become unsuitable for an aircraft landing, or separation minima is not met, aircraft shall be instructed to go-around.
Controller: "UAE797, go around, I say again, go around, acknowledge."
Once aircraft have acknowledged the instruction and are observed to be safely climbing away, they shall be handed off to departure control.
Controller: "UAE797, climb to 3000ft via standard missed approach, contact Dubai Departures 121.025."
+ Go-around with simultaneous departure in VMC
In the event of a go-around with a simultaneous departure in VMC conditions, the AIR controller shall take the following action:
If the go-around traffic is within 4 NM of the landing threshold and there is a simultaneous departure, the go-around traffic shall be instructed to climb to 4000 ft and maintain a heading of 270 degrees for 30L, a heading of 330 degrees for 30R or a heading or 090 degrees for 12L.
+If the departure is expected to turn into the arriving traffic, the aircraft shall be instructed to maintain runway heading and/or be instructed to stop climb at 3000 feet as appropriate.
If there are no simultaneous departures or if the go-around traffic is further than 4 NM of the landing threshold, the go-around traffic shall be instructed to follow the standard missed approach.
In all cases, instructions for avoiding action shall be issued if there is a risk that the go-around aircraft will overtake the departing aircraft.
Departures shall not be permitted to commence their take-off roll until the go-around traffic has passed the upwind threshold of the departure runway.
Departure handoffs to Dubai Departures may be delayed to ensure compliance with the requirements as provided above.
+ Go-around with simultaneous departure in IMC or during LVO
Aircraft shall be instructed to follow the standard missed approach and aircraft shall not be permitted to depart if an arriving aircraft is within 4 NM of the landing threshold.
5.4.4 Arrival taxi procedures
In accordance with the taxi procedures laid down in 3.4, aircraft shall be provided an initial taxi clearance to ensure they are kept moving such that the rapid exit taxiway (RET) is clear for the next arrival.
The initial taxi shall include instructions to taxi “LEFT” or “RIGHT” onto the relevant taxiway as appropriate and hold at a suitable intermediate holding point.
Controller: "UAE572M taxi left via J2, hold J2A."
Once aircraft have been observed to be taxiing and completely clear of the RET, transfer of control shall be initiated to GMC provided there will be no conflicts with other arriving traffic.
In accordance with the procedures laid down in 4.9, where the AIR controller’s designated zone of responsibility extends beyond the RET, aircraft shall not be transferred until they are completely clear of the designated zone of responsibility unless it has been assured that all traffic will remain clear of RETs.
5.5 Reduced runway separation minima (RRSM)
5.5.1 Conditions for the application of RRSM
Reduced runway separation may be applied at any time during day or night between:
A departing aircraft and a succeeding aircraft using a single runway; or
Two successive landing aircraft; or
Two successive departing aircraft.
The following conditions must apply:
The tailwind component does not exceed 5 knots at the landing threshold and there are no pilots reports of wind shear;
Meteorological visibility is equal to or greater than 5000 metres and cloud ceiling is not less than 1000 ft. The AIR controller should be satisfied that the following aircraft will be able to observe the relevant traffic completely and continuously;
Traffic information is provided to the crew of the succeeding aircraft;
The runway is dry and there is no evidence that braking action will be adversely affected;
The AIR controller is able to assess separation visually or by radar-derived information;
Suitable landmarks and markers on the surface surveillance system shall be available to assist the controller in assessing separation between aircraft;
Wake turbulence separation minima shall be applied;
Minimum separation continues to exist between two departing aircraft immediately after departure of the second aircraft;
The pilot of an arriving aircraft is advised of the exit point where they are expected to vacate.
5.5.2 Single runway mode procedure
+ Landing following landing
When the runway‐in‐use is temporarily occupied by other traffic, landing clearance may be issued to an arriving aircraft, provided that the controller has reasonable assurance that the following separation criteria will be met when the landing aircraft crosses the runway threshold of:
Runway 12L/30R:
The preceding landing aircraft has landed and has vacated the runway; or has passed a point at least 2500 metres from the threshold of the runway (abeam taxiway N7 and taxiway M10A for runway 12L, abeam the runway exit points for taxiway N3A and taxiway M3A for runway 30R); and is in motion and will vacate the runway without stopping and/or backtracking. Landing RRSM shall only be applied between two successive arrivals provided both aircraft have been instructed to vacate at published rapid exit taxiways (RETs).
Runway 12R/30L:
The preceding landing aircraft has landed and has vacated the runway; or has passed a point at least 2500 metres from the threshold of the runway (abeam taxiway M17 and taxiway K14 for runway 12R; abeam the runway exit points for taxiway M11 and taxiway K8 for runway 30L); and is in motion and will vacate the runway without stopping and/or backtracking.
All Runways:
The preceding arriving aircraft must have touched down and roll out with a good deceleration schedule towards the assigned vacate point while the arriving aircraft is no closer than 60 seconds from touchdown. Landing RRSM shall only be applied between two successive arrivals provided both aircraft have been instructed to vacate at published rapid exit taxiways (RETs).
Controller: "UAE96, 777 vacating at K6, [surface] wind 260 degrees 5 knots, runway 30L, cleared to land."
+ Landing following departure
When the runway‐in‐use is temporarily occupied by other traffic, landing clearance may be issued to an arriving aircraft, provided that the controller has reasonable assurance that the following separation distances/criteria will be met when the landing aircraft crosses the runway threshold:
Runway 12L/30R:
The preceding departing aircraft will be airborne and has passed a point at least 2500 M from the threshold of the runway (abeam taxiway N7 and taxiway M10A for runway 12L, abeam the runway exit points for taxiway N3A and taxiway M3A for runway 30R), or if not airborne, will be at least 2500 M from the threshold of the runway.
Runway 12R/30L:
The preceding departing aircraft will be airborne and has passed a point at least 2500m from the threshold of the runway (abeam taxiway M17 and taxiway K14 for runway 12R; abeam the runway exit points for taxiway M11 and taxiway K8 for runway 30L), or if not airborne, will be at least 2500 M from the threshold of the runway.
Runway 30L/R:
The preceding departing aircraft must have commenced their take-off roll while the arriving aircraft is no closer than 2.0NM from touchdown.
Runway 12L/R:
The preceding departing aircraft must have commenced their take-off roll while the arriving aircraft is no closer than 2.5NM from touchdown.
Take‐off clearance may be issued to a departing aircraft, commencing its take‐off roll from full length, before the preceding departure has passed the upwind end of the runway; provided:
Runway 12L/30R:
The preceding aircraft is airborne, and has passed a point at least 2500 M from the threshold of the runway (abeam taxiway N7 and taxiway M10A for runway 12L, abeam the runway exit points for taxiway N3A and taxiway M3A for runway 30R) and minimum separation continues to exist, constant or increasing, between the two departing aircraft immediately after take‐off of the second aircraft.
Runway 12R/30L:
The preceding aircraft is airborne, and has passed a point at least 2500 M from the threshold of the runway (abeam taxiway M17 and taxiway K14 for runway 12R; abeam the runway exit points for taxiway M11 and taxiway K8 for runway 30L) and minimum separation continues to exist, constant or increasing, between the two departing aircraft immediately after take-off of the second aircraft.
The procedures described for single runway operations in, and shall be applied in the same manner on respective runways during dual runway operations.
The exception for dual runway operations is when the runway mode becomes dependent in VMC (i.e. when aircraft are departing full length 12R from K1, K2, M4, M5B; or full length 30R from M15, M15A, N11, N12).
The difference from single runway operations, is in the scenario "landing following departure":
In the runway 12 direction, a preceding departing aircraft off runway 12R must have passed abeam taxiway M10B and taxiway K7, prior to the landing aircraft crossing the threshold of runway 12L.
In the runway 30 direction, a preceding departing aircraft off runway 30R must have passed abeam taxiway M10A and taxiway N7, prior to the landing aircraft crossing the threshold of runway 30L.
5.6 VFR procedures
5.6.1 VFR departures
Once VFR aircraft are ready for departure, they shall be cleared for take-off in sequence. As they begin their crosswind turn (the first turn after departure) they shall be instructed to report leaving the control zone.
Once aircraft are clear of the zone, they shall be instructed to remain outside controlled airspace and monitor advisory frequency.
Aircraft climbing into controlled airspace shall be handed off to departure control.
5.6.2 VFR traffic remaining in the circuit
AIR control is responsible for managing circuit traffic. Circuits must always be conducted to the south of the aerodrome.
Circuits shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures laid down in 2.8.3.
Once aircraft are ready for departure, they shall be cleared for take-off in sequence. As they begin their crosswind turn (the first turn after departure) they shall be instructed to report when they are on the downwind with their intentions.
Controller: "ATA, report downwind with intentions."
Aircraft may request either a touch and go (where the aircraft lands and immediately takes off), a stop and go (where the aircraft lands, comes to a complete stop on the runway, then takes off), a low approach (where the aircraft flies low over the runway without landing), or a full stop (where the aircraft lands and vacates the runway).
Once AIR is aware of the aircraft’s request, they may be sequenced to the runway, with due consideration given to runway occupancy time.
Aircraft on the downwind shall be passed the following information:
Expected runway;
Traffic information, if applicable
Controller: "ATA, report final runway 30R, number 1."
Controller: "ATA, runway 30R, cleared to land/touch and go/low approach."
Aircraft conducting a stop-and go shall be required to “REPORT READY FOR DEPARTURE”.
5.6.3 VFR arrivals
Inbound VFR aircraft shall be instructed to contact AIR with enough time such that two-way radio communications has been established before aircraft enter the aerodrome control zone.
On first contact, AIR will pass circuit joining instructions, as well as any other pertinent information.
Controller: "A6-LDW, Dubai Tower, join left hand downwind runway 30L, 1000ft VFR, QNH 1017."
Aircraft may also be instructed to track towards a visual reporting point (VRP).
Controller: "A6-LDW, Dubai Tower, track towards water tank, 1000ft VFR. Report one mile from water tank, QNH 1007."
VFR arrivals may be denied entry into the control zone during times of increased IFR arrival activity and instructed to hold outside controller airspace awaiting further instructions.
5.7 Low visibility operations (LVO)
5.7.1 Commencement of LVO
Low visibility operations (LVO) are commenced at Dubai when:
Touchdown RVR is indicated to be 600 metres or less;
Reported meteorological visibility is 600 metres or less;
The reported cloud ceiling is less than 300 feet
LVO may be pre-emptively initiated when RVR or meteorological visibility is reported at or below 1500 m and forecast to reduce below LVO minima, or the cloud ceiling is reported as 500 ft, and forecast to reduce below LVO minima.
Runway crossings shall be kept to a minimum and must only occur at designated LVO runway crossing points.
5.7.2 LVO departure procedures
During LVO, aircraft must use CAT II/III holding points for all runways in order to protect ILS-critical areas.
CAT II/III holding points must be used during LVO for departing aircraft (Table 5-4).
Holding Point
+Table 5-9: CATII/III holding points
5.7.3 LVO arrival procedures
Arriving aircraft must not to vacate onto M in both directions and must report fully vacated.
5.8 Designated areas of responsibility
5.8.1 AIR positions
Dubai has two AIR positions, AIR 1 and AIR 2.
AIR 1 controls runway 30R/12L as well as all associated exit taxiways and runway holding points. AIR 2 controls runway 30L/12R as well as all associated exit taxiways and runway holding points.
The airspace directly around the airport is split along taxiway M. all airspace north of M is delegated to AIR1, while the southern half is delegated to AIR 2.
(See 6.2 and 6.3)
5.8.2 Handoff procedure
Where transfer of control is to be made between aerodrome controllers, aircraft shall not be cleared to a point beyond the current controller’s designated zone of responsibility unless there has been prior coordination with the next controller. Intermediate holding points may be used to satisfy this requirement.
+For runway crossings, the crossing instruction must only be issued by the designated AIR controller for the respective runway unless prior coordination has been conducted.
5.8.3 Splitting procedure
Where there is only one controller, they shall cover all runways and associated airspace from the AIR 1 position.
Unless otherwise authorised by the Arabian vACC staff, GMP (Dubai Delivery) and at least one GMC (Dubai Ground) position must be online before two AIR (Dubai Tower) positions may be opened.
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 4.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
To avoid conflicts at taxiway intersections, aircraft shall only be cleared to the boundary of the controller's specific area of responsibility as described in section 4 unless the procedure specifically states otherwise (traffic taxiing on M to be cleared by GMC 1 to M13A before being handed off to AIR, for example).
The Ground Movement Controller (GMC) is responsible for managing aircraft movements on all aerodrome movement areas except for runways and their associated taxiways. Departing aircraft are given pushback instructions and instructions to taxi to the runway holding point. Arriving aircraft are assigned a stand and instructed to taxi as appropriate.
4.2 Pushback procedures
4.2.1 General procedure
When aircraft have been handed off to GMC, they shall be fully ready for pushback, and are 5 minutes from their TOBT. Assuming no obstructions, they shall be instructed to push back immediately. If an aircraft is cleared for push and start but does not begin pushing within 2-5 minutes, the pushback clearance is canceled, and a new TOBT is assigned.
Aircraft requesting push that are not squawking their assigned transponder code shall be instructed to hold position and squawk the correct code. They must not be allowed to move until doing so.
Pushback direction is based primarily on aircraft location and runway configuration.
All non-A380 traffic on aprons B shall be instructed to push back onto U. All code F (A380/B747-8) traffic on apron B shall be instructed to push back onto taxiway J and face the appropriate direction.
On apron F and A, all traffic shall be instructed to push back onto Z. Pushbacks onto taxiway K shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
A pushback clearance must be a variant of those provided in 3.2.2 and include an instruction to “FACE WEST” or “FACE EAST” as appropriate.
Pilot: "Dubai Ground, UAE4CK, on stand A4 request pushback."
Controller: "UAE4CK, Dubai Ground, pushback approved, face east on Z."
Pilot: "Pushback approved, facing east on Z, UAE4CK."
Conditional pushback instructions may also be issued if an aircraft is taxiing behind another waiting for pushback.
Pilot: "Dubai Ground, FDB647, on stand E8 request pushback."
Controller: "FDB647, Dubai Ground, behind the company 737 passing left to right, pushback approved, face east on P."
Pilot: "After the company 737 passes from left to right, pushback approved, facing east on P, FDB647."
4.2.2 Pushback types
+ Standard pushback
This type will normally have the aircraft stop abeam the adjacent stand. The phraseology for this type of pushback is identical to the pushback phraseology as provided in 3.2.1.
+ Short pushback
A short pushback instruction shall require the aircraft to complete the pushback abeam the current stand such that the adjacent stand will not be blocked.
Pilot: "Dubai Ground, UAE51, on stand F6 request pushback."
Controller: "UAE51, Dubai Ground, short pushback approved, face west on Z to finish abeam stand F6."
Pilot: "Short pushback approved, facing west on Z to finish abeam stand F6, UAE51."
+ Long pushback
A long pushback instruction shall require aircraft to complete the pushback operation two stands away from where the pushback was commenced. This manoeuvre may be used when aircraft are vacating a stand to be used by another aircraft that is taxiing in.
Pilot: "Dubai Ground, UAE6LT, on stand A6 request pushback."
Controller: "UAE6LT, Dubai Ground, long pushback approved, face east on Z to finish abeam stand A4."
Pilot: "Long pushback approved, facing east on Z to finish abeam stand A4, UAE6LT."
4.2.3 Simultaneous pushback operations
Simultaneous pushbacks may be permitted from adjacent stands provided aircraft are instructed to manoeuvre in accordance with 3.2.2 such that on completion of both aircraft’s pushback operation, they will be separated on the taxiway by two aircraft stands.
4.2.4 Dual runway 30R pushback procedures
When departing 30R, all aircraft parked on apron B and F shall be instructed to push back to “FACE WEST”.
Aircraft on A, C, D and E aprons shall be in instructed to push back to “FACE EAST” as provided in 3.2.1.
Traffic pushing back from stand C62, C63 and C64 shall be instructed to "FACE NORTH" on J1.
Traffic pushing back from stand A1 and A2 shall be instructed to "FACE NORTH" on J2.
Traffic pushing back from stand A10 and D10 shall be instructed to "FACE NORTH" on J3.
Other traffic shall be pushed back in the appropriate direction for taxi as provided in 3.3. Care must be taken to ensure that the pushback will not block key taxiway intersections.
For traffic parked on stand A1, A2 and D1, before issuing pushback instruction, GMC 1 must coordinate the pushback with AIR South to avoid blocking the high speed turn onto taxiway J2.
For traffic parked on stand C62, C63 and C64, before issuing pushback instruction, GMC 2 must coordinate the pushback with GMC 1 to avoid blocking J1 for Code F traffic.
4.2.5 Dual runway 12R pushback procedures
When departing 12R, aircraft south of 12L shall push in the appropriate direction to give the shortest taxi possible to the standard departure point on 12R.
Aircraft on aprons E and Q shall be instructed to push in the appropriate direction that will allow the shortest taxi time to holding point N2.
4.2.6 Single runway pushback procedures
During single runway operations, aircraft shall be pushed back in the most convenient direction to join the appropriate taxi route as provided in 4.3 for the respective runway mode.
