on the command-line, in a PR called "update-core-and-stuff-DATE":
update core:
./scripts/update-core.sh # shows used branch ./scripts/update-core.sh BRANCH_OR_TAG # update to tag or latest commit of branch ./scripts/clean-core.sh # helps on weird issues, do also "Build / Clean" ./scripts/ndk-make.sh
update translations and local help:
./scripts/tx-pull-translations.sh ./scripts/create-local-help.sh # requires deltachat-pages checked out at ../deltachat-pages
the "update-core-and-stuff-DATE" PR can be merged without review (as everything was already reviewed in their repos).
the following steps are done in a PR called prep-VERSION
(no leading "v"):
a) update
from https://github.com/chatmail/core/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md and https://github.com/deltachat/deltachat-android/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+sort%3Aupdated-desc. do not just copy and avoid technical terms. the changelog is for the end user and shall show impacts form that angle. b) update changelog date asYYYY-MM
c) add used core version to end of changelog entry asupdate to core 1.2.3
orusing core 1.2.3
in case previous entries of the changelog refer to betas or to not officially released versions, the entries can be summarized. this makes it easier for the end user to follow changes by showing major changes atop.
add a device message to
or remove the old one. do not repeat the CHANGELOG here: write what really is the ux outcome in a few lines of easy speak without technical terms. if there is time for a translation round, do./scripts/tx-push-source.sh
ping tangible translators and start over at step 2. -
(no leading "v") inbuild.gradle
build APKs: a) generate debug APK at "Build / Build Bundle(s)/APK / Build APK(s)"
b) generate release APK at "Build / Generate Signed Bundle or APK", select "APK", add keys, flavorgplayRelease
. this APK will go to the stores and is located atgplay/release
- a)
./scripts/upload-beta.sh VERSION
uploads both APKs to testrun.org and drafts a message.
b) add things critically to be tested to the message (this is not the changelog nor the device message)
c) post the message to relevant testing channels, ping testers
d) make sure, theprep-VERSION
PR gets merged
On serious deteriorations, ping devs, make sure they get fixed, and start over at step 1.
Take care the APK used here and in the following steps are binary-wise the same as pushed to testers and not overwritten by subsequent builds.
- a)
./scripts/upload-release.sh VERSION
b) do a PR to bumpVERSION_ANDROID
(without leadingv
) onhttps://github.com/deltachat/deltachat-pages/blob/master/_includes/download-boxes.html
c) make sure, the PR gets merged and the correct APK is finally available on get.delta.chat
only afterwards, push the APK to stores. consider a blog post.
on https://play.google.com/apps/publish/:
- a) open "Delta Chat / Test and release / Production"
then "Create new release" and upload APK from above
b) fill out "Release details/Release notes" (500 chars), add the line
"These features will roll out over the coming days. Thanks for using Delta Chat!";
release name should be default ("123 (1.2.3)")
c) click "Next", set "Rollout Percentage" to 50%, click "Save" d) Go to "Publishing Overview", "Managed publishing" is usually off; click "Send change for review", confirm
2 days later, change "Rollout Percentage" to 99%. Two more days later to 100%. Rollout is anyways slower in practise, however, only as long as we do not enter 100%, we can retract the version (Once we reach 100%, we have to submit a new version for approval. During these up to 4 days, sometimes longer, we cannot do anything on existing rollout)
- make sure, everything is pushed, then:
$ git tag v1.2.1 COMMIT; git push --tags
F-Droid picks on the tags starting with "v" and builds the version. This may take some days.
- a) on https://github.com/deltachat/deltachat-android/releases, tap "Draft a new Release", choose just created tag, fill changelog b) add APK from above using "Attach binary". c) tap "Publish release"
on https://developer.amazon.com/dashboard:
- a) click "App List", for "Delta Chat", select "Add upcoming version" on the left b) at "Step 1 / Existing file(s)" hit "Replace", upload the APK from above c) on the "Step 1" page, add "Release notes" from CHANGELOG.md, hit "Next" d) on "Step 2" and "Step 3" pages, hit "Next" e) on "Step 4" page: "Submit app"
on https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/appgallery:
- a) go to "Upload your app / Android / Delta Chat / Update", again "Update" upper right b) "Manage Packages / Upload", upload the APK from above, hit "Save" c) Update "App Information / New Features", hit "Save", then "Next" d) Hit "Submit"; on the next page, confirm version and language
These stores are not under our control. On important updates ping store maintainers and ask to update.
Only some rough ideas, ideally, this should result into a simple checklist that can be checked before releasing. However, although it would be nice to test "everything", we should keep in mind that the test should be doable in, say, 10~15 minutes.
- create new account with (one of?): gmail, yandex, other or (?) test an existing account
- send and receive a message
- create a group
- do a contact verification
- join a group via a qr scan