diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3d262ac..6007b6c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,24 +4,32 @@
[![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=Arquisoft_wiq_en1b&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=Arquisoft_wiq_en1b)
-This is a base repo for the [Software Architecture course](http://arquisoft.github.io/) in [2023/2024 edition](https://arquisoft.github.io/course2324.html).
+To access the game simply follow the link [here](http://wiqen1b.serveminecraft.net:3000)
+The documentation of the system can be found [here](https://arquisoft.github.io/wiq_en1b/)
+And the API documentation can be seen [here](http://wiqen1b.serveminecraft.net:8000/api-doc/)
-This repo is a basic application composed of several components.
+## Application components
+This repo is an application made from several components.
- **Gateway service**. Express service that is exposed to the public and serves as a proxy to the two previous ones.
- **User service**. Express service that handles the insertion of new users in the system.
- **Auth service**. Express service that handles the authentication of users.
-- **Webapp**. React web application that uses the gateway service to allow basic login and new user features.
+- **Record service**. Express service that handles the game results of all the users and shows a ranking.
+- **Webapp**. React web application that uses the gateway service to allow users to play the game, in addition to registering, logging in, view the ranking and much more.
+- **Question generator**. Java application that generates questions from Wikidata which are later used in the game.
+- **Question service**. Express service that handles the database (MongoDB) and retrieves the previously generated question to be used in the game.
-Both the user and auth service share a Mongo database that is accessed with mongoose.
+Both the User service and Auth service share a Mongo database that is accessed with mongoose. The Question generator and Question service also share a MongoDB connection.
## Quick start guide
In order to deployed it locally you can check out the docker configuration below:
### Using docker
-The fastest way for launching this sample project is using docker. Just clone the project:
+If you want to try it out by yourself, the fastest way for launching this project is using docker. Just clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/Arquisoft/wiq_en1b.git
@@ -33,9 +41,9 @@ and launch it with docker compose:
docker compose --profile dev up --build
-### Deployed in Cloud
-In order to view the application deploy in the cloud click [here](http://wiqen1b.serveminecraft.net:3000)
-### Members
+## Members
+The members of the great team that made this incredible application.
- Lucía Ruiz Núñez uo289267@uniovi.es
- Mario Junquera Rojas uo287557@uniovi.es