4.3 Taxi procedures
4.3.1 General procedures
Departing aircraft from aprons F, B and D are usually taxied out using the taxiways closest to the concourses (U, W, Y, Z). The only exception to this is code F (A380/B747-8) traffic departing from apron B which must taxi using J and must not be allowed to taxi on U, W or Y.
Where aircraft are taxied to runway holding points, transfer of control to AIR shall be made early enough such that the aircraft is not required to stop its taxi. For traffic taxiing between GMC areas of responsibility, aircraft should be handed off early enough to ensure a non-stop taxi, provided no conflicts are anticipated.
Pilot: "Dubai Ground, UAE7TR, request taxi."
Controller: "UAE7TR, Dubai Ground, taxi via Z, L4, M, holding point M13A, runway 30R."
Pilot: "Taxi via Z, L4, M, holding point M13A, runway 30R, UAE7TR."
Several “cross-over” taxiways exist to allow aircraft to transfer between the inner and outer taxiways. These shall be used whenever necessary to allow efficient flow of traffic around the airport.
To deconflict traffic, and to reduce the length of taxi clearances, intermediate holding points shall be used wherever possible.
Intermediate holding points shall always be used when transferring aircraft between controllers to avoid conflicts and the area of responsibility boundaries.
Pilot: "Dubai Ground, UAE9LT, request taxi."
Controller: "UAE9LT, Dubai Ground, taxi via Z, L4, hold L4A."
Pilot: "Taxi via Z, L4, hold L4A, UAE9LT."
Arriving aircraft shall not immediately be handed off by AIR. They must instead be given an initial taxi instruction onto M, N, J2 or K to keep traffic flowing. Therefore, GMC shall assign an arrival stand to aircraft when they are on final approach.
Once the aircraft is handed off to GMC, they may be taxied to their stand. Arrivals shall generally be taxied via the outside taxiways that are farthest away from the stands.
Aircraft are not required to cross-over to the inside taxiways before initiating the turn onto stand for aprons A, B, D, and F.
4.3.2 Taxiway restrictions
Code F aircraft shall not be permitted to taxi on U, Y, W. These taxiways are limited to code E and below.
Code F aircraft shall not be permitted to use the curved portions of J, J1 and J2 if code E aircraft are simultaneously taxiing on the curved portions of U, Y or W and vice versa.
In this case, traffic shall be instructed to hold short of the curved portion until the adjacent curved taxiway is clear.
Taxiway Q shall be limited to code C and below.
These taxiway restrictions must be adhered to to ensure adequate wingtip clearance during taxi.
4.3.3 Dual runway 30R
+ Departure taxi procedures
When departing from 30R in the dual runway configuration, all aircraft pushing back on apron B and F shall be instructed to taxi via L4 and M.
Aircraft on aprons A and D shall be instructed to taxi to holding point K14. During periods of lower aerodrome departure or arrival activity, K11 or K12 may be used for runway crossings only after coordination with AIR.
Before reaching these holding points, aircraft shall be transferred to AIR North.
Eastbound traffic flow on K shall not be permitted between K1 and K8, as this blocks the rapid exit taxiways from 30L.
Departures from apron C shall be instructed to taxi via L1 and M.
In all applicable cases, when traffic turns to enter taxiway M, transfer to AIR shall be initiated.
Departures from apron E shall be instructed to cross over to and taxi via N.
+ Arrival taxi procedures
Aircraft shall vacate 30L onto K9, K8 or K6, depending on the stand assignment described in 3.4.5. After initial taxi is issued by AIR, aircraft are handed off to GMC as provided below.
Apron A
For aircraft parking on apron A vacating at K8, taxi routings shall be via K eastbound.
Apron B (except stand B27)
Traffic shall vacate via K8 or K9 then be instructed by AIR South to taxi to J2A. Traffic shall then be transferred to GMC 1.
Traffic shall be instructed by GMC1 to taxi right on J to the appropriate stand.
Stand B27 and F27
Traffic parking on F27 and B27 shall be instructed by AIR South to taxi via J right onto Z then left onto W to hold at WA. Traffic shall then be transferred to GMC 1 for further taxi.
Apron C
Traffic shall vacate at K9, K8 or K6, AIR South shall instruct traffic to taxi via K and hold short at KL and initiate transfer to GMC 1.
GMC 1 shall issue taxi via K westbound to hold at KF and transfer control to GMC 2. GMC 2 shall taxi the aircraft to the appropriate stand.
Apron D
Traffic shall vacate via K8 or K9 then be instructed by AIR South to taxi to J2A. Traffic shall then be transferred to GMC 1.
GMC 1 shall instruct traffic to taxi left on J for the appropriate stand.
Apron E
Traffic shall vacate at K9, K8 or K6, AIR South shall instruct traffic to taxi via K and hold short at KL and initiate transfer to GMC 1.
GMC 1 shall instruct traffic to taxi via K, L3 then to holding point M2. Before reaching M2, aircraft shall be transferred to AIR North for runway crossing.
After runway crossing, traffic shall be transferred to GMC 2 to taxi to the appropriate stand.
When departing 30R in the single runway configuration, all aircraft pushing back on apron A, B, D and F shall be instructed to taxi via K4, K7, or K11 and cross 30L as appropriate.
Except for aircraft taxiing from apron C, the section of taxiway M west of K4 shall not be used for departure taxi as this blocks the arrival flow from 30R.
The taxi routes from apron E shall be the same as with the dual runway 30 configuration.
4.3.5 Single runway 30L
+ Departure taxi procedures
When departing 30L in the single runway configuration, all aircraft pushing back on aprons A, B, D and F shall taxi via Z until past 30L RETs after which they shall cross onto K and taxi to holding point K17.
Eastbound flow shall not be permitted on K between K1 and K8.
Aircraft on apron E shall cross 30R at N9 and taxi to holding point M20.
4.3.6 Dual runway 12R (Arrival Bias)
+ Departure taxi procedures
When departing from 12R, aircraft parked on aprons A, B, D, F and C shall be taxied via the shortest appropriate route to the standard departure holding points K3, K4 and K5 avoiding conflicts with other departing or arriving traffic.
Aircraft parked on apron E and Q shall be taxied via the standard route to holding point N2. Before reaching N2, aircraft are transferred to AIR North for runway crossing. Aircraft then shall taxi via L3, then K to holding point K3, K4 or K5 as appropriate.
Use of full-length holding points (K1, K2) shall require coordination with AIR and shall not be assigned unless requested for performance reasons. These aircraft shall be advised of possible delays due to runway dependency.
Departing traffic shall not be issued taxi to holding points M
4.3.8 Single runway 12R
+ Departure taxi procedures
Departure taxi routes for 12R single runway operation shall be the same as in dual runway operations, except that aircraft may be assigned full length holding points without restriction.
4.3.9 Single runway 12L
+ Departure taxi procedures
When operating from 12L during single runway operation, aircraft pushing back on the southern aprons shall taxi westbound to join L3/L4 and then to M1.
Aircraft departing the northern aprons shall taxi to N1.
4.3.10 Handoff procedures
When departing traffic has been instructed to taxi to their departure holding points as per the standard taxi routings and when the handoff towards AIR is initiated as per AoR, GMC will ask departing aircraft to monitor the AIR frequency.
Controller: "UAE530, monitor tower 118.750."
When departing traffic has been instructed to taxi to runway holding points for crossing as per the standard taxi routings and when the handoff towards AIR is initiated as per AoR, GMC will ask departing aircraft to contact the AIR frequency.
Controller: "UAE8KC, contact tower 119.550."
The key distinction between monitor and contact is as follows: monitor instructs the pilot to switch to the assigned frequency and await a call from the next controller, while contact requires the pilot to switch frequencies and make an initial call. During periods of high traffic, the use of monitor is preferred over contact to reduce radio frequency congestion.
4.4.4 Single runway 30L arrival taxi procedures
Routings are similar to 30L dual runway taxi, however caution should be exercised for traffic vacating onto J2, as this will cross the departure traffic taxiing eastbound on Z. Appropriate coordination shall be used to mitigate the risk of blocking the high speed exit.
Aircraft are also permitted to vacate right onto M and cross 30R at M10A or M5A.
4.4.5 Single runway 30R arrival taxi procedures
Aircraft parking on the southern aprons shall vacate to the left and taxi via L3, L4 or M4 to cross 30L.
Aircraft parking on the northern aprons shall vacate right and take the first appropriate turn onto P.
Aircraft parking on the southern aprons shall vacate 12L onto M9 or M12A and be instructed by AIR to taxi via M to holding points M13B or M14B as appropriate.
Once aircraft have crossed 12R, aircraft will be transferred from AIR to GMC.
Taxi routes to most aprons on the south side will be via K. For aprons B and D, aircraft shall taxi via J2 and then left or right onto J as appropriate.
Aircraft parking on the northern aprons shall vacate 12L onto N6 or N8 and then taxi via N or P as appropriate.
In addition to the standard taxi routings outlined above, a ”bias” mode can be utilised for biasing arrival traffic flow in the Dual runway 12L arrival configuration.
In the arrival bias, arriving traffic may vacate 12L to taxi westbound on M and then southbound on L3 and L4 to enter the C apron. Departing traffic will not interfere with the arrivals as they are prohibited from using any of the runway holding points along taxiway M.
4.4.7 Single runway 12L arrival taxi procedure
Arrival taxi routes during 12L single runway operation shall be the same as 12 dual runway operations.
4.4.8 Single runway 12R arrival taxi procedure
Aircraft parking on the southern aprons shall vacate right and taxi in via K.
Aircraft parking on the northern aprons shall vacate left and taxi via M to cross 12L at M10A.
4.4.9 Stand allocation procedure
Aircraft shall be assigned stands automatically using Ground Radar Plugin Stand Assigner. If this is not possible, aircraft shall manually be assigned a stand in accordance with the following procedure:
Stand Allocation
Concourse A
Stands A1 to A10, D1 to D10
Concourse B
Stands B14 to B27, F16 to F27
Concourse C
Stands B1 to B12, F2 to F13
FDB (Stands: F2, B1 to B10), UAE
Concourse D
Stands C48 to C64
International Operators
Apron C (Remote)
Stands C18 to C47
FDB (Stands: C18 to C23, C27 to C40), International Operators, KAM (Stands: C36 to C40), UAE (Stands: C24 to C40)
Apron E (Remote)
Stands E1 to E27
AXB, FDB, Cargo, low-cost
Apron G (Remote)
Stands G1 to G22
UAE (Overflow)
Apron H
Stands H1 to H4
Apron Q (Remote)
Stands Q1 to Q11
Apron S (Remote)
Stands S1 to S15
UAE (Overflow)
+Table 4-1: Stand allocation procedure
4.4.10 Stand restrictions
All stands on Apron A and Apron D are up to code F (A380/B747-8) capable, as well as F18 to F22, F27, F12 and F13. All remaining stands are up to heavy (code E) capable except C18 to C23 and B1 to B7 which are up to medium (code C) capable.
4.5 Low visibility operations (LVO)
4.5.1 LVO taxi routes
When LVO is in force, aircraft shall not cross the landing runway as far as practicable.
Aircraft shall only be issued taxi instructions in accordance with the designated LVO taxi routes.
Only designated CAT II/III holding points shall be used during LVO (4.7.2).
4.6 Designated areas of responsibility
4.6.1 GMC positions
Dubai has two GMC positions, GMC 1 and GMC 2.
GMC 1 controls aircraft movements on the following areas and their associated taxiways:
+- Apron A
+- Apron B
+- Apron D
+- Apron F
+- Apron G
+- Apron H
GMC 2 controls aircraft movements on the following areas and their associated taxiways:
+- Apron C
+- Apron E
+- Apron S
+- Apron Q
(See Section 2)
4.6.2 Handoff procedures
Where transfer of control is to be made between controllers, aircraft shall not be cleared to a point beyond the current controller’s designated zone of responsibility unless there has been prior coordination with the next controller. Intermediate holding points may be used to satisfy this requirement.
4.6.3 Splitting procedure
When there is only one GMC online, they shall cover all surface movement areas from the GMC 1 position.
Unless otherwise authorised by the Arabian vACC staff, GMP (Dubai Delivery) must be online before two GMC (Dubai Ground) positions are be opened.
When GMP is not online, GMC shall assume the responsibility of the lower controller.
Airways clearance/Ground Movement Planner (GMP) is responsible for validating routes and shall provide IFR clearance to departing aircraft. The controller shall assign the correct departure procedure to the aircraft based on the first point that is filed on the flight plan.
Where the flight plan contains an invalid route, level, or departure procedure, GMP must ensure that the error is corrected before the aircraft is given its clearance.
GMP is also responsible for minimizing taxiway delays and taxiway congestion for departing aircraft. During times of increased departure activity, aircraft are held at the gate to save fuel and lessen taxiway congestion.
3.2 Departure clearance
3.2.1 General
GMP is responsible for issuing clearances for departing aircraft. Pilots may be expected to report the following information on first contact:
Aircraft type;
Parking Stand;
Requested flight level;
Speed if unable to comply with minimum speed on the SID
3.2.2 Information contained in a departure clearance
An IFR clearance shall be in the following format:
Departure procedure;
Initially cleared altitude;
Assigned SSR code
GMP shall obtain a full readback of the clearance. If the pilot does not report the current ATIS letter on first contact, GMP shall pass the current ATIS letter and QNH.
Departing aircraft shall be instructed to remain on the delivery frequency and report ready to push before being handed off to GMC. This is so aircraft may be held at the gate, as per the procedures laid down in 2.6.
Pilot: "Dubai Delivery, good evening, UAE1GP, Boeing 777-300ER, stand A8, requesting FL360, to Nice, NABIX3F departure, with information F on board."
Controller: "UAE1GP, information F correct, cleared to Nice via the NABIX3F departure, maintain altitude 4000ft, squawk 0542."
Controller: "UAE1GP, readback correct, QNH 1008, report ready for pushback."
3.2.3 Datalink clearance (DCL)
Aircraft clearance may also be delivered by DCL. This type of clearance reduces controller workload and frequency congestion. For suitably equipped aircraft, this will be through the ACARS system on board the aircraft.
Controllers shall ensure that DCL is available to be used at all times.
3.2.4 Aircraft requiring a reroute
Aircraft requiring a reroute shall not be given a DCL. Instead, a voice clearance must be used. This shall be communicated by ACARS datalink message or on frequency.
3.2.5 Voice clearance
Aircraft requesting clearance via voice shall be given a voice clearance as per the format in 2.2.2.
3.3 Departure Procedures
3.3.1 RNAV Standard instrument departures
Dubai primarily uses RNAV standard instrument departures (SIDs) and is the preferred departure type for IFR aircraft. Departing aircraft shall be assigned an appropriate RNAV departure according to the first fix in the flight plan and runways in use.
SIDs which have an identifier ending in F are valid for 30L/R. SIDs with an identifier ending in G are valid for 12L/R. All departures have an initial climb of 4000ft (Table 3-1).
First Fix
+Table 3-1: RNAV SIDs
3.3.2 Omnidirectional departures
The omnidirectional departure procedure shall be used when aircraft are unable to accept an RNAV departure. Whereas RNAV departures follow a prescribed track until leaving the Dubai Departures airspace, omnidirectional departures are given radar vectors to the first fix.
In the take-off clearance. Air Control (AIR) may assign a heading from within a “heading fan” of valid headings.
An Omnidirectional departure clearance shall contain the following information:
Omnidirectional departure;
Initial climb;
Initial heading (which may be changed by AIR);
Assigned SSR code
Aircraft on an omnidirectional departure shall have the text OMNI inserted to the scratchpad section of their entry on the departure list.
Pilot: "Dubai Delivery, good evening, TCM1TM, Airbus A320, stand C59, requesting FL360, to Beirut, unable RNAV, with information X on board."
Controller: "TCM1TM, information X correct, cleared to Beirut via the omnidirectional departure, maintain altitude 4000ft, squawk 0527."
Controller: "TCM1TM, readback correct, QNH 1014, report ready for pushback."
3.4 Rerouting aircraft
An aircraft shall be issued a reroute by GMP if the pilot’s route doesn’t comply with the standard routes laid out in Table 3-2.
Several routing restrictions exist within UAE airspace and are detailed in the UAE Route Manual which must be complied with when issuing a departure clearance.
If an aircraft requires a reroute, they shall be informed of such as soon as they have connected to the network by private message or on frequency. The use of “.rte" and “.rtef" aliases are encouraged.
The Arabian vACC Operations Department maintains an up-to-date route database on SimBrief. These routes can be accessed by selecting the "User Submitted Routes" option, highlighted in purple, when planning a flight.
Controller: "RJA615, cleared to Amman, via SENPA1G, SENPA N571 ALPOB L768 ULADA, flight planned route. Maintain 4000ft, squawk 0553."
