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575 lines (413 loc) · 19.1 KB

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575 lines (413 loc) · 19.1 KB

🔃 Microsoft AD As Built Report Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

This project is community maintained and has no sponsorship from Microsoft, its employees or any of its affiliates.

[0.9.0] - Unreleased


[0.8.2] - 2024-06-15


  • Add Diagrammer.Core to the module RequiredModules list
  • Add Health Check to detect circular group membership
  • Add Health Check to find SMBv1 status in Active Directory DCs
  • Add Health Check to find groups with AdminCount set to 1
  • Add Health Check to find empty groups
  • Add Health Check to find Computers with password-not-required attribute set
  • Add basic DHCP Infrastructure information


  • Improve the code to better handle errors
  • Update the Eomm/why-don-t-you-tweet action to v2.0.0
  • Increase the default InfoLevel for the Forest and Domain section (InfoLevel 2)
  • Enable DNS section by default (InfoLevel 1)


  • Fix #160
  • Fix #168
  • Fix #171
  • Fix #172
  • Fix #174
  • Fix the ip address is not displayed in the DC Network Settings section. #176
  • Fix for Zone Transfer section displaying an empty table. #178
  • Fix #180

[0.8.1] - 2024-05-16


  • Site Topology diagram
  • Domain and Trust diagram
  • Foreign Security Principals section


  • Remove Graphviz install check code
  • Code cleanup
  • Improve script logging
  • Increase Diagrammer.Microsoft.AD module version requirements v0.2.3
  • Increase AsBuiltReport.Core module version requirements v1.4.0
  • Change charts default font to Segoe Ui
  • Improved Forest diagram


  • Improve error handling on Forest diagram section
  • Fix issues with Diagrammer.Microsoft.AD module
  • Fix DNS section not getting data when there are unavailable DC servers
  • Fix #154
  • Fix #153
  • Fix #152
  • Fix #151
  • Fix #150


  • Removed EnableDiagrams option
  • Removed EnableCharts option

[0.8.0] - 2024-01-24


  • Added initial diagram support:
    • Forest Diagram
  • Added disclaimer section if the EnableHealthCheck option is used.


[0.7.15] - 2023-10-03


  • Improved verbose logging
  • Improved PKI Section

[0.7.14] - 2023-07-25


[0.7.13] - 2023-06-22


  • Added Option "Include.Domains" to allow only a list of Active Directory Domain to document
    • Include Domains in AD services
    • Include Domains in DNS services
  • Added Site Connection Objects section


  • Major improvements to health check recommendations


  • Fix HealthCheck sections not working after v0.7.12
  • Fix #84
  • Fix #98
  • Fix #99
  • Fix #100
  • Fix #101
  • Fix #102
  • Fix #103
  • Fix #104
  • Fix #105
  • Fix #106
  • Fix #107
  • Fix #108
  • Fix #109
  • Fix #110
  • Fix Node.js 12 actions are deprecated warning message
  • Fix the code to ensure that PSRemoting sessions are removed when they are no longer needed.

[0.7.12] - 2023-05-23


  • Removed DHCP section (migrated to AsBuiltReport.Microsoft.DHCP)
  • Disabled DNS & CA section by default

[0.7.11] - 2023-03-09


  • Added section for Local Administrator Password Solution.


  • Improved bug and feature request templates
  • Changed default logo from Microsoft to the AsBuiltReport logo due to licensing requirements
  • Changed default report style font to 'Segoe Ui' to align with Microsoft guidelines
  • Changed Required Modules to AsBuiltReport.Core v1.3.0
  • Changed Infolevel 1 table structure on the following section:
    • Hardware Inventory
    • Fined Grained Password Policies
    • Group Managed Service Accounts (GMSA)
    • Sites Replication Connection
    • Domain and Trusts



  • Added section for Local Administrator Password Solution.


  • Improved bug and feature request templates
  • Changed default logo from Microsoft to the AsBuiltReport logo due to licensing requirements
  • Changed default report style font to 'Segoe Ui' to align with Microsoft guidelines
  • Changed Required Modules to AsBuiltReport.Core v1.3.0
  • Changed Infolevel 1 table structure on the following section:
    • Hardware Inventory
    • Fined Grained Password Policies
    • Group Managed Service Accounts (GMSA)
    • Sites Replication Connection
    • Domain and Trusts


[0.7.10] - 2022-10-28


  • Fix issue #83 (Error running report if multiple version are installed together)

[0.7.9] - 2022-10-09


  • Added charts to the Domain object count sub-sections


  • Split the Domain object count section.
    • Computers Object count
    • User object count
    • Domain Controller count