Level Restrictions
Tehran FIR Northbound
Transiting Bahrain FIR onwards landing/transiting Kuwait, Baghdad, and Tehran FIRs
Transiting Bahrain FIR onwards landing/transiting Jeddah FIR (including OERK, OEJN)
Landing within Bahrain FIR (including OBBI)
Max FL260
Landing OEDF, OEDR
Landing within Doha TMA (OTHH, OTBD)
Max FL260
Landing/transiting Sanaa FIR and south Jeddah FIR
Landing OOMS, transiting Muscat FIR Eastbound and Southeast bound
Landing OOSA, transiting Muscat FIR Southbound and Southwest bound
Landing OOSH
At 11,000 ft
Transiting Muscat FIR Eastbound onwards landing/transiting Karachi and Mumbai FIRs
Max 10,000 ft
Max 7,000 ft
DCT (RADAR VECTORS) (Omnidirectional departure)
+Table 3-2: Standard routes
3.5 Requested cruising level
3.5.1 Level restrictions
Aircraft routes out of the aerodrome must comply with all routing and level restrictions as described in section 3.1 of Arabian MATS P1, Arabian Route Manual and Table 3-2. This is based on direction and type of flight.
Should an aircraft file an invalid cruise level, GMP shall advise the aircraft of this when delivering the clearance. In all cases, the next lowest valid cruise level shall be assigned, and the aircraft advised.
3.6 Delay mitigation
3.6.1 Target off-block time (TOBT)
When A-CDM procedures are active, pilots must report their confirmed TOBT on vacdm.vatsim.me, which is then displayed in the controller's client on the departure list. A fully green time indicates a confirmed TOBT. If a pilot has not confirmed their TOBT, the controller should request it on frequency and update the departure list accordingly.
The TOBT system allows aircraft to push back, taxi to the runway holding point, and depart on schedule without extended delays in the departure queue. If an aircraft reports ready for pushback before its assigned TOBT, it will be instructed to hold position and will be given its place in the pushback sequence, unless aerodrome conditions permit and a slot is available. If an aircraft is cleared for push and start but does not begin pushing within 2-5 minutes, the pushback clearance is canceled, and a new TOBT is assigned.
Controller: "FDB53, hold position. Number 3 for startup, expect pushback at time 45."
3.7 Runway change procedure
AIR shall provide ample notice to GMP before changing runway configuration. The last departure using the old configuration shall be coordinated between AIR, GMP, GMC and approach/departure.
Aircraft that have already been cleared to depart using the old configuration shall be re-cleared if they have not already requested pushback.
3.8 VFR aircraft
VFR flight activity should be planned in accordance to published VFR charts, specifically the “Dubai Creek VFR Routes” chart for traffic navigating within the CTR and the “Dubai CTA VFR” chart for VFR traffic navigating out of the Dubai CTR into neighbouring airspaces. GMP may use the appropriate charts as per the requirements of the pilot’s intentions in accordance with 2.8.1, 2.8.2 and 2.8.3.
At any time, AIR control and Approach/Departure control may impose partial or full restrictions to VFR operations out of OMDB during periods of increased IFR activity or due to restrictions and limitations to aircraft type. It is imperative that GMP is in continuous coordination with AIR control and Approach/Departure control for departing VFR traffic.
3.8.1 VFR departures into uncontrolled airspace
VFR traffic shall be cleared via the most appropriate VFR route towards their destination. If necessary, the clearance may be amended by AIR prior to departure.
All VFR departures shall be assigned a discrete SSR code so that they may be identified on radar.
Pilot: "Dubai Delivery A6-CTL, Cirrus SR22, request clearance to Al-Maktoum, information charlie."
Controller: "A6-CTL, Dubai Delivery, cleared to Al-Maktoum via Water Tank - VR7 - Road Crossing - VR6 - Club Intersection, Altitude 1000ft VFR, squawk 0611."
Pilot: "Cleared to Al-Maktoum via Water Tank - VR7 - Road Crossing - VR6 - Club Intersection, altitude 1000ft VFR, squawk 0611, A6-CTL."
Controller: "ATL, [readback] correct, information charlie correct, QNH 1003, report ready for start-up."
Pilot: "QNH 1003, Wilco ATL"
3.8.2 VFR departures into controlled airspace
VFR aircraft requesting clearance to climb into approach airspace (above 1500 ft) shall only be cleared after prior coordination with Approach/Departure control. Otherwise, they shall be instructed to remain outside controlled airspace after leaving the control zone.
All VFR departures shall be assigned a discrete SSR code so that they may be identified on radar.
Pilot: "Dubai Delivery A6-CTZ, Cirrus SR22, request departure to the south on track Abu Dhabi, altitude 6500ft."
Controller: "A6-CTZ, Dubai Delivery, cleared on track Abu Dhabi, altitude 6500ft VFR, squawk 0415."
Pilot: "Cleared on track Abu Dhabi, altitude 6500ft VFR, squawk 0415, A6-CTZ."
Controller: "ATZ, [readback] correct, information sierra current, QNH 1003, report ready for start-up."
Pilot: "QNH 1003, Wilco ATZ"
3.8.3 VFR traffic remaining in circuit
VFR traffic wishing to remain in the circuit shall be cleared only after prior coordination with AIR and Approach/Departure control.
As per possible restrictions mentioned in 2.8, VFR traffic may be encouraged to carry out circuits at neighbouring aerodromes such as OMDW, OMSJ and OMRK during periods of increased IFR activity and due to restrictions to aircraft type. GMP must coordinate with AIR control and Arrivals/Departures control in such cases and relay the information to the pilot in accordance with 2.8.1 or 2.8.2.
VFR circuits shall not be permitted out of OMDB if any of the aforementioned restrictions from AIR and Approach/Departure control is in effect.
All VFR circuit traffic shall be assigned a discrete SSR code so that they may be identified on radar.
All VFR aircraft shall be instructed to conduct circuits to the south of the aerodrome from the southern runway (left-hand circuits for 30L and right-hand circuits for 12R) at an altitude of 1000 ft. Aircraft may also be cleared to conduct circuits at 1500 ft, if required.
Pilot: "Dubai Delivery A6-CTL, Cirrus SR22, request clearance for circuit patterns, information alpha."
Due to the complex layout of the aerodrome, several areas exist which are prone to taxiway/runway incursions. Controllers must exercise caution and remain vigilant when aircraft are operating in these areas.
(See section 8 for visual depiction of incursion hotspots)
5.2 Hotspot A
Area with a history of taxiway incursions during pushback due to confusion between taxiway Z and taxiway K.
Controllers shall ensure that aircraft correctly read back the facing instruction as well as the taxiway designator when issuing pushback clearance. Close monitoring of the pushback is also required to ensure aircraft do not inadvertently enter taxiway K.
5.3 Hotspot B
Area with a history of taxiway incursions due to confusion between intersecting taxiways Z, K, W and J2.
Controllers shall pay close attention to aircraft taxiing in this area, particularly when taxiing northbound on W and J2 and when aircraft are vacating the runway to turn left onto J2. Appropriate use of the words “LEFT” and “RIGHT” to avoid confusion and/or ambiguity is recommended.
5.4 Hotspot C
Area prone to taxiway incursions due to aircraft missing intermediate holding point KP when taxiing westbound on K after vacating runway 30L.
Plain language instructions may be required to hold traffic short of K8 to avoid blocking the runway exit.
5.5 Hotspot D
Area with a history of runway incursions dure to aircraft confusing taxiway M1 and M2 with taxiway L3 and L4.
5.6 Hotspot E
Area prone to runway incursions by traffic vacating runway 12L via taxiway N9 and turning right onto taxiway M10B or taxiway M11 and entering runway 12R.
Controllers shall ensure that traffic correctly read back the initial taxi instruction which shall include the words “TURN LEFT ONTO M” to avoid ambiguity.
5.7 Hotspot F
Area prone to taxiway incursion due to confusion between locations of apron D and apron B.
Controllers shall include the word “LEFT” or “RIGHT” when instructing aircraft to join taxiway J.
5.8 Hotspot G
Area with a history of taxiway incursions due to confusion between intersecting taxiways Z, K, Y and J1.
Controllers shall pay close attention to aircraft taxiing in this area and include explicit instructions to taxi via each taxiway.
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/aerodrome/Dubai/img/OMDB 12 TITO DB.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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+ 1. Aerodrome Information - Arabian vACC - Library
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
GMP shall instruct pilots to monitor Ground Movement Controller (GMC) frequency 123.975 MHz and standby for ATC call.
+GMC shall inform aircraft that are ready for pushback of any delay exceeding 5 minutes and provide an estimate. If no contact is made by ATC after 5 minutes of monitoring pilots shall contact Ground Movement Control to receive an estimate for pushback and start.
+To facilitate the most expeditious movement of ready aircraft, pilots not ready to pushback and start when instructed to do so by ATC shall expect to wait for further pushback instructions.
2.2.2 Information contained in a departure clearance
2.2.3 Datalink clearance (DCL)
2.2.4 Aircraft requiring a reroute
2.2.5 Voice clearance
2.3 Departure Procedures
2.3.1 RNAV Standard instrument departures
First Fix
+Table 2-1: RNAV SIDs
2.3.2 Omnidirectional departures
2.4 Rerouting aircraft
Controller: "RJA615, cleared to Amman, via SENPA1G, SENPA N571 ALPOB L768 ULADA, flight planned route. Maintain 4000ft, squawk 0553."
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
Air Control (AIR) is responsible for all aerodrome movements on runways and their associated taxiways. AIR shall also ensure separation between IFR aircraft that are arriving at and departing the aerodrome, as well as provide traffic information to VFR aircraft operating within the aerodrome control zone.
4.2 Preferential runways
At Doha-Hamad, parallel runways are used at the same time for both departures and arrivals.
Simultaneous Parallel Departures (SPD): Departures can happen simultaneously on any of the three parallel runways.
Simultaneous Parallel Approaches (SPA): Arrivals can be managed as either Dependent or Independent Parallel Approaches, depending on traffic flow or the operational mode.
The preferred calm wind configuration is using runways 34L and 34R, which may be utilized with a tailwind of up to 5 knots. If this configuration is not feasible due to wind conditions or other factors, runways 16L and 16R shall be used instead.
4.2.1 Dependent parallel runway approaches (DPA)
Dependent Parallel Approaches (DPA) involve simultaneous approaches to parallel or nearly parallel runways with required radar separation between aircraft on adjacent centerlines. During DPA operations:
A 1.5 NM diagonal stagger is required for inbound aircraft to Doha-Hamad.
A 2.0 NM diagonal stagger is required for inbound aircraft to Doha Hamad and Doha.
Pilots will be notified of DPA operations through the ATIS.
Independent Parallel Approaches (IPA) involve simultaneous approaches to parallel or nearly parallel runways, where radar separation between aircraft on adjacent centerlines is not required. During IPA operations:
Pilots will be notified of IPA operations through the ATIS.
After receiving ILS clearance, pilots must maintain specific altitudes until established on the glidepath: 2500 FT for runway 16L/34R and 3500 FT for runway 16R/34L. Early descent below the glidepath to the final approach altitude is not allowed unless directed by ATC.
For RWY 16L/34R (low side), the base turn will be instructed by ATC once the aircraft is maintaining the final intercept altitude of 2500 FT.
4.2.3 No transgression zone (NTZ)
In the context of independent parallel approaches, there is a defined airspace corridor located centrally between the two extended runway centerlines. If an aircraft enters this corridor, air traffic control (ATC) must intervene to maneuver any nearby aircraft on the adjacent approach.
+ Break-out manouver
If an aircraft infringes the NTZ, the Final Approach Monitoring Controller will issue a breakout instruction to the aircraft under their responsibility to protect it from the threat. Breakout maneuvers include heading and altitude instructions.
The Final Approach Monitoring Controller will override the relevant Tower frequency when issuing a breakout maneuver due to an NTZ infringement from the adjacent approach path.
4.3 Departure procedures
High Intensity Runway Operations for departing aircraft are in effect 24 hours a day. All checks should be completed when reaching the assigned holding point, and aircraft must line up without delay when cleared by ATC. Prompt action should be taken in response to take-off clearance. Whenever possible, intersection departures should be used.
4.3.1 Standard departure points
Standard departure points
+Table 4-1: Standard departure points
4.3.2 Line up clearances
Conditional line up instructions shall include the traffic that the aircraft is to follow, as well as the word “behind” at the beginning and end of the transmission. It is recommended to only have a maximum of two conditional line up clearances active at one i.e., one aircraft lining up behind a departure, and another aircraft lining up behind them.
Controller: "QTR40P, behind the departing company Airbus A350, via A2, line up and wait runway 34R behind."
If aircraft have not yet reached the holding point where they are expected to line up at, ATC shall reiterate the cleared holding point.
Controller: "QTR40P, via A2, line up and wait runway 34R."
4.3.3 Take-off clearances
Aircraft will be cleared for takeoff once adequate separation is ensured as outlined in sections 4.3.4 and 4.6. At the time of takeoff clearance, aircraft will be assigned their airborne frequency, either for Doha Approach East or West, or the next available station, such as Doha Radar or Doha Control. If none of these stations are online, aircraft will be instructed to monitor UNICOM 122.8.
Controller: "QTR40P, airborne contact Doha Approach East 124.775, wind 330 degrees 7 knots, runway 34R, cleared for take-off."
4.3.4 Separation requirements
+ General
Aircraft shall be separated on departure in compliance with standard IFR departure separation minima, recategorisation wake turbulence separation minima (RECAT) requirements or as provided in 4.6 where applicable.
Except as provided in, succeeding aircraft on the same SID shall be separated by a minimum of 2 minutes.
+ Low visibility and IMC
During low visibility operations and during IMC, departing aircraft shall not be cleared for take-off when there is an arriving aircraft within 4 NM of the landing runway threshold.
4.3.5 IFR handoff procedure
+ General
IFR departures will receive their handoff instructions as part of the takeoff clearance, as outlined in section 4.3.3. Aircraft that do not receive handoff instructions in their takeoff clearance will be handed off when passing 1000 feet, allowing sufficient time for a frequency change and preventing a level-off during departure.
Controllers should refer to section for the appropriate Doha Approach handoff procedures.
Aircraft performing a go-around on runway 16L/34R will be handed off to Doha Approach East on 124.775, while aircraft going around on runway 16R/34L will be handed off to Doha Approach West on 119.725.
If Doha Approach (East or West) is offline, all handoffs will be directed to Doha Radar. If Doha Radar (North or South) is also offline, all handoffs will be directed to Doha Control.
+ Doha Approach hand off procedure
Hand off
Doha Approach East
Doha Approach West
Doha Approach West
Doha Approach East
+Table 4-2: Doha Approach hand offs
4.3.6 Stopping a departure
Aircraft that have commenced their take-off roll may be instructed to stop immediately to avert a collision due to a runway incursion or any other dangerous situation.
It must be noted though, that the instruction to stop must be given early enough such that the aircraft does not reach its decision speed. Therefore, aerodrome controllers must be vigilant and remain aware of the location of traffic at all times as well as runway incursion hotspots.
Controller: "IBE392, stop immediately, I say again stop immediately, truck entering the runway!"
For aircraft that have been given a take-off clearance, but have not yet started the roll, they shall be instructed to hold position and the take-off clearance must be cancelled along with the reason for cancellation.
Controller: "IBE392, hold position, cancel take-off, I say again cancel take-off, aircraft entering the runway, acknowledge."
4.4 Arrival Procedures
4.4.1 Standard runway exits
On initial contact, aircraft shall be instructed to vacate at a designated taxiway for arrival. The planned exit point shall be one of the preferred exit taxiways (Table 5-2).
Runway Exit
+Table 4-3: Standard runway exits
4.4.2 Separation requirements
+ General
While the radar controllers are responsible for separating arriving aircraft, the AIR controller shall still ensure that minimum separation is maintained until the preceding aircraft crosses the runway threshold.
+ Speed control
If it is apparent that minimum separation may not exist as provided in, AIR may use a tactical reduction in aircraft speed.
Controller: "QTR36M, reduce to final approach speed."
+ Visual separation
Aircraft may be instructed to maintain own separation visually, if speed control alone will not resolve the conflict. This shall only be done in VMC and with agreement with the pilot. If no other solutions are practical, the succeeding aircraft shall be instructed to go around.
4.4.3 Go-around instruction
+ General go-around procedure
At any time should a runway become unsuitable for an aircraft landing, or separation minima is not met, aircraft shall be instructed to go-around.
Controller: "QTR36M, go around, I say again, go around, acknowledge."
Once aircraft have acknowledged the instruction and are observed to be safely climbing away, they shall be handed off to the appropriate Doha Approach controller.
Controller: "QTR36M, climb to 4000ft via standard missed approach, contact Doha Approach East 124.775."
+ Go-around with simultaneous departure in IMC or during LVO
Aircraft shall be instructed to follow the standard missed approach and aircraft shall not be permitted to depart if an arriving aircraft is within 4 NM of the landing threshold.
4.4.4 Arrival taxi procedures
In accordance with the taxi procedures laid down in 3.4, aircraft shall be provided an initial taxi clearance to ensure they are kept moving such that the rapid exit taxiway (RET) is clear for the next arrival.
The initial taxi shall include instructions to taxi “LEFT” or “RIGHT” onto the relevant taxiway as appropriate and hold at a suitable intermediate holding point.
Controller: "QTR9L taxi right onto K, hold short R."
Once aircraft have been observed to be taxiing and completely clear of the RET, transfer of control shall be initiated to GMC provided there will be no conflicts with other arriving traffic.
4.5 Reduced runway separation minima (RRSM)
4.5.1 Conditions for the application of RRSM
The tailwind component must not exceed 5 knots, measured at the landing threshold, and there should be no pilot reports of wind shear.
Meteorological visibility must be at least 5 km, with a cloud ceiling no lower than 1000 feet. ATC must be confident that the pilot of the following aircraft can clearly and continuously observe the relevant traffic.
The pilot of the succeeding aircraft must be warned, and traffic information must be provided to them.
The runway must be dry, with no signs that braking action could be negatively affected.
ATC must be able to assess separation visually, and wake turbulence separation minima must be applied.
Minimum separation must be maintained between two departing aircraft immediately after the second aircraft takes off.
To ensure the preceding aircraft vacates the runway in a timely manner, the pilot should be advised of the exit at which they should plan to vacate.
4.5.2 Departure following departure
Take-off clearance may be issued to a departing aircraft, commencing its take-off roll from full length, before the preceding departure has passed the upwind end of the runway, provided that ATC has reasonable assurance that:
RWY 16L:
+ The preceding aircraft will be airborne and have passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY A5) by the time the succeeding aircraft begins its take-off roll. Minimum separation will continue to exist, constant or increasing, between the two departing aircraft immediately after the second aircraft's take-off.
RWY 34R:
+ The preceding aircraft will be airborne and have passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY A7) by the time the succeeding aircraft begins its take-off roll. Minimum separation will continue to exist, constant or increasing, between the two departing aircraft immediately after the second aircraft's take-off.
RWY 16R:
+ The preceding aircraft will be airborne and have passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY R) by the time the succeeding aircraft begins its take-off roll. Minimum separation will continue to exist, constant or increasing, between the two departing aircraft immediately after the second aircraft's take-off.
RWY 34L:
+ The preceding aircraft will be airborne and have passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY L8) by the time the succeeding aircraft begins its take-off roll. Minimum separation will continue to exist, constant or increasing, between the two departing aircraft immediately after the second aircraft's take-off.
The succeeding departure may commence its take-off roll, subject to the same conditions, when departing from:
RWY 16L from A11
RWY 34R from A1
RWY 16R from L11
RWY 34L from L1
4.5.3 Landing following landing
When the runway in use is temporarily occupied by other traffic, landing clearance may be issued to an arriving aircraft, provided the controller has reasonable assurance that the following separation distances and criteria will be met when the landing aircraft crosses the runway threshold:
RWY 16L:
+ The preceding landing aircraft has landed and vacated the runway, or has passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY A5), and is in motion to vacate the runway without stopping or backtracking.
RWY 34R:
+ The preceding landing aircraft has landed and vacated the runway, or has passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY A7), and is in motion to vacate the runway without stopping or backtracking.
RWY 16R:
+ The preceding landing aircraft has landed and vacated the runway, or has passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY R), and is in motion to vacate the runway without stopping or backtracking.
RWY 34L:
+ The preceding landing aircraft has landed and vacated the runway, or has passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY L8), and is in motion to vacate the runway without stopping or backtracking.
Landing RRSM (Reduced Runway Separation Minimum) will only be applied between two successive arrivals, provided both aircraft have been instructed to vacate at published Rapid Exit Taxiways (RETs).
4.5.4 Landing following departure
When the runway in use is temporarily occupied by other traffic, landing clearance may be issued to an arriving aircraft, provided the controller has reasonable assurance that the following separation distances and criteria will be met when the landing aircraft crosses the runway threshold:
RWY 16L:
+ The preceding departing aircraft will be airborne and have passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY A5), or if not airborne, will be at least 2400 meters from the threshold.
RWY 34R:
+ The preceding departing aircraft will be airborne and have passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY A7), or if not airborne, will be at least 2400 meters from the threshold.
RWY 16R:
+ The preceding departing aircraft will be airborne and have passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY R), or if not airborne, will be at least 2400 meters from the threshold.
RWY 34L:
+ The preceding departing aircraft will be airborne and have passed a point at least 2400 meters from the threshold (abeam TWY L8), or if not airborne, will be at least 2400 meters from the threshold.
Pilots should be aware of the possibility of a go-around if no landing clearance has been received when approaching 2 NM from the threshold, with another aircraft lined up or departing.
4.7 Low visibility operations (LVO)
4.7.1 Commencement of LVO
Low visibility operations (LVO) are commenced at Doha-Hamad when:
Touchdown RVR is indicated to be 600 metres or less;
Reported meteorological visibility is 600 metres or less;
The reported cloud ceiling is less than 300 feet
LVO may be pre-emptively initiated when RVR or meteorological visibility is reported at or below 1500 m and forecast to reduce below LVO minima, or the cloud ceiling is reported as 500 ft, and forecast to reduce below LVO minima.
4.7.2 LVO departure procedures
During LVO, aircraft must use CAT II/III holding points for all runways in order to protect ILS-critical areas.
CAT II/III holding points must be used during LVO for departing aircraft (Table 5-4).
Holding Point
+Table 4-5: CATII/III holding points
4.8 Designated areas of responsibility
4.8.1 AIR positions
Doha-Hamad has two AIR positions: AIR 1 and AIR 2.
AIR 1 controls runway 16L/34R, including all associated exit taxiways and runway holding points.
AIR 2 controls runway 16R/34L, including all associated exit taxiways and runway holding points.
The airspace around the airport is divided along the middle of the main concourse. AIR 1 is responsible for the airspace to the east of the concourse, while AIR 2 is responsible for the airspace to the west.
(See sections 6.2 and 6.3)
4.8.2 Handoff procedure
Where transfer of control is to be made between aerodrome controllers, aircraft shall not be cleared to a point beyond the current controller’s designated zone of responsibility unless there has been prior coordination with the next controller. Hold short instructions may be used to satisfy this requirement.
+For runway crossings, the crossing instruction must only be issued by the designated AIR controller for the respective runway unless prior coordination has been conducted.
4.8.3 Splitting procedure
Where there is only one controller, they shall cover all runways and associated airspace from the AIR 1 position.
Unless otherwise authorised by the Arabian vACC staff, GMP (Hamad Clearance Delivery) and at least one GMC (Hamad Ground) position must be online before two AIR (Hamad Tower) positions may be opened.
Areas marked in red are the responsibility of the AIR controller, while areas marked in blue are handled by the appropriate GMC controller. Boundaries between these areas are indicated by a white line. Early hand-offs should be used to maintain aircraft movement, and controllers should not wait for aircraft to reach the edge of the boundary before initiating hand-offs.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
The Ground Movement Controller (GMC) is responsible for managing aircraft movements on all aerodrome movement areas except for runways and their associated taxiways. Departing aircraft are given pushback instructions and instructions to taxi to the runway holding point. Arriving aircraft are assigned a stand and instructed to taxi as appropriate.
3.2 Departure pushback procedures
3.2.1 General pushback procedures
When aircraft have been handed off from GMP, they shall be fully ready for pushback, and have reached their TOBT. Assuming no obstructions, they shall be instructed to push back immediately. If an aircraft is cleared for push and start but does not begin pushing within 2-5 minutes, the pushback clearance is canceled, and a new TOBT is assigned.
Aircraft requesting push that are not squawking their assigned transponder code shall be instructed to hold position and squawk the correct code. They must not be allowed to move until doing so.
Pushback direction is based primarily on aircraft location and runway configuration.
All code F aircraft (A380/B747-8) are not permitted to be pushed onto taxiway W (between taxiway H and stand A4), taxiway E (between taxiway D and stand B2), or taxiway Y.
A pushback clearance must be a variant of those provided in 3.2.2 and include an instruction to “FACE NORTH”, “FACE EAST", “FACE SOUTH" or “FACE WEST” as appropriate with the taxiway to push onto.
Pilot: "Hamad Ground, QTR1, on stand A8 request pushback."
Controller: "QTR1, Hamad Ground, pushback approved, face West on W."
Pilot: "Pushback approved, facing West on W, QTR1."
Conditional pushback instructions may also be issued if an aircraft is taxiing behind another waiting for pushback.
Pilot: "Hamad Ground, FDB12, on stand G3C request pushback."
Controller: "FDB12, Hamad Ground, behind the company 737 passing left to right, pushback approved, face South on E2."
Pilot: "After the company 737 passes from left to right, pushback approved, facing South on E2, FDB12."
3.2.2 Pushback types
+ Standard pushback
This type will normally have the aircraft stop abeam the adjacent stand. The phraseology for this type of pushback is identical to the pushback phraseology as provided in 3.2.1.
+ Short pushback
A short pushback instruction shall require the aircraft to complete the pushback abeam the current stand such that the adjacent stand will not be blocked.
Pilot: "Hamad Ground, IBE0392, on stand H10 request pushback."
Controller: "IBE0392, Hamad Ground, short pushback approved, face south on J to finish abeam stand H10."
Pilot: "Short pushback approved, facing west on J to finish abeam stand H10, IBE0392."
+ Long pushback
A long pushback instruction shall require aircraft to complete the pushback operation two stands away from where the pushback was commenced. This manoeuvre may be used when aircraft are vacating a stand to be used by another aircraft that is taxiing in.
Pilot: "Hamad Ground, QTR1184, on stand A7 request pushback."
Controller: "QTR1184, Hamad Ground, long pushback approved, face west on W1 to finish abeam stand A3."
Pilot: "Long pushback approved, facing west on W1 to finish abeam stand A3, QTR1184."
3.2.3 Simultaneous pushback operations
Simultaneous pushbacks may be permitted from adjacent stands provided aircraft are instructed to manoeuvre in accordance with 3.2.2 such that on completion of both aircraft’s pushback operation, they will be separated on the taxiway by two aircraft stands.
3.2.4 Pushback Operations
Instruction Details
Concourse A
Aircraft face West onto taxiway W and W1. Stand A11: face North or South depending on departure runway. Occasionally pushed onto W2 facing West.
Concourse B
Aircraft face East onto taxiway E and E1. Stand B10: face North or South depending on departure runway. Occasionally pushed onto E2 facing East.
Concourse C
Stands C1-C8: push back facing South onto E1 or W1. Stands C9-C12: push back facing North onto E4 or W4. Occasionally pushed onto E2/W2 (South) or E3/W3 (North).
Concourse D
Aircraft face North onto W4. Occasionally pushed onto W3 facing North.
Concourse E
Aircraft face North onto E4. Occasionally pushed onto E3 facing North.
Central Concourse
Aircraft face East or West depending on departure runway onto N.
Remote Transfer H
Stands H1-H2: push back facing West onto W2. Stand H3C: push back facing South onto W2. Stands H4-H6: push back facing North onto W3. Stands H7-H10: push back North or South onto J. Occasionally pushed onto W1 (South/West) or W4 (North).
Remote Transfer G
Stands G1-G2: push back facing East onto E2. Stand G3C: push back facing South onto E2. Stands G4-G6: push back facing North onto E3. Stands G7-G10: push back North or South onto C. Occasionally pushed onto E1 (South/East) or E4 (North).
Apron Cargo
Aircraft face North or South depending on departure runway onto F.
Apron V
Stands V1-V7: face North or South onto V. Stands V8-V12: push back North or South onto C.
Apron 4
Aircraft face North or South depending on departure runway onto C or Q.
Apron 5
Aircraft face North or South depending on departure runway onto K. Stands 551-564: face West onto Y.
Apron 6
Departures from runway 34L: face South onto S2 or S4. Departures from runway 34R: face North. Departures from runways 16L or 16R: face North onto S2 or S4.
3.3 Departure taxi procedures
3.3.1 General departure taxi procedures
Aircraft should be assigned the most suitable taxi route for their designated departure runway.
Code F aircraft (A380/B747-8) are not permitted to taxi onto taxiway W (between taxiway H and stand A4), taxiway E (between taxiway D and stand B2), or taxiway Y.
Where aircraft are taxied to runway holding points, transfer of control to AIR shall be made early enough such that the aircraft is not required to stop its taxi.
Pilot: "QTR3B, request taxi."
Controller: "QTR3B, taxi via W2, K, holding point L, runway 34L."
Pilot: "Taxi via W2, K, holding point L, runway 34L, QTR3B."
To deconflict traffic, and to reduce the length of taxi clearances, intermediate holding points shall be used wherever possible.
Pilot: "QTR98K, request taxi."
Controller: "QTR98K, taxi via W2, hold short J."
Pilot: "Taxi via W2, hold short J, QTR98K."
3.3.2 Runway 16L departure taxi procedures
Instruction Details
Concourse A, C (West), D, Remote Transfer H
Aircraft on taxiway W: taxi via H or W to join J, R, and B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Aircraft on taxiway J: taxi via R and B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Aircraft on W1, W2, W3, W4: taxi via J, R, and B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Concourse B, C (East), E, Remote Transfer G
Aircraft on taxiways E, E1, E2, E3, E4: taxi to join B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Aircraft on taxiway D: taxi to join E1 and B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to join B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Central Concourse
Aircraft on taxiway N: taxi to join R and B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Apron Cargo
Aircraft on taxiway F: taxi to join B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Apron V
Aircraft on taxiway V: taxi to join B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to join B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Apron 4
Aircraft on taxiway Q: taxi to join C or B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Apron 5
Aircraft on taxiway K: taxi to join R and B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Aircraft on taxiway Y: taxi to join K, R, and B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Apron 6
Aircraft on taxiways S2 or S3: taxi to join R1, R, and B to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
3.3.3 Runway 16R departure taxi procedures
Instruction Details
Concourse A, C (West), D, Remote Transfer H
Aircraft on taxiway W: taxi via K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Aircraft on taxiway J: taxi via K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Aircraft on taxiways W1, W2, W3, W4: taxi via K to reach holding points A10, A11, A12.
Concourse B, C (East), E, Remote Transfer G
Aircraft on taxiways E, E1, E2, E3, E4: taxi to join C, S, and K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Aircraft on taxiway D: taxi to join E1, C, S, and K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to join S, and K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Central Concourse
Aircraft on taxiway N: taxi to join S and K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Apron Cargo
Aircraft on taxiway F: taxi to join C, S, and K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Apron V
Aircraft on taxiway V: taxi to join C, S, and K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to join S and K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Apron 4
Aircraft on taxiway Q: taxi to join F or B, then continue onto S and K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Apron 5
Aircraft on taxiway K: taxi to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Aircraft on taxiway Y: taxi to join K to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
Apron 6
Aircraft on taxiways S2 or S3: taxi to join R1 and M to reach holding points L10, L11, L12.
3.3.4 Runway 34L departure taxi procedures
Instruction Details
Concourse A, C (West), D, Remote Transfer H
Aircraft on taxiway W: taxi via L or L1.
Aircraft on taxiway J: taxi via L2, L1, or L.
Aircraft on taxiways W1, W2, W3, W4: taxi via J or K and continue to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Concourse B, C (East), E, Remote Transfer G
Aircraft on taxiways E, E1, E2, E3, E4: taxi to join C, S, and K and proceed to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Aircraft on taxiway D: taxi to join C, S, and K and proceed to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to join S, K, and proceed to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Central Concourse
Aircraft on taxiway N: taxi to join S, K, and continue to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Apron Cargo
Aircraft on taxiway F: taxi to join C, S, K, and continue to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Apron V
Aircraft on taxiway V: taxi to join C, S, K, and continue to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to join S, K, and continue to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Apron 4
Aircraft on taxiway C or Q: taxi to join F, C, S, K, and continue to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Apron 5
Aircraft on taxiway K: taxi to join holding points L2, L1, or L.
Aircraft on taxiway Y: taxi to join K and continue to holding points L2, L1, or L.
Apron 6
Aircraft on taxiway S2: taxi to join S3, P, M, and continue to holding points M1, M2, or M3.
Aircraft on taxiway S4: taxi to join P, M, and continue to holding points M1, M2, or M3.
3.3.5 Runway 34R departure taxi procedures
Instruction Details
Concourse A, C (West), D, Remote Transfer H
Aircraft on taxiway W: taxi via H, then proceed through either W1 or W2, and continue on J, R, and B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Aircraft on taxiway J: taxi via R and B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Aircraft on taxiways W1, W2, W3, or W4: taxi via J, R, and B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Concourse B, C (East), E, Remote Transfer G
Aircraft on taxiways E, E1, E2, E3, E4: taxi to join either B or C to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Aircraft on taxiway D: taxi to join B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to join B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Central Concourse
Aircraft on taxiway N: taxi to join R, B, and continue to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Apron Cargo
Aircraft on taxiway F: taxi to join B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Apron V
Aircraft on taxiway V: taxi to join C to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Apron 4
Aircraft on taxiway C: taxi to join B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Aircraft on taxiway Q: taxi to join B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Apron 5
Aircraft on taxiway K: taxi to join R and B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Aircraft on taxiway Y: taxi to join K, R, and B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
Apron 6
Aircraft on taxiways S2 and/or S4: taxi to join R1, cross runway 34L, and join R and B to reach holding points A2, A1, or A.
3.4 Arrival taxi procedures
3.4.1 General arrival taxi procedures
Arriving aircraft should not be handed off by AIR immediately upon landing. Instead, they must receive initial taxi instructions to taxiways B, K, or M to maintain traffic flow.
Aircraft must avoid stopping on rapid exit taxiways and should proceed as follows, unless otherwise directed by the tower:
Vacating 16L: Continue taxiing southbound via taxiway B.
Vacating 16R: Continue southbound via taxiway K or M.