[0.7.8] - 2022-10-04


  • Added Simple Chart support


[0.7.7] - 2022-09-07


  • Add table to show the pending/missing Windows updates (Health Check)


  • Improve domain controller dcdiag table


[0.7.6] - 2022-09-04


  • Improve report table of content


[0.7.5] - 2022-08-06


  • Added SYSVOL/NETLOGON folder content status
    • Added Health Check for malicious/unessential file extensions
  • Added Domain Controller SRV Records Status
    • Added Health Check for SRV Records Status
  • Added Health Check for Unsupported Operating System findings in the Active Directory Domain


  • Allowed the Forest Root Domain to be the fisrt Domain in the report
  • Improved Sites Replication (repadmin) section

[0.7.4] - 2022-07-29


  • Access well known groups via SID to include international names and expand them to localized group names.
  • Removed PSSharedGoods/PSWriteColor module dependency


[0.7.3] - 2022-05-13


  • Improved validation of module dependencies
  • Added Option "Exclude.Domains" to allow Active Directory Domain exclusions
    • Exclude Domains in AD Services
    • Exclude Domains in DNS Services
    • Exclude Domains in DHCP Services
  • Added Option "Exclude.DCs" to allow Active Directory Domain Controller exclusions
    • Exclude DCs in AD Services
    • Exclude DCs in DNS Services
    • Exclude DCs in DHCP Services
  • Added Test-Connection test to verify DC connectivity.

[0.7.2] - 2022-04-25


  • Improved AD user/group object stats
    • Added Privileged Group count information
  • Improved AD computer object stats
    • Added Operating System Count information
  • Added RID Pool Issued/Available information
  • Added Domain,Site and Global Catalog count information


  • Fix report module dependencies. Closes #35

[0.7.1] - 2022-03-14


  • Added Kerberos Audit section.
    • Added Health Check condition and explanatione


  • Fix release workflows to include PSSharedGoods module.

[0.7.0] - 2022-03-14


  • Implemented health check explanations.
  • Added Health Check:
    • Search for Duplicate Object.
    • Search for Duplicate SID.
    • DFS Health Status
    • Search for Account Security Issues.
  • Added Naming Context Backup information.


  • Improve Health Check content.
  • Added enabled status on Forest Optional Features section.


  • Fix DNS section issues.
  • Sort "Organizational Unit" section by path. Closes #27

[0.6.3] - 2022-01-30


  • More Code refactoring to improve performance.
  • Migrated DNS/DHCP Server section to use CIM sessions.
  • Changed authentication parameter of CIM/PSRemote from kerberos to negotiate.
  • Added variable to control CIM/PSRemote authentication method (PSDefaultAuthentication)
  • Changed report main text color.


  • Fix for more table caption error messages.
  • Fix section heading hierarchy

[0.6.2] - 2022-01-24


  • Code refactoring to improve performance.
  • Implement more try/catch to better handle terminating errors.
  • Update ReadMe to include Known limitations.
  • Improve Sections title text.
  • Improve table sorting.


  • Fix for table caption error messages.

[0.6.1] - 2021-12-07


  • Added Sample HTML Report Link to README file.
  • Added DHCP/DNS Powershell module installation instructions. Closes #18


  • Improved the code to better detect whether a DHCP/CA infrastructure is in place. Closes #17
  • Fix missing comma in JSON File. Closes #16

[0.6.0] - 2021-12-02


  • Added more CA Sections (Need More Testing)
    • Added CRL Repository
    • Added AIA Information
    • Added Security Section
    • Added Template Information
    • Added Key Recovery Agent Information
    • Added Cryptography Configuration Information


  • The spelling of the section title has been revised.
  • Enabled CA InfoLevels Option.

[0.5.0] - 2021-10-29


  • Added ShowDefinitionInfo Option (Allows the user to choose whether to enable AD term explanations.)
  • Explanation of the ShowDefinitionInfo option has been added to the ReadMe file.
  • Added Dynamic DNS Credentials Health Check.
  • Added updated HTML Sample Report.


  • The spelling of the section title has been revised.
  • Moved DNS Zone section to InfoLevel 2.
  • Moved Role and Feature section to InfoLevel 3.
  • Removed Unused InfoLevels (CA & Security).