Vacating 16R with parking on Apron 5: Expect a northbound turn onto taxiway K (HIRO does not apply).
Vacating 34L: Continue northbound via taxiway M unless instructed to vacate to the east (HIRO does not apply when vacating east).
Vacating 34R: Continue northbound via taxiway B.
Therefore, GMC should assign an arrival stand to aircraft as soon as they appear on the arrival list, as this facilitates the assignment of the arrival runway for terminal controllers.
Once the aircraft is handed off to GMC, they can be directed to their assigned stand.
3.4.2 Runway 16L arrival taxi procedures
Instruction Details
Concourse A, C (West), D, Remote Transfer H
Aircraft vacating via A8 and A7: Taxi to join S, K, and proceed to W1, W2, W3, W4, or H.
Aircraft vacating via A3: Taxi to join C, S, K, and proceed to W1, W2, W3, W4, or H.
Concourse B, C (East), D, Remote Transfer G
Aircraft vacating via A8, A7, and A3: Taxi to join B and proceed to E1, E2, E3, E4, or D.
Central Concourse
Aircraft vacating via A8 and A7: Taxi to join S and proceed to T1 or T4 to join N.
Aircraft vacating via A3: Taxi to join C, S and proceed to T1 or T4 to join N.
Cargo Apron
Aircraft vacating via A8 and A7: Taxi to join B.
Aircraft vacating via A3: Taxi to join C.
Apron V
Aircraft vacating via A8, A7, and A3: Taxi to join B to join C or D.
Apron 4
Aircraft vacating via A8 and A7: Taxi to join B and then Q.
Aircraft vacating via A3: Taxi to join C and then Q.
Apron 5
Aircraft vacating via A8 and A7: Taxi to join S and K.
Aircraft vacating via A3: Taxi to join C, S and K.
Apron 6
Aircraft vacating via A8 and A7: Taxi to join S and S1 to join S2 or S4.
Aircraft vacating via A3: Taxi to join C, S and S1 to join S2 or S4.
3.4.3 Runway 16R arrival taxi procedures
Instruction Details
Concourse A, C (West), D, Remote Transfer H
Aircraft vacating via L8 and L5: Taxi to join K, R, B, and proceed to join E1, E2, E3, E4, or D.
Aircraft vacating via L3: Taxi to join J, R, B, and proceed to join E1, E2, E3, E4, or D.
Concourse B, C (East), D, Remote Transfer G
Aircraft vacating via L8, L5, and L3: Taxi to join K and proceed to join W1, W2, W3, W4, or H.
Central Concourse
Aircraft vacating via L8 and L5: Taxi to join K, R and proceed via T1 or T4 to join N.
Aircraft vacating via L3: Taxi to join J, R, and proceed via T1 or T4 to join N.
Cargo Apron
Aircraft vacating via L8 and L5: Taxi to join K, R, and C.
Aircraft vacating via L3: Taxi to join J, R, and C.
Apron V
Aircraft vacating via L8 and L5: Taxi to join K, R, and B to join C or D.
Aircraft vacating via L3: Taxi to join J, K, R, and B to join C or D.
Apron 4
Aircraft vacating via L8 and L5: Taxi to join K, R, and C or B.
Aircraft vacating via L3: Taxi to join J, R, and C or B.
Apron 5
Aircraft vacating via L8 and L5: Taxi to join K.
Aircraft vacating via L3: Taxi to join J, R, and K.
Apron 6
Aircraft vacating via M9 and M7: Taxi to join M, S1, to proceed to S2 or S4.
Aircraft vacating via M5: Taxi to join M and proceed to either S1 or P8 to join either S2 or S4.
3.4.4 Runway 34L arrival taxi procedures
Instruction Details
Concourse A, C (West), D, Remote Transfer H
Aircraft vacating via L4, L6, and L9 shall taxi to join K and then proceed to W1, W2, W3, W4, or H.
Concourse B, C (East), D, Remote Transfer G
Aircraft vacating via L4, L6, and L9 shall taxi to join K, R, B, and then proceed to E1, E2, E3, E4, or D.
Central Concourse
Aircraft vacating via L4, L6, and L9 shall taxi to join K, R, and then T1 or T2 to join N.
Cargo Apron
Aircraft vacating via L4, L6, and L9 shall taxi to join K, R, and then C or B.
Apron V
Aircraft vacating via L4, L6, and L9 shall taxi to join K, R, and B, and then proceed to C or D.
Apron 4
Aircraft vacating via L4, L6, and L9 shall taxi to join K, R, and B to join Q.
Apron 5
Aircraft vacating via L4, L6, and L9 shall taxi to join K.
Apron 6
Aircraft vacating via M6, M8, and M10 shall taxi to join M, S1, and then proceed to S2 or S4.
3.4.5 Runway 34R arrival taxi procedures
Instruction Details
Concourse A, C (West), D, Remote Transfer H
Aircraft vacating via A4, A5, and A9 shall taxi to join B, S, and proceed to W1, W2, W3, W4, or H.
Concourse B, C (East), D, Remote Transfer G
Aircraft vacating via A4, A5, and A9 shall taxi to join B and proceed to E1, E2, E3, E4, or D.
Central Concourse
Aircraft vacating via A4, A5, and A9 shall taxi to join B, S, and then T1 or T2 to join N.
Cargo Apron
Aircraft vacating via A4, A5, and A9 shall taxi to join B or C.
Apron V
Aircraft vacating via A4, A5, and A9 shall taxi to join B and then proceed to C or D.
Apron 4
Aircraft vacating via A4, A5, and A9 shall taxi to join B to join Q.
Apron 5
Aircraft vacating via A4, A5, and A9 shall taxi to join B, S, and K.
Apron 6
Aircraft vacating via A4, A5, and A9 shall taxi to join B, S, and S2, and then proceed to S2 or S4.
3.4.6 Stand allocation procedure
Stand Allocation
Concourse A
Stands A1 to A11
International Operators, QTR
Concourse B
Stands B1 to B10
International Operators, QTR
Concourse C
Stands C1 to C13
International Operators, QTR
Concourse D
Stands D1 and D3
International Operators, QTR
Concourse E
Stands E1 and E3
International Operators, QTR
Central Concourse
Stands 301 to 309
Remote Transfer G
Stands H1 to H10
Low Cost Carriers, International Operators, QTR
Remote Transfer H
Stands G1 to G10
Low Cost Carriers, International Operators, QTR
Cargo Apron
Stands F1 to F16
Cargo, QTR (Overflow)
Apron V
Stands V1 to V12
Government & State Aircraft
Apron 4
Stands 425 to 429
Apron 5
Stands 501 to 519 & Stands 551 to 564
Apron 6
Stands 601 to 637
+Table 3-1: Stand allocation procedure
3.4.10 Stand restrictions
Aircraft Code Handling
Concourse A to E (including Central Concourse and Remote Transfer Aprons)
All stands can handle aircraft up to code E. Stands with designators of L or R are limited to code C.
Cargo Apron
All stands can handle aircraft up to code E.
Apron V
All stands can handle aircraft up to code E. Stands with designators of L or R are limited to code C.
Apron 4
All stands can handle aircraft up to code C.
Apron 5
All stands can handle aircraft up to code E. Stands with designators of L or R are limited to code C. Stands 551 to 564 are limited to code C.
Apron 6
All stands can handle aircraft up to code E. Stands with designators of L or R are limited to code C.
Specific Stands
Stands A3, A5, B1, B3, C12, C13, V1, V2, 604, 607, 611, and 614 can handle aircraft up to code F. H1 and G1 can handle aircraft up to code F with certain handling limitations.
3.5 Low visibility operations (LVO)
3.5.1 LVO taxi routes
When LVO is in effect, aircraft should avoid crossing the runways whenever possible. All taxiways are approved for LVO operations, and there are no taxiway restrictions.
During LVO, only designated CAT II/III holding points shall be used (4.6.2).
3.6 Designated areas of responsibility
3.6.1 GMC positions
Doha-Hamad Airport operates three GMC positions: GMC 1, GMC 2, and GMC 3.
+ GMC 1 Responsibilities
GMC 1 manages aircraft movements in the following areas and their associated taxiways:
+- Concourse B
+- Concourse C (East Side)
+- Concourse E
+- Central Concourse (shared with GMC 2)
+- Remote Transfer G
+- Cargo Apron
+- Maintenance Apron
+- Apron 4
+ GMC 2 Responsibilities
GMC 2 manages aircraft movements in the following areas and their associated taxiways:
+- Concourse A
+- Concourse C (West Side)
+- Concourse D
+- Central Concourse (shared with GMC 1)
+- Remote Transfer H1
+- Apron 5
+ GMC 3 Responsibilities
GMC 3 manages aircraft movements in the following area and its associated taxiways:
+- Apron 6
3.6.2 Handoff procedures
When transferring control between controllers, aircraft must not be cleared beyond the current controller’s designated area of responsibility unless prior coordination has been completed with the next controller. Hold short instructions may be issued to meet this requirement.
3.6.3 Splitting procedure
When a single GMC controller is online, they shall manage all surface movement areas from the GMC 1 position.
Unless otherwise authorized by Arabian vACC staff, GMP (Hamad Delivery) must be online before three GMC (Hamad Ground) positions can be opened.
If GMP is not online, GMC shall assume the responsibilities of the lower controller.
2. Ground Movement Planner ("Hamad Clearance Delivery")
2.1 General provisions
Airways clearance/Ground Movement Planner (GMP) is responsible for validating routes and shall provide IFR clearance to departing aircraft. The controller shall assign the correct departure procedure to the aircraft based on the first point that is filed on the flight plan.
Where the flight plan contains an invalid route, level, or departure procedure, GMP must ensure that the error is corrected before the aircraft is given its clearance.
GMP is also responsible for minimizing taxiway delays and taxiway congestion for departing aircraft. During times of increased departure activity, aircraft are held at the gate to save fuel and lessen taxiway congestion.
2.2 Departure clearance
2.2.1 General
GMP is responsible for issuing clearances for departing aircraft. Pilots may be expected to report the following information on first contact:
Aircraft type;
Departure D-ATIS letter;
Parking stand;
Requested flight level;
2.2.2 Information contained in a departure clearance
An IFR clearance shall be in the following format:
Departure procedure;
Initially cleared altitude;
Assigned SSR code
GMP shall obtain a full readback of the clearance. If the pilot does not report the current ATIS letter on first contact, GMP shall pass the current ATIS letter and QNH.
Departing aircraft shall be instructed to remain on the delivery frequency and report ready to push before being handed off to GMC. This is so aircraft may be held at the gate, as per the procedures laid down in 2.6.
Pilot: "Hamad Clearance Delivery, QTR6M, Boeing 777-300ER, information X, stand B3, requesting FL310, to Melbourne."
Controller: "QTR6M, Hamad Clearance Delivery, information X correct, cleared to Melbourne via the BUNDU2E departure, climb via the SID to altitude 4000ft, squawk 2613."
Pilot: "Cleared to Melbourne via the BUNDU2E departure, climb via the SID to altitude 4000ft, squawk 2613, QTR6M."
Controller: "QTR6M, readback correct, QNH 1016, report ready for pushback."
The initial cleared altitude is stated as "Climb via the SID." At Doha-Hamad, SIDs do not include a preset initial climb. The clearance issued corresponds to the first hard altitude restriction. It's crucial for controllers to understand the difference between standard "initial climb" phraseology and correctly use "climb via the SID" at Doha-Hamad.
As per the Qatari eAIP "Requests for the runway in use should be avoided." This must be adhered to on frequency, as outlined in section 2.3.1, where each SID is specific to its assigned runway.
2.2.3 Datalink clearance (DCL)
Aircraft clearance may also be delivered by DCL. This type of clearance reduces controller workload and frequency congestion. For suitably equipped aircraft, this will be through the ACARS system on board the aircraft.
Controllers shall ensure that DCL is available to be used at all times.
2.2.4 Aircraft requiring a reroute
Aircraft requiring a reroute shall not be given a DCL. Instead, a voice clearance must be used. This shall be communicated by ACARS datalink message or on frequency.
2.2.5 Voice clearance
Aircraft requesting clearance via voice shall be given a voice clearance as per the format in 2.2.2.
2.3 Departure Procedures
2.3.1 RNAV Standard instrument departures
Doha-Hamad primarily uses RNAV standard instrument departures (SIDs) and is the preferred departure type for IFR aircraft. Departing aircraft shall be assigned an appropriate RNAV departure according to the first fix in the flight plan and the direction of their flight plan.
Check the table below to see which SID corresponds to each runway. Keep in mind that these SIDs are assigned based on the flight's direction.
For instance, flights departing the TMA toward the northeast will use runway 16L/34R, while those heading southwest will use runway 16R/34L. Note that the initial climb instructions are stated as "Climb via the SID."
Controllers must ensure that the correct SID is assigned based on the specific runway and the flight's direction. If a runway does not have an assigned SID on the departure list, it is not an error. SIDs are runway-specific and depend on the flight’s direction.
Assigning an incorrect runway for a given direction will cause EuroScope to default to a radar-vectored departure, such as KASIS, IVENA, PARES, or DEMBO. If one of these four departures appears, it indicates that the runway assigned does not match the intended direction of flight, and the runway assignment should be reviewed and corrected accordingly.
The TULUB departure is available for both runways and should be assigned based on runway capacity and the current departure rate. Coordination with the relevant APP controller is required.
Initial Climb
Initial Climb
Initial Climb
Initial Climb
+Table 2-1: RNAV SIDs
The TULUB1A and ULIKA1A are temporary procedures, so always check the latest NOTAMs for updates. The ULIKA1A departure is available from 22:00 to 01:00 UTC the following day, while the TULUB1A is available 24/7.
2.3.2 RNP radar departure
The RNP radar departure procedure shall be used when aircraft are unable to accept a one of the published RNP departures. Whereas regular RNP departures follow a prescribed track until leaving the Doha TMA, the RNP radar departures proceed to a fix beyond the extended runway centerline before continuing along the transition out of the TMA.
An RNP radar departure clearance shall contain the following information:
RNP radar departure + transition;
Initial climb;
Assigned SSR code
Aircraft on an RNP radar departure shall have the appropriate SID inserted on the departure list (e.g. KASIS2xBUNDU). The KASIS and IVENA procedures have an initial climb altitude of 5000 feet, whereas the DEMBO and PARES procedures have an initial climb altitude of 4000 feet.
Pilot: "Hamad Clearance Delivery, IGO1346, Airbus A320, information T, stand G1, requesting FL310, to Delhi, unable standard SIDs."
Controller: "IGO1346, Hamad Clearance Delivery, information T correct, cleared to Delhi via the KASIS2 departure, BUNDU transition, climb via the SID to altitude 5000ft, squawk 2612."
Pilot: "Cleared to Delhi via the KASIS2 departure, BUNDU transition, climb via the SID to altitude 5000ft, squawk 2612, IGO1346."
Controller: "IGO1346, readback correct, QNH 1016, report ready for pushback."
2.3.3 Radar vector departure
The radar vector departure procedure shall be used when aircraft are unable to accept an RNP departure, such as one with outdated nav data. Whereas RNP departures follow a prescribed track until leaving the Doha TMA, radar vector departures are given radar vectors to the first fix.
A radar departure clearance shall contain the following information:
Departure instructions;
Initial climb;
Assigned SSR code
Aircraft on a radar vectors departure shall have the text RDV inserted to the scratchpad section of their entry on the departure list. Aircraft assigned a radar vector departure should be given the runway that best matches their direction of flight.
Runway 16L/34R should be used for eastbound departures, while runway 16R/34L is designated for westbound departures. The initial climb for runway 16L/34R shall be set to 4000 feet, while for runway 16R/34L, it shall be set to 3000 feet.
Departures heading eastbound shall be handed over to Doha Approach (East), while those heading westbound shall be transferred to Doha Approach (West).
Pilot: "Doha Ground, TCM1TM, Airbus A320, stand 512, clearance to Jeddah, unable RNAV, with information Z on board."
Controller: "TCM1TM, Hamad Clearance Delivery, information Z correct, cleared to Jeddah via runway 34L, fly runway heading, expect radar vectors after departure, maintain altitude 3000ft, squawk 2610."
Pilot: "Cleared to Jeddah via runway 34L, fly runway heading, expect radar vectors after departure, maintain altitude 3000ft, squawk 2610, TCM1TM."
Controller: "TCM1TM, readback correct, QNH 1014, report ready for pushback."
2.4 Rerouting aircraft
An aircraft shall be issued a reroute by GMC if the pilot’s route doesn’t comply with the standard routes laid out in Table 2-2.
Several routing restrictions exist within Qatari airspace and are detailed in the Qatari Route Manual which must be complied with when issuing a departure clearance.
If an aircraft requires a reroute, they shall be informed of such as soon as they have connected to the network by private message or on frequency. The use of “.rte" and “.rtef" aliases are encouraged.
The Arabian vACC Operations Department maintains an up-to-date route database on SimBrief. These routes can be accessed by selecting the "User Submitted Routes" option, highlighted in purple, when planning a flight.
Controller: "QTR30N, cleared to Zagreb via the TULUB2E departure, ALSEM - B457 - KINID, flight planned route. Climb via the SID altitude 4000ft, squawk 2612."
Aircraft routes out of the aerodrome must comply with all routing and level restrictions as described in section 3.1 of Arabian MATS P1, Arabian Route Manual and Table 2-2. This is based on direction and type of flight.
Should an aircraft file an invalid cruise level, GMP shall advise the aircraft of this when delivering the clearance. In all cases, the next lowest valid cruise level shall be assigned, and the aircraft advised.
2.6 Delay mitigation
2.6.1 Target off-block time (TOBT)
When A-CDM procedures are active, pilots must report their confirmed TOBT on vacdm.vatsim.me, which is then displayed in the controller's client on the departure list. A fully green time indicates a confirmed TOBT. If a pilot has not confirmed their TOBT, the controller should request it on frequency and update the departure list accordingly.
The TOBT system allows aircraft to push back, taxi to the runway holding point, and depart on schedule without extended delays in the departure queue. If an aircraft reports ready for pushback before its assigned TOBT, it will be instructed to hold position and will be given its place in the pushback sequence, unless aerodrome conditions permit and a slot is available. If an aircraft is cleared for push and start but does not begin pushing within 2-5 minutes, the pushback clearance is canceled, and a new TOBT is assigned.
Controller: "QTR1, hold position. Number 5 for startup, expect pushback at time 15."
2.7 Runway change procedure
AIR shall provide ample notice to GMP before changing runway configuration. The last departure using the old configuration shall be coordinated between AIR, GMP, GMC and approach/departure.
Aircraft that have already been cleared to depart using the old configuration shall be re-cleared if they have not already requested pushback.
2.8 VFR aircraft
VFR traffic is not allowed at Hamad International Airport. Pilots intending to fly VFR are advised to operate from Doha International Airport (OTBD) instead.
Due to the complex layout of the aerodrome, several areas exist which are prone to taxiway/runway incursions. Controllers must exercise caution and remain vigilant when aircraft are operating in these areas.
(See section 8 for visual depiction of incursion hotspots)
5.2 Hotspot 1, 2, and 3
There is an increased risk of runway incursions due to traffic flow. Pilots must exercise caution when approaching runway holding points and ensure they receive clearance before entering or crossing any runway. Pilots should remain vigilant of hold short positions, parking areas, signage, and stopbars.
5.3 Hotspot 4 and 5
Due to the complex taxiway layout, pilots should exercise caution when exiting the runway, especially with traffic pushing back from Apron 5.
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+ Document Information - Arabian vACC - Library
Air Control (AIR) is responsible for all aerodrome movements on runways and their associated taxiways. AIR shall also ensure separation between IFR aircraft that are arriving at and departing the aerodrome, as well as provide traffic information to VFR aircraft operating within the aerodrome control zone.
3.2 Preferential runways
Due to the close interaction between arrival and departure procedures within the Doha CTR, the active runway at Doha shall be determined by the active runway direction at Doha-Hamad airport.
3.2.1 Independent parallel operations (IPO)
Due to the close proximity of OTHH runways, pilots should be aware that Independent Parallel Approaches are conducted at OTHH. As a result, arriving aircraft at either OTBD or OTHH may receive instructions such as break-out maneuvers or missed approach procedures if they are considered to be entering the Non-Transgression Zone (NTZ) established between the runways of both airports.
3.3 Departure procedures
3.3.1 Line up clearances
Conditional line up instructions shall include the traffic that the aircraft is to follow, as well as the word “behind” at the beginning and end of the transmission. It is recommended to only have a maximum of two conditional line up clearances active at one i.e., one aircraft lining up behind a departure, and another aircraft lining up behind them.
Controller: "TCM4TM, behind the departing Qatar Executive Gulfstream 650, via G, line up and wait runway 33 behind."
If aircraft have not yet reached the holding point where they are expected to line up at, ATC shall reiterate the cleared holding point.
Controller: "QQE550, via F, line up and wait runway 33."
3.3.2 Take-off clearances
Aircraft shall be cleared for take-off once adequate separation exists as provided in 4.3.4 and 4.6.
Aircraft shall be separated on departure in compliance with standard IFR departure separation minima or enhanced wake turbulence separation (eWTS) requirements.
Succeeding aircraft on the same SID shall be separated by a minimum of 2 minutes.
VFR aircraft may be instructed to maintain visual separation with preceding aircraft and given a take- off clearance if no wake turbulence separation minima exists.
+ Low visibility and IMC
During low visibility operations and during IMC, departing aircraft shall not be cleared for take-off when there is an arriving aircraft within 5 NM of the landing runway threshold.
3.3.4 IFR handoff procedure
+ General
IFR departures shall be handed off to Doha Approach (West). Where Doha Approach is offline, all handoffs shall be to Doha Approach (East). If Doha Approach is offline it shall be handed off to Doha Radar South.
Where no Approach/Radar controller is present, aircraft shall be handed off directly to the appropriate Doha Control controller.
Aircraft shall be handed off when passing 800 ft to ensure adequate time for a frequency change and avoid a level-off on departure.
3.3.5 Radar vectors departure
Aircraft on a radar vector departure shall be instructed to fly a specific heading on departure to increase separation or to clear the departure path for a following aircraft. This departure instruction shall be delivered to the aircraft before issuing the take-off clearance.
The headings to be issued shall be coordinated with approach control.
Controller: "TCM1TM, after departure, turn left heading 315 degrees and maintain 2000ft, wind 290 degrees, 2 knots, runway 33, cleared for take-off."
3.3.6 Stopping a departure
Aircraft that have commenced their take-off roll may be instructed to stop immediately to avert a collision due to a runway incursion or any other dangerous situation.
It must be noted though, that the instruction to stop must be given early enough such that the aircraft does not reach its decision speed. Therefore, aerodrome controllers must be vigilant and remain aware of the location of traffic at all times.
Controller: "QQE650, stop immediately, I say again stop immediately, truck entering the runway!"
For aircraft that have been given a take-off clearance, but have not yet started the roll, they shall be instructed to hold position and the take-off clearance must be cancelled along with the reason for cancellation.
Controller: "TCM1TM, hold position, cancel take-off, I say again cancel take-off, aircraft entering the runway, acknowledge."
3.4 Arrival procedures
3.4.1 Separation requirements
+ General
While the radar controllers are responsible for separating arriving aircraft, the AIR controller shall still ensure that minimum separation is maintained until the preceding aircraft crosses the runway threshold.
+ Speed control
If it is apparent that minimum separation may not exist as provided in, AIR may use a tactical reduction in aircraft speed.
Controller: "QQE650, reduce to final approach speed."
+ Visual separation
Aircraft may be instructed to maintain own separation visually, if speed control alone will not resolve the conflict. This shall only be done in VMC and with agreement with the pilot. If no other solutions are practical, the succeeding aircraft shall be instructed to go around.
3.4.2 Go-around instruction
+ General go-around procedure
At any time should a runway become unsuitable for an aircraft landing, or separation minima is not met, aircraft shall be instructed to go-around.
Controller: "TCM1TM, go around, I say again, go around, acknowledge."
Once aircraft have acknowledged the instruction and are observed to be safely climbing away, they shall be handed off to departure control.
Controller: "TCM1TM, climb to 4000ft via standard missed approach, contact Doha Approach 124.775."
3.4.3 Arrival taxi procedures
Aircraft shall be provided an initial taxi clearance to ensure they are kept moving such that the exit taxiway (RET) is clear for the next arrival and to minimise runway occupancy times.
The initial taxi shall include instructions to taxi “LEFT” or “RIGHT” onto the relevant taxiway as appropriate and hold short on a suitable taxiway.
Controller: "QQE650, taxi right on D, hold short B."
Once aircraft have been observed to be taxiing and completely clear of the exit, transfer of control shall be initiated to GMC provided there will be no conflicts with other arriving traffic.
Aircraft may normally be expected to vacate on C or C1 in the 33 direction or E1 in the 15 direction.
If required for separation and to expedite traffic, aircraft may be instructed to vacate via the appropriate rapid exit taxiway on initial contact.
3.5 VFR procedures
VFR flight activity should be planned in accordance to published VFR charts, specifically the “OTBD: Helicopter Route” & “OTBD: VFR” charts for traffic navigating within the CTR.
All aircraft returning from general training flying areas shall request joining instructions prior to leaving these areas.
3.5.1 Helicopter aicraft: departing to and/or arriving at OTBD crossing OTHH
Orange Route 15
Departure: After departure RWY 15, turn left towards CRA and climb to cross CRA maintaining 1000 FT. Contact Hamad TWR West on Freq 118.025 MHz once East of OTBD RWY 15. From CRA, route to BCH and Hold, remaining clear of final approach path OTBD RWY 15 and OTHH RWY 16R whilst awaiting crossing clearance from OTHH ATC. When cleared, cross North of threshold OTHH RWY 16R/RWY 16L and route towards BAY. After BAY, route OH 16 maintaining 1000 FT. After OH 16, climb to 1500 FT and route to ESE.
Arrival: Enter the CTR via ESE maintaining 500 FT. From ESE, route OH 16, BAY to hold, awaiting instructions from OTHH ATC. When cleared, cross north of threshold. Once West of OTHH RWY 16R, contact OTBD ATC Freq. 118.900 MHz and follow joining instructions.
Orange Route 33
Departure: After departure RWY 33, turn right towards CRA and climb to cross CRA maintaining 1000 FT. Contact Hamad TWR West on Freq 118.025 MHz once East of OTBD RWY 33. From CRA, route to SRA and Hold, remaining clear of final approach path OTBD RWY 33 and OTHH RWY 34L whilst awaiting crossing clearance from OTHH ATC. When cleared, cross South of threshold OTHH RWY 34L/RWY 34R and route towards SEA. After SEA, route OH 34 maintaining 1000 FT. After OH 34, climb to 1500 FT and route ESE.
Arrival: Enter the CTR via ESE maintaining 500 FT. From ESE, route OH 34, SEA to hold, awaiting instructions from OTHH ATC. When cleared, cross south of threshold. Contact OTBD ATC Freq. 118.900 MHz once west of OTHH RWY 34L and follow joining instructions.
+ Suspension of the orange route
The orange route will be suspended under the following conditions:
When the cloud ceiling is below 2000ft and/or visibility is less than 3500 m;
During peak arrival periods and during independent parralel operations;
Doha-Hamad supervisor for any other valid reasons suspends the route with at least 15 minutes notice to Doha;
3.5.2 Helicopter aircraft: arriving and departing OTBD
15 & 33
Turtle Route (TTL)
Departure: After departure RWY 15/33, route direct RDS and climb to 1500 FT. After RDS, route EZD, NML, DFC, LSN and exit via TTL.
Arrival: Enter the CTR via TTL maintaining 1000 FT. After TTL, route LSN, DFC, NML, EZD, RDS. After RDS, follow instructions from OTBD ATC.
15 & 33
Boat Route (BOT)
Departure: After departure OTBD turn to THM climbing 1500 FT, route to ASP, HMM, SBQ to exit via BOT.
Arrival: Enter the CTR via BOT, maintaining 1000 FT and route to SBQ, HMM, then climb 1500 FT and route to ASP, follow instructions from OTBD ATC.
15 & 33
Dhow Route (DOW)
Departure: After departure RWY 15/33, route direct THM and climb to 1500 FT. After THM, route IZB, MIN, BHR, DOW.
Arrival: Enter the CTR via DOW maintaining 1000 FT. After DOW, route BHR, MIN, IZB, THM. After THM, follow instructions from OTBD ATC.
15 & 33
Morjan Route (MOR)
Departure: After departure RWY 15/33, route direct THM and climb to 1500 FT. After THM, join via IZB at 500 FT. After IZB, route SEF, INT, and exit via MOR.
Arrival: Enter the CTR via MOR maintaining 500 FT. After MOR, route INT, SEF, and IZB to climb 1000 FT to THM. After THM, follow instructions from OTBD ATC.
3.5.3 Fixed wing aircraft: departing from OTBD to the North
Aspire 33 Visual Departure
Climb straight ahead to 700 FT, turn to the West and remain clear of prohibited area OTP45; route direct to ASP then direct to SOF; then direct to SML. Climb as instructed by ATC to 1500 FT.
Aspire 15 Visual Departure
Climb straight ahead to 700 FT turn to the West before the upwind end of RWY 15; route direct to THM, direct to ASP, direct to SOF then direct to SML. Climb as instructed by ATC to 1500 FT.
3.5.4 Fixed wing aircraft: arriving to OTBD from the North
Aspire 33 Visual Arrival
From SML, route direct to SOF traffic must be 2000 FT at SOF. Then route direct to ASP and hold over ASP as required by ATC. From ASP, route direct to ZUL if requested. Hold at ZUL at 2000 FT. From ZUL, route direct to THM and descend as instructed by ATC. Hold overhead THM at 1500 FT. When instructed by ATC, route for final approach RWY 33.
Aspire 15 Visual Arrival
From SML, route direct to SOF. Traffic must be 2000 FT by SOF, then route direct to ASP and hold over ASP as required by ATC. When cleared by ATC, proceed to VLG and descend to 1500 FT.
+ Arrival procedures
Aircraft to contact Doha Tower at SML for clearance
If more than two aircraft are requesting to return to Doha from the General Flying Area, they will be required to hold at ZUL for runway 33 or VLG for runway 15. Succeeding aircraft will be advised to remain clear of the CTR and standby for joining instructions.
Only one aircraft may hold at a time overhead ZUL and VLG.
No holding overhead ASP.
Traffic arriving via ASP is independent of OTHH IFR traffic.
Aircraft proceeding for right base runway 15 from VLG will maintain 1500 ft until established on the final approach to avoid infringing the restricted area over Amiri Diwan.
After establishing on the approach, touchdown may be expected approximately abeam intersection taxiway Q, with roll-out and vacating at intersection taxiway B or B1.
3.5.5 Traffic remaining in the circuit
AIR control is responsible for managing circuit traffic. Circuits must always be conducted to the west of the aerodrome at 2,000 feet.
Once aircraft are ready for departure, they should be cleared for take-off in sequence. As they begin their crosswind turn (the first turn after departure) they shall be instructed to report when they are on the downwind with their intentions.
Controller: "ADD, report downwind with intentions."
Aircraft may request either a touch and go (where the aircraft lands and immediately takes off), a stop and go (where the aircraft lands, comes to a complete stop on the runway, then takes off), a low approach (where the aircraft flies low over the runway without landing), or a full stop (where
+the aircraft lands and vacates the runway).
Once AIR is aware of the aircraft’s request, they may be sequenced to the runway, with due consideration given to runway occupancy time.
Aircraft on the downwind should be passed the following information:
Expected runway;
Traffic information, if applicable
Controller: "ADD, report downwind with intentions."
Controller: "ADD, report final runway 33, number 1."
Controller: "ADD, runway 33, cleared to land/touch and go/low approach."
Aircraft conducting a stop-and go shall be required to “REPORT READY FOR DEPARTURE”.
3.5.6 VFR arrivals
Inbound VFR aircraft shall be instructed to contact AIR with enough time such that two-way radio communications has been established before aircraft enter the aerodrome control zone.
On first contact, AIR will pass circuit joining instructions, as well as any other pertinent information.
Controller: "ADD, Doha Tower, join left hand downwind runway 33, 2000ft VFR, QNH 1013."
Aircraft may also be instructed to track towards a visual reporting point (VRP).
Controller: "ADD, Doha Tower, track towards Aspire, 2000ft VFR. Report one mile from Aspire, QNH 1013."
VFR arrivals may be denied entry into the control zone during times of increased IFR arrival activity
+and instructed to hold outside controller airspace awaiting further instructions.
3.6 Low visibility operations (LVO)
3.6.1 Commencement of LVO
Low visibility operations (LVO) are commenced at Doha when:
The visibility is 1500 metres or less;
The cloud base is 1000 feet or less,
or whenever conditions are such that all of the manouvering area cannot be seen from the control tower
Runway crossings shall be kept to a minimum. Runway 33 is the sole runway at Doha approved for CAT II/III operations.
3.6.2 LVO departure procedures
During LVO, aircraft are required to depart from the full-length holding points. Intersection departures are not allowed under LVO conditions.
3.6.3 LVO arrival procedures
Arriving aircraft must report fully vacated.
3.7 Designated areas of responsibility
3.7.1 AIR positions
AIR is responsible for runway 15/33 and all associated taxiways.
3.7.2 Handoff procedure
Where transfer of control is to be made between aerodrome controllers, aircraft shall not be cleared to a point beyond the current controller’s designated zone of responsibility unless there has been
+prior coordination with the next controller. Hold short instructions may be used to satisfy this requirement.
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the GMC controller.
Ground Movement Control (GMC) is responsible for validating routes and shall provide IFR clearance to departing aircraft. The controller shall assign the correct departure procedure to the aircraft based on the first point that is filled on the flight plan.
Where the flight plan contains an invalid route, level, or departure procedure, GMC shall ensure that the error is corrected before the aircraft is given its clearance.
GMC is also responsible for managing aircraft movements on all aerodrome movement areas except for runways and their associated taxiways. Departing aircraft are given pushback instructions and instructions to taxi to the runway holding point. Arriving aircraft are assigned a stand and instructed to taxi as appropriate.