  • Fix try/catch error messages (globally)
  • Fix try/catch logic on the DNS Section (Fix #11)

[0.4.0] - 2021-10-08


  • Added Installed Roles and Features to the DC Section.
  • Added Fined Grained Password Policies to the Domain Section (fix issue #6).
  • Added Log and SysVol Path to NTDS Table (fix issue #6).
  • Added More Active Directory Object Count (fix issue #9).
  • Added Tombstone Lifetime to the Forest Section.
  • Added Enforced Group Policy Objects (fix issue #9).
  • Added GPO Logon/Logoff Startup/Shutdown Script Support (fix issue #9).
  • Added GPO Blocked Inheritance (fix issue #9).
  • Added DHCP IPv4 per Scope Option information.
  • Added DHCP IPv6 per Scope Option information.
    • Added DHCP Scope Statistics information.
    • Added DHCP Scope DNS Setting information.
  • Added More Health Checks.
    • Added GPO Health Check.
    • Added GMSA Health Check.
    • Added Dcdiag Health Check.
    • Added more DHCP IPv4/IPv6 Health Checks.
  • Added DNS Conditional Forwarder to DNS Section (fix issue #6).


  • Added more Heading definitions.
  • Disable Certificate Authority until is Completed.
  • Added function to translate from DN to Name or CanonicalName
  • Implement InfoLevel 2 and 3 Report Option.
    • Added Domain InfoLevel 2/3 Option.
    • Added DNS InfoLevel 2 Option.
    • Added DHCP InfoLevel 2 Option.
  • Updated Sample Report


  • Fix more PSSession exhaustion.
  • Remove the PSPKI module from ReadMe file.
  • Fix more Heading Index issues.
  • Fix for better verbose loggin.

[0.3.0] - 2021-09-26


  • Added Active Directory DHCP summary information.
    • Added DHCP Database information.
    • Added DHCP Dynamic DNS information.
  • Added per Domain DHCP IPv4 Scope information.
    • Added DHCP Scope Failover configuration information.
    • Added DHCP Scope Statistics information.
    • Added DHCP Scope Interface Binding information.
    • Added DHCP Scope Delegation configuration information.
  • Added per Domain DHCP IPv6 Scope information.
    • Added DHCP Scope Failover configuration information.
    • Added DHCP Scope Statistics information.
    • Added DHCP Scope Interface Binding information.
    • Added DHCP health check.


  • Added more Heading definitions.
  • Added funtion to convert from subnetmask to dotted notation.
  • Added a function to convert empty culumns to "-" (less switch cases).


  • Fix for PSSession exhaustion.
  • Fix for DNS Zone Delegation IPaddress variable
  • Fix for unhandle null values.
  • Enhanced error message catching.
  • Fix for heading hierarchy.
  • Fix Forest schema version code.
  • Fix ActiveDirectory RequiredModule error (Fix #3).

[0.2.0] - 2021-09-10


  • Added Active Directory DNS summary information.
    • Added DNS Forwarder summary information.
    • Added DNS Recursion configuration information.
    • Added DNS RRL configuration information.
    • Added DNS Zone Reverse Lookup configuration information.
      • Added DNS Zone Scavenging/Aging configuration information.
      • Added DNS Zone Delegation configuration information.
    • Added more health checks.


  • Improved per Domain configuration information.
  • Improved per Domain Controller configuration information.
  • Introduced the ability to use a shared PSsession.
  • Merged the functions used within the reports into a single file (SharedUtilsFunctions).


  • Enhanced the logic of detecting a unavailable Domain or DC.
  • Enhanced verbose/degug logging.
  • Added more try/catch code to improve error diagnostic.

[0.1.0] - 2021-08-10


  • Added Active Directory Forest summary information.
    • Added Forest Optional Features Summary.
    • Added Domain Site summary information.
      • Added Domain Site Link summary information.
  • Added Active Directory Domain summary Infomation.
    • Added Object Count summary Information.
    • Added Default Domain Password Policy Summary Information.
    • Added Group Managed Service Accounts (GMSA) Summary Information.
    • Added Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO) Information.
    • Added Trust Summary information.
  • Added Domain Controller Information.
    • Added Domain Controller Hardware Summary.
    • Added Domain Controller NTDS Summary.
    • Added Domain Controller Time Source Summary.
    • Added Domain Controller Infrastructure Services Status.
    • Added Site Replication Summary.
    • Added Site Replication Failure Summary.
    • Added Group Policy Objects Summary.
    • Added Organizational Unit summary.
    • Added Domain Site summary information
      • Added Domain Site Link summary information
  • Added Active Directory Domain summary Infomation
    • Added Object Count summary Information
    • Added Default Domain Password Policy Summary Information
    • Added Group Managed Service Accounts (GMSA) Summary Information
    • Added Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO) Information
    • Added Trust Summary information
  • Added Domain Controller Information
    • Added Domain Controller Hardware Summary
    • Added Domain Controller NTDS Summary
    • Added Domain Controller Time Source Summary
    • Added Domain Controller Infrastructure Services Status
    • Added Site Replication Summary
    • Added Site Replication Failure Summary
    • Added Group Policy Objects Summary
    • Added Organizational Unit summary