2.2 Departure clearance
2.2.1 General
GMC is responsible for issuing clearances for departing aircraft. Pilots may be expected to report the following information on first contact:
Aircraft type;
Parking Stand;
2.2.2 Information contained in a departure clearance
An IFR clearance shall be in the following format:
Departure procedure;
Initially cleared altitude;
Assigned SSR code
GMC shall obtain a full readback of the clearance. If the pilot does not report the current ATIS letter on first contact, GMC shall pass the current ATIS letter and QNH.
Pilot: "Doha Ground, good evening, QQE990, Gulfstream 650ER, stand A6, clearance to Miami, with information W on board."
Controller: "QQE990, information W correct, cleared to Nice via the PATOM3N departure, climb via the SID altitude 5000ft, squawk 2613."
Pilot: "Cleared to Nice, PATOM3N departure, climb via the SID altitude 5000ft, squawk 2613, QQE990."
Controller: "QQE990, readback correct, QNH 1004, report ready for pushback."
2.2.3 Datalink clearance (DCL)
Aircraft clearance may also be delivered by DCL. This type of clearance reduces controller workload and frequency congestion. For suitably equipped aircraft, this will be through the ACARS system on board the aircraft.
Controllers shall ensure that DCL is available to be used at all times.
2.2.4 Aircraft requiring a reroute
Aircraft requiring a reroute shall not be given a DCL. Instead, a voice clearance must be used. This shall be communicated by ACARS datalink message or on frequency.
2.2.5 Voice clearance
Aircraft requesting clearance via voice shall be given a voice clearance as per the format in 2.2.2.
2.3 Departure Procedures
2.3.1 RNAV Standard instrument departures
Doha primarily uses RNAV standard instrument departures (SIDs) and is the preferred departure type for IFR aircraft. Departing aircraft shall be assigned an appropriate RNAV departure according to the first fix in the flight plan and runways in use.
Doha RNAV Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) operate independently from those at Hamad. Both airports conduct simultaneous departures.
SIDs which have an identifier ending in S are valid for runway 15. SIDs which have an identifier ending in N are valid for runway 33. All departures from runway 15 have an initial climb of 6,000 feet. In contrast, most departures from runway 33 have an initial climb of 5,000 feet, except for the DATRI1N and ULIKA1N procedures, which are set at 6,000 feet.
All IFR departures shall be instructed to contact Doha Approach (West) once airborne.
First Fix
+Table 2-1: RNAV SIDs
2.3.2 Radar vectors departure
The radar departure procedure shall be used when aircraft are unable to accept an RNAV departure, such as one with outdated nav data. Whereas RNAV departures follow a prescribed track until leaving the Doha Approach airspace, radar departures are given radar vectors to the first fix.
A radar departure clearance shall contain the following information:
Departure instructions;
Initial climb;
Assigned SSR code
Aircraft on a radar vectors departure shall have the text RDV inserted to the scratchpad section of their entry on the departure list and have an initial climb set to 2,000 feet.
All radar vectors departures shall be instructed to contact Doha Approach (West) once airborne.
Pilot: "Doha Ground, good evening, TCM1TM, Airbus A320, stand A15, clearance to Jeddah, unable RNAV, with information Z on board."
Controller: "TCM1TM, information Z correct, cleared to Jeddah, fly runway heading, expect radar vectors after departure, maintain altitude 2000ft, squawk 2610."
Pilot: "Cleared to Jeddah, fly runway heading, expect radar vectors after departure, maintain altitude 2000ft, squawk 2610, TCM1TM."
Controller: "TCM1TM, readback correct, QNH 1014, report ready for pushback."
2.4 Rerouting aircraft
An aircraft shall be issued a reroute by GMC if the pilot’s route doesn’t comply with the standard routes laid out in Table 2-2.
Several routing restrictions exist within Qatari airspace and are detailed in the Qatari Route Manual which must be complied with when issuing a departure clearance.
If an aircraft requires a reroute, they shall be informed of such as soon as they have connected to the network by private message or on frequency. The use of “.rte" and “.rtef" aliases are encouraged.
The Arabian vACC Operations Department maintains an up-to-date route database on SimBrief. These routes can be accessed by selecting the "User Submitted Routes" option, highlighted in purple, when planning a flight.
Controller: "QQE650, cleared to Dubai, runway 15 via ALSEM3S, ALSEM - L305 - ITBUL, flight planned route. Climb via the SID altitude 6000ft, squawk 2612."
Aircraft routes out of the aerodrome must comply with all routing and level restrictions as described in section 3.1 of Arabian MATS P1, Arabian Route Manual and Table 2-2. This is based on direction and type of flight.
Should an aircraft file an invalid cruise level, GMC shall advise the aircraft of this when delivering the clearance. In all cases, the next lowest valid cruise level shall be assigned, and the aircraft advised.
2.6 Delay mitigation
2.6.1 Target off-block time (TOBT)
When A-CDM procedures are active, pilots must report their confirmed TOBT on vacdm.vatsim.me, which is then displayed in the controller's client on the departure list. A fully green time indicates a confirmed TOBT. If a pilot has not confirmed their TOBT, the controller should request it on frequency and update the departure list accordingly.
The TOBT system allows aircraft to push back, taxi to the runway holding point, and depart on schedule without extended delays in the departure queue. If an aircraft reports ready for pushback before its assigned TOBT, it will be instructed to hold position and will be given its place in the pushback sequence, unless aerodrome conditions permit and a slot is available. If an aircraft is cleared for push and start but does not begin pushing within 2-5 minutes, the pushback clearance is canceled, and a new TOBT is assigned.
Controller: "QQE101, hold position. Number 2 for startup, expect pushback at time 45."
2.7 Runway change procedure
Runway changes must be coordinated between Doha AIR, Hamad AIR, and Doha APP due to the interdependencies outlined in section 3.2. AIR must give GMC sufficient notice before altering the runway configuration.
Coordination between AIR, GMC, and approach/departure is required for the final departure using the previous configuration.
Aircraft already cleared for departure under the old configuration must be re-cleared if they have not yet requested pushback.
2.8 VFR aircraft
VFR traffic clearances are managed by AIR at the holding point. When an aircraft first contacts the ground frequency, it must provide the following information:
Aircraft type;
Current position;
Person(s) on board;
Current ATIS;
After the initial call with all required information, GMC will taxi the aircraft to the active runway and relay the details to AIR for coordination.
Pilot: "Doha Ground, A7DDD, Diamond DA40, at the civil aviation college apron, 2 POB, with information C, for local flight to the west, request taxi."
Controller: "A7DDD, Doha Ground, information C is correct, taxi via Q and hold short runway 15."
Pilot: "taxi via Q and hold short runway 15, A7DDD."
Controller: "ADD, contact Doha Tower on 118.900."
Pilot: "Doha Tower on 118.900, ADD."
2.9 Departure pushback procedures
2.9.1 General pushback procedures
Assuming no obstructions, aircraft shall be instructed to push back immediately.
Aircraft requesting pushback without squawking their assigned transponder code or having their transponder turned on will be instructed to hold position and set the correct code. They must not be cleared to move until this is done.
Pushback direction is based primarily on aircraft location and runway configuration.
Pilot: "Doha Ground, QQE101, at stand A8 request push and start."
Controller: "QQE101, stand A8, push and start approved face south."
Pilot: "Push and start approved face south, QQE101."
Conditional pushback instructions may also be issued if an aircraft is taxiing behind another waiting for pushback.
Pilot: "Doha Ground, TCM4TM, on stand A3 request pushback."
Controller: "TCM4TM, behind the Qatar Executive Gulfstream 650 passing right to left, push and start approved, face south."
Pilot: "After the Qatar Executive Gulfstream 650 passes from right to left, push and start approved, face south, TCM4TM."
2.9.2 Pushback restrictions
Simultaneous pushback operations are not permitted into the same alleyway for stands G1 to G4 and W6 to W7.
For all other stands, aircraft shall be separated by at least two aircraft stands before they are given simultaneous pushback.
2.10 Departure taxi procedures
2.10.1 General departure taxi procedures
Where aircraft are taxied to runway holding points, transfer of control to AIR shall be made early enough such that the aircraft is not required to stop its taxi.
To deconflict traffic, and to reduce the length of taxi clearances, hold short instructions shall be used wherever possible.
Pilot: "Doha Ground, TCM4TM, request taxi."
Controller: "TCM4TM, taxi via D, hold short of B."
Pilot: "Taxi via D, hold short of B, TCM4TM."
2.10.2 Runway 33 departure taxi procedures
When departing from runway 33, aircraft taxiing from the west side of the aerodrome will be instructed to taxi via taxiway D to holding points F or G.
Aircraft on the east side will be directed to taxi to holding point B1 for crossing, then proceed via taxiway D to holding points F or G.
Extreme caution must be exercised between taxiways D and C, as this area is a rapid exit taxiway for vacating aircraft. The same caution applies between taxiways C1 and D1.
2.10.3 Runway 15 departure taxi procedures
When departing from runway 15, aircraft taxiing from the west side of the aerodrome will be directed to taxi via taxiway D to holding point A.
Aircraft on the east side will be instructed to taxi to holding point B1 for crossing, then continue via taxiway D to holding point A.
If an aircraft requires a full-length departure and backtracking, it can request this after being handed over to the tower.
2.11 Arrival taxi procedures
2.11.1 General arrival taxi procedures
GMC shall assign an arrival stand to the aircraft when they are on final approach.
Once the aircraft is handed off to GMC, they shall be taxied to their stand in accordance with the procedures laid down in 2.11.4.
(See 4.2)
2.11.2 Runway 33 arrival taxi procedures
Aircraft shall vacate on the respective rapid exit taxiways such as C or C1 and are then handed off to GMC.
Aircraft shall be taxied via D or D1 to the appropriate stand.
2.11.3 Runway 15 arrival taxi procedures
Aircraft shall vacate via E1 or utilize the turning loop available to then vacate via C1 or C when able. Once they have vacated the runway they are then handed off to GMC.
Aircraft shall be taxied via D or D1 to the appropriate stand.
2.11.4 Stand allocation procedures
Aircraft shall be assigned stands automatically using Ground Radar Plugin Stand Assigner. If this is not possible, aircraft shall manually be assigned a stand in accordance with the following procedure:
A1 to A6
A9 to A18
Low-cost, QTR
G1 to G4
General Aviation, Corporate Aviation
W6 to W7
General Aviation, Corporate Aviation
C1 to C9
E1 to E24
E32 to E37
E25 to E27
E29 to E31
+Table 3-1: Stand allocation procedure
2.11.5 Stand restrictions
Stands A1 to A18 can accommodate aircraft up to code E. Stands with an "N" or "S" designator have specific handling limitations and are restricted to aircraft up to code C.
Stands G1 to G4, as well as W6 and W7, are limited to code A.
Stands E1 to E37 support aircraft up to code E, while those with an "L" or "R" designator have handling restrictions up to code C.
Stands C1 to C9 are suitable for aircraft up to code C.
2.12 Low visibility operations (LVO)
2.12.1 LVO taxi routes
When Low Visibility Operations (LVO) are in effect, all taxiways are approved for LVO, with no restrictions.
Runway 33 is the only CAT II/III approved runway and must be used during LVO conditions (4.6.2).
2.13 Designated areas of responsibility
2.13.1 GMC positions
GMC is responsible for all aprons and associated taxiways.
(See 6.1)
2.13.2 Handoff procedure
Where transfer of control is to be made between controllers, aircraft shall not be cleared to a point beyond the current controller’s designated zone of responsibility unless there has been prior coordination with the next controller. Hold short instructions may be used to satisfy this requirement.
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+ Document Information - Arabian vACC - Library
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
Suprojit Paul - ACCARB3 & Shahzin Shajid - ACCARB31
Approved by
Chris Marriott - ACCARB1
Next review date
01 DEC 2025
Cancelled documents
SOP OMDB R05/2021
Record of Revisions
Revision Number
Effective Date
Initial issue
26 SEP 2019
Updated relief callsigns
01 NOV 2019
Updated RRSM guidelines, Updated split procedures
15 NOV 2019
New format, Added airspace limits and runway distances, Revised guidance on delay mitigation, Added detailed taxi routes and pushback guidance, New VFR procedures, Added detailed guidance on AIR departure/arrival procedures, Added detailed RRSM procedures, Updated D-APO procedures, Updated LVO procedures and split into separate section, Expanded guidance on aerodrome areas of responsibility, Updated taxi diagrams, Added area of responsibility diagrams
06 MAY 2020
Updated clearance format, Updated RNAV SIDs, Corrected omnidirectional departure heading fan, Expanded on VFR AIR procedures, Added more VFR phraseology examples, Added phraseology examples for RRSM
21 MAY 2020
Copyright note, Corrected phraseology examples, Corrected A380 parking code, Amended pushback and taxi procedures for clarity
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
The following documentation outlines the general operating procedures for our airports at an aerodrome level. Some documents serve as supplements to the Arabian MATS Part 1 – Operating Procedures, Arabian MATS Part 2 – Operating Techniques, Arabian MATS Wake Turbulence Separation, and the relevant aerodrome charts. These SOP(s) should be used in conjunction with the aforementioned sources. In case of any discrepancies between the aerodrome-specific procedures in this SOP and the Arabian MATS, the procedures in these SOP(s) shall take precedence. The referenced documentation is available in the Foundations section of this site.
Limitation of Liability
All documentation in this section is intended solely for use on the VATSIM network and must not be used for real-world aviation operations. The authors disclaim any liability for personal injury or death resulting from misuse of this material.
This document includes excerpts and images from, and is primarily based on, ICAO Doc 4444 – PANS-ATM, along with the respective Civil Aviation Authority regulations and eAIP of each country.
Tower control (TWR/AIR) is responsible for all aerodrome movements on runways and their associated
+taxiways. TWR shall also ensure separation in the control zone between IFR and IFR traffic as well as IFR and VFR traffic is maintained. Traffic information shall also be provided so pilots of VFR traffic can maintain visual separation between themselves.
4.2 Preferential runways
The preferred calm wind configuration is departing and arriving runway 26R, which shall be used up
+to a 5-knot tailwind. Otherwise, runway 08L will be used. Tower shall pick the configuration that is
+used in real life (by checking flight radar) whenever possible.
At the time of writing, the southern runway (08R/26L) is currently closed, as per updated NOTAMs. This is due to the restructing of Muscat aerodrome. This runway shall not be used, except for crossing taxiing aircraft between taxiways E1 and D1.
4.3 Departure procedures
Runway 08L/26R features three departure points per configuration. The standard departure points are full length on each runway. There should not be a performance difference between Y1 and Y2, and Y7 and Y8 respectively so they can be assigned to optimize the departure rate. Y3 and Y6 are intersection departure points that shall only be assigned after confirmation by the pilot that aircraft performance is sufficient.
4.3.2 Line up clearances
Conditional line up instructions shall include the traffic that the aircraft is to follow, as well as the word “behind” at the beginning and end of the transmission. It is recommended to only have a maximum of two conditional line up clearances active at once.
Controller: "SWR243, behind the departing Oman Air A330, runway 26R line upand wait behind."
If aircraft have not yet reached the holding point where they are expected to line up at, ATC shall reiterate the cleared holding point.
Controller: "OMA298 via Y7, line up and wait runway 26R"
4.3.3 Take-off clearances
Aircraft shall be cleared for take-off once adequate separation exists, as provided in 4.3.4.
Aircraft shall be separated on departure in compliance with standard IFR departure separation minima.
Succeeding aircraft with the same Muscat FIR exit point shall be separated by a minimum of two minutes, except as provided in
A VFR aircraft following a VFR departure may be instructed to maintain visual separation with preceding aircraft and given take-off clearance if no wake turbulence separation minima exists.
+ Muscat FIR flow control procedure
Two Muscat departures with the same Muscat FIR/Mumbai FIR boundary exit point and the same cruising level must adhere to a minimum departure interval of three minutes. During events, the appointed flow manager may adjust these as necessary.
+ Low visibility and IMC
During low visibility operations and during IMC in general, departing aircraft shall not be cleared for take-off when there is an arriving aircraft within 4 nm of the landing runway threshold.
4.3.5 IFR handoff procedure
Departing IFR aircraft shall be handed off to the Muscat TMA controller or –if not online- Muscat Control. Aircraft shall be handed off when passing 800ft to ensure adequate time for a frequency change and avoid a level off on departure.
4.3.6 Stopping a departure
Aircraft that have commenced their take-off roll may be instructed to stop immediately to avert a collision due to a runway incursion or any other dangerous situation.
It must be noted though, that the instruction to stop must be given early enough such that the aircraft does not reach its decision speed. The stopping distance of an aircraft is also significant. Therefore, aerodrome controllers must be vigilant and remain aware of the location of traffic at all times as well as runway incursion hotspots.
Controller: "FDB687, Stop immediately, I say again stop immediately, runway incursion."
For aircraft that have been given a take-off clearance, but have not yet started the roll, they shall be instructed to hold position and the take-off clearance must be cancelled along with the reason.
Controller: "FDB687, hold position, cancel takeoff clearance, I say again cancel takeoff clearance, aircraft entering the runway."
4.4 Arrival Procedures
4.4.1 Preferred exit points
During periods of increased arrival or departure activity, aircraft shall be instructed to vacate at the rapid exit taxiway for the runway in use. These are Y4 and Y5 respectively.
4.4.2 Separation requirements
+ General
While the radar controllers are responsible for separating and sequencing arriving aircraft, the TWR controller shall still ensure that minimum separation (>3nm) is maintained until the preceding aircraft crosses the runway threshold.
+ Speed control
If it is apparent that minimum separation may not exist, TWR may use a tactical reduction in aircraft speed.
Controller: "OMA1784, reduce to final approach speed."
+ Visual separation
Aircraft may be instructed to maintain own separation visually, if speed control alone will not resolve the conflict. This shall only be done in VMD and in agreement with the pilot. If no other solutions are practical, the succeeding aircraft shall be instructed to go around.
4.4.3 Go-around instruction
+ General go-around procedure
Should a runway at any time become unsuitable for an aircraft landing, or separation minima is not met, aircraft shall be instructed to go-around.
Controller: "UAE797, go around, I say again, go around. Acknowledge."
At Muscat, instructions in case of a go-around are usually assigned by Muscat Approach. However, Muscat Tower may reiterate these if necessary and if these change, after coordination with Muscat Radar. Once aircraft have acknowledged the instruction and are observed to be safely climbing away, they shall be transferred to Muscat TMA.
Controller: "UAE797, (fly runway heading, climb to altitude 3,000ft,) contact Muscat Radar 121.200."
4.4.4 Arrival taxi procedures
In accordance with taxi procedures laid down in 3.4, aircraft shall be provided an intial taxi clearance to ensure they are kept moving, such that the relevant rapid exit taxiway (RET) is kept clear for the next arrival.
The intiial taxi instruction shall include instructions to taxi "LEFT" or "RIGHT" onto the relevant taxiway, as appropriate, and a hold short instruction at a suitable intermediate holding point.
Controller: "OMA8KC, taxi right on W, hold short of V"
Once aircraft have been observed to be taxiing and completely clear of the RET, transfer of control shall be initiated to GMC, provided there will be no conflicts with other traffic.
4.5 VFR procedures
The Muscat control zone is unique because it is class C and not class D like many other CTRs. This means that TWR is responsible for separating VFR and IFR traffic by at least 3nm or greater if wake turbulence separation is required. VFR traffic does not have to be separated from other VFR traffic but traffic information should be provided wherever possible.
4.5.1 VFR departures
Once VFR aircraft are ready for departure, they shall be cleared for take-off in sequence. As they begin their crosswind turn, they shall be instructed to report leaving the control zone or to report any other Visual Reporting Point on their route as deemed appropriate.
If aircraft are exiting into uncontrolled airspace, they shall be instructed to remain outside controlled airspace and monitor Unicom. If they are entering Muscat TMA airspace, they shall be handed off to the Muscat TMA controller approximately one minute before leaving the control zone.
4.5.2 VFR traffic remaining in the circuit
TWR control is responsible for managing circuit traffic. Circuits will always be conducted to the north of the airfield. Once aircraft are ready for departure they shall be cleared for take-off in sequence. As they begin their crosswind turn, they shall be instructed to report when they are on downwind with their intentions
Controller: "A-TT, report downwind with intentions"
Aircraft may request a touch and go, a stop and go, a low approach or a full stop landing. Once TWR is aware of the aircraft’s request, they may be sequenced to the runway, with due consideration given to runway occupancy time.
Aircraft on downwind shall be passed the following information:
+• Sequence
+• Traffic information if applicable
Controller: "A-TT, number 1, report final runway 26R."
Controller: "A-TT, runway 30R, cleared to land/touch and go/low approach."
4.5.3 VFR arrivals
Inbound VFR aircraft shall be instructed to contact TWR with enough time such that two-way radio communication has been established before aircraft enter the control zone. On first contact TWR will pass instructions on how to enter the CTR, the runway in use and the QNH.
Controller: “A4O-TT, Muscat Tower, Enter control zone via Cement Plant East, Runway 26R, 2,000 feet VFR, QNH 1017”
Once the traffic is closer to the aerodrome, they shall be given circuit joining instructions. VFR arrivals from the south can either be given a direct base for the respective runway or if there is a delay expected they should make a midfield crossing to join the normal circuit in the north of the aerodrome.
VFR arrivals may be denied entry into the control zone during times of increased IFR arrival activity and instructed to hold outside controller airspace awaiting further instructions. VFR aircraft may also be told to orbit at any VRP inside the CTR.
4.6 Secondary Muscat Tower position
Muscat AIP has defined a secondary (south) tower position, for the southern runway (08R/26L). At this time, the runway remains closed as per updated NOTAMs. This section of the SOP will be updated when this changes.
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
The Ground Movement Controller (GMC) is responsible for managing aircraft movements on all aerodrome movement areas except for runways and their associated taxiways. Departing aircraft are given pushback instructions and instructions to taxi to the runway holding point. Arriving aircraft are assigned a stand and instructed to taxi as appropriate.
3.2 Departure pushback procedures
3.2.1 General pushback procedures
When aircraft have been handed off from CLD, they shall be fully ready for pushback and have reached their TOBT. Assuming no obstructions, they shall be instructed to push back immediately.
Aircraft requesting push that are not squawking their assigned transponder code shall be instructed to hold position and squawk the correct code. They must not be allowed to move until doing so.
Pushback direction is based primarily on aircraft location and runway configuration. Pushback from the main terminal shall occur onto T or L as appropriate. A pushback clearance must be a variant of those provided in 3.2.2 and include an instruction on which direction to face (e.g. “FACE WEST”).
Controller: "OMA613, Muscat Ground, Pushback Approved, Face West on T."
Conditional pushback instructions may also be issued if an aircraft is taxiing behind another, waiting for pushback.
Controller: "FDB3EF, Behind Oman Air A320 passing left to right, pushback approved, face east on T behind."
3.2.2 Pushback direction
When departing runway 26R, aircraft parked on the north side of the main terminal (stands 2xx and 3xx) shall be instructed to "FACE EAST" or "FACE NORTH", accordingly.
Aircraft departing runway 08L parked on 3xx stands shall be instructed to "FACE WEST". Such aircraft parked on stands 201-203 can either be instructed to "FACE NORTH" or "FACE SOUTH", at the discretion of the controller and the current traffic situation.
Aircraft parked on the south sode of the main terminal (stands 4xx, 5xx and 6xx), as well as on the cargo apron, shall always be instructed to "FACE WEST", unless otherwise required for the efficient flow of traffic.
3.2.3 Pushback types
+ Standard pushback
This type will normally have the aircraft stop abeam the adjacent stand. The phraseology for this type of pushback is laid down in 3.2.1.
+ Short pushback
A short pushback instruction shall require the aircraft to complete the pushback abeam the current stand such that the adjacent stand will not be blocked.
Controller: "OMA51, short pushback approved, face West on L, to finish abeam stand 406."
3.2.4 Simultaneous pushback operations
Simultaneous pushbacks may be permitted from adjacent stands provided aircraft are instructed to manoeuver in accordance with 3.2.2 such that on completion of both aircraft’s pushback operation, they will be separated on the taxiway by two aircraft stands.
3.3 Departure taxi procedures
3.3.1 General departure taxi procedures
Except as specified in 3.6, departing traffic shall be taxied out using the taxiways closest to the aircraft stand (T, L, S, M, H). Where aircraft are taxied to runway holding points, transfer of control to TWR shall be made early enough, such that aircraft are not required to stop their taxi.
3.3.2 Traffic at the main terminal
The south side and the north side of the terminal are connected via taxiways N and R.
Taxiway N is used for southbound aircraft, while taxiway R is used for northbound aircraft. Therefore, departing traffic will taxi via L, H, R to the runway. Traffic south of taxiway F will taxi via F, E4 and H, northbound.
3.3.3 Traffic south of runway 08R/26L
Traffic south of runway 08R/26L shall exit their apron at the respective apron exit, then taxi via A to cross runway 08R/26L at intersection D1, then continue via E1, H, etc.
Controllers shall exercise caution when taxiing aircraft to/from the aprons south of runway 08R/26L, as only a single intersection connects the apron to the rest of the aerodrome, increasing the risk of a nose-nose situation.
Taxiway V shall be used by departing aircraft in all configurations.
These directions keep traffic flow organised and reduces the potential for conflict.
To deconflict traffic and to reduce the length of taxi clearances, intermediate holding points shall be used wherever possible.
Controller: "OMA7R, Taxi via T, UE, V, holding point Y7 runway 26R"
Controller: "OMA7R, Taxi via T, hold UE"
3.4 Arrival taxi procedures
3.4.1 General arrival taxi procedures
Arriving aircraft shall not immediately be handed off by TWR. They must instead be given an initial taxi instruction onto W or V to keep traffic flowing. Therefore, GMC shall assign an arrival stand when they are on final approach.
Once the aircraft is handed off to GMC they may be taxied to their stand. Arrivals shall generally be taxied via the outside taxiways that are farthest away from stands.
In the 08L configuration, traffic vacating Y5 shall use taxiway W to their stand.
Arriving traffic headed to the south side of the terminal will taxi via N G and K to the stand.
Traffic going to the south side of the aerodrome (south of runway 08R/26L) will taxi via N H E1, D1.
3.4.2 Stand allocation procedure
Aircraft shall be assigned stands automatically using the Ground Radar Plugin (GRplugin) system wherever possible. Muscat does not feature operator depended stands. So all passenger operators will get a random stand at the terminal assigned.
For cargo operators, there is a dedicated cargo apron on the east side of the airport at taxiway H. The south side of the airport is used by GA, VIP and military aircraft but not by commercial passenger airlines.
3.4.3 Stand restrictions
3.5 Low visibility operations (LVO)
As there are no active runway crossings necessary, there are no specific operational requirements during low visibility conditions. If the RVR falls below 550m, take-offs are not allowed.
3.6 Designated areas of responsibility
Muscat has recently introduced a second ground position, meaning ground can be split into two positions if necessary: Ground North (GMC North) and South (GMC South).
+These positions are split in a horizontal line between the north-civil apron. For example, stands 1xx, 2xx and 3xx and their adjacent taxiways are controlled by GMC North and stands 4xx, 5xx and 6xx and their adjacent taxiways are controlled by GMC South.
When both GMC North and GMC South are online, departing aircraft taxiing from the south side of the aerodrome via R shall be instructed by GMC South to taxi via R to hold short at R2, before being transferred to GMC North.
+Similarly, arriving traffic taxiing from the north to the south side of the aerodrome shall be instructed to taxi via N to hold short at N1, before being transferred to GMC South.
+These points signify the boundaries of the areas of responsibility for Muscat Ground.
Airway clearance delivery (CLD) is responsible for validation of routes and shall provide IFR clearance to departing aircraft. The controller shall assign the correct departure procedure depending on the runway configuration.
+Where the flight plan contains an invalid route, level or procedure, CLD must ensure that the error is corrected before the aircraft is given its clearance..
+CLD is also responsible for minimising taxiway delays and congestion for departing aircraft. During time of increased departure activity, aircraft are held at the gate to save fuel and lessen taxiway congestion.
+Muscat airport does not operate datalink clearance (DCL).
2.2 Departure procedures
Muscat has many published instrument departures, including RNAV and conventional navigation SIDs. However, at the time of writing (January 2025), these are currently not in use due to aerodrome and airspace restructuring. Only two temporary SIDs are currently in use and therefore, only these shall be assigned.
The initial climb is 3000ft in all cases. When a radar controller is online, aircraft will receive radar vectors enroute after MURMA or ITLAK respectively. Thus, it is wise to know that if aircraft are departing on UNICOM, they will be responsible for self-vectoring themselves to join their cleared airway.
2.3 Departure clearance
2.2.1 General
CLD is responsible for issuing clearances for departing aircraft. Pilots may be expected to report the following information on first contact:
+- Callsign;
+- Aircraft type;
+- Parking stand;
+- Destination;
+- Requested flight level;
2.2.2 Information contained in a departure clearance
An IFR clearance shall be in the following format:
+- Callsign;
+- Airway and Muscat FIR exit point;
+- Departure procedure;
+- Initially cleared altitude;
+- Assigned SSR code
Pilot: "Muscat Delivery, OMA478, Boeing 777-300ER, information X, stand 215, request clearance to Dubai."
Controller: "OMA478, Muscat Delivery, information X correct, cleared to Dubai via T508 SOLUD, ITLAK1N departure, maintain altitude 3000ft, squawk 2613."
Pilot: "Cleared to Dubai via T508 SOLUD, ITLAK1N departure, maintain altitude 3000ft, squawk 2613, OMA478."
Controller: "OMA478, readback correct, QNH 1016, report ready for pushback."
2.4 Aircraft routing
An aircraft shall be issued a reroute by GMP if the pilot’s route doesn’t comply with standard route, compliant with Oman AIP.
All aircraft must follow airway routes and fly on valid airways out of Omani airspace. The first waypoint of an aircraft's route out of Muscat must start at the Muscat VOR (MCT), followed by a valid airway route out of Omani airspace/to the flight's destination.
If an aircraft requires a reroute, they shall be informed of such as soon as they have connected to the network by private message or on frequency. The use of “.rte" and “.rtef" aliases are encouraged.
The Arabian vACC Operations Department maintains an up-to-date route database on SimBrief. These routes can be accessed by selecting the "User Submitted Routes" option, highlighted in purple, when planning a flight. These routes also appear as "blue" routes, that are Eurocontrol IFPS compliant.
Controller: "FDB615, cleared to Dubai, via T508 SOLUD, P574, IMPED. ITLAK1N departure, maintain altitude 3000ft, squawk 2613,
Level Restrictions
Landing Dubai TMA Airports (OMDB,DW,SJ)
Max FL200
Landing OTHH, OTBD
+Table 2-2: Mandatory routes
2.5 Requested cruising level
2.5.1 Level restrictions
Aircraft routes out of the aerodrome must comply with all routing and level restrictions as described in section 3.1 of Arabian MATS P1. This is based on direction and type of flight.
Should an aircraft file an invalid cruise level, GMP shall advise the aircraft of this when delivering the clearance. In all cases, the next lowest valid cruise level shall be assigned, and the aircraft advised.
2.6 Delay mitigation
2.6.1 Target off-block time (TOBT)
When A-CDM procedures are active, pilots must report their confirmed TOBT on vacdm.vatsim.me, which is then displayed in the controller's client on the departure list. A fully green time indicates a confirmed TOBT. If a pilot has not confirmed their TOBT, the controller should request it on frequency and update the departure list accordingly.
The TOBT system allows aircraft to push back, taxi to the runway holding point, and depart on schedule without extended delays in the departure queue. If an aircraft reports ready for pushback before its assigned TOBT, it will be instructed to hold position and will be given its place in the pushback sequence, unless aerodrome conditions permit and a slot is available. If an aircraft is cleared for push and start but does not begin pushing within 2-5 minutes, the pushback clearance is canceled, and a new TOBT is assigned.
Controller: "OMA102, hold position. Number 3 for startup, expect pushback at time 45."
2.7 Runway change procedure
AIR shall provide ample notice to GMP before changing runway configuration. The last departure using the old configuration shall be coordinated between AIR, GMP, GMC and approach/departure.
Aircraft that have already been cleared to depart using the old configuration shall be re-cleared if they have not already requested pushback.
2.8 VFR aircraft
2.8.1 VFR departures into uncontrolled airspace
VFR traffic shall be cleared via the most appropriate VFR route towards their destination. If
+necessary, the clearance may be amended by TWR prior to departure.
+All VFR departures shall be assigned a discrete SSR code so that they may be identified on the radar.
Pilot: ”Muscat Delivery, A4O-DD, C172, requet clearance to Sohar, Information Charlie”
Controller: ”A4O-DD, Muscat Delivery, Cleared to Sohar on the Northwest departure, altitude 1500 feet VFR, squawk 7025.”
Pilot: “Cleared to Sohar on the Northwest departure, altitude 1500 feet VFR, squawk 7025, A-DD.”
Controller: ”A-DD [Readback] Correct. Information Charlie correct, report ready for start-up.”
2.8.2 VFR departures into controlled airspace
VFR aircraft requesting clearance to climb into approach airspace (above 5500ft) shall only be
+cleared after prior coordination with TMA control. Otherwise, they shall be instructed to remain
+outside controlled airspace after leaving the control zone.
+All VFR departures shall be assigned a discrete SSR code so that they may be identified on the radar.
Pilot: ”Muscat Delivery, A4O-DD, request departure to the south on track Salalah, altitude 10,000 feet.”
Controller: ”A4O-DD, Muscat Delivery, Cleared on track Salalah, altitude 10,000 feet VFR, squawk 7025.”
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.
Areas indicated in a solid colour are the sole responsibility of the respective AIR controller. GMC shall expect traffic to only be handed off once at the boundary of these areas. Transfer of control shall be initiated by GMC before aircraft reach the boundary of these areas.
Areas indicated in a cross-hatched colour are areas of shared responsibility. Here, transfer of control may only be initiated when required between controllers, except as provided in 3.3.1 to facilitate a non-stop taxi.
Uncoloured areas are the responsibility of the respective GMC controller as indicated by the green boundary line between GMC 1 and GMC 2.
The hotspots shown on the diagram correspond to the lettered hotspots described in Section 5. Refer to this section for a detailed description of each hotspot.