diff --git a/v2/lockrenewer.go b/v2/lockrenewer.go
index dd2b1cc..1872cb0 100644
--- a/v2/lockrenewer.go
+++ b/v2/lockrenewer.go
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ type LockRenewer interface {
 type LockRenewalOptions struct {
 	// Interval defines the frequency at which we renew the lock on the message. Defaults to 10 seconds.
 	Interval *time.Duration
+	// LockRenewalTimeout is the timeout value used on the context when sending RenewMessageLock() request.
+	// Defaults to 5 seconds if not set or 0. Defaults to Lock Expiry time if set to a negative value.
+	LockRenewalTimeout *time.Duration
 	// CancelMessageContextOnStop will cancel the downstream message context when the renewal handler is stopped.
 	// Defaults to true.
 	CancelMessageContextOnStop *bool
@@ -34,12 +37,16 @@ type LockRenewalOptions struct {
 // NewRenewLockHandler returns a middleware handler that will renew the lock on the message at the specified interval.
 func NewRenewLockHandler(options *LockRenewalOptions, handler Handler) HandlerFunc {
 	interval := 10 * time.Second
+	lockRenewalTimeout := 5 * time.Second
 	cancelMessageContextOnStop := true
 	metricRecorder := processor.Metric
 	if options != nil {
 		if options.Interval != nil {
 			interval = *options.Interval
+		if options.LockRenewalTimeout != nil && *options.LockRenewalTimeout != 0 {
+			lockRenewalTimeout = *options.LockRenewalTimeout
+		}
 		if options.CancelMessageContextOnStop != nil {
 			cancelMessageContextOnStop = *options.CancelMessageContextOnStop
@@ -52,6 +59,7 @@ func NewRenewLockHandler(options *LockRenewalOptions, handler Handler) HandlerFu
 			next:                   handler,
 			lockRenewer:            settler,
 			renewalInterval:        &interval,
+			renewalTimeout:         &lockRenewalTimeout,
 			metrics:                metricRecorder,
 			cancelMessageCtxOnStop: cancelMessageContextOnStop,
 			stopped:                make(chan struct{}, 1), // buffered channel to ensure we are not blocking
@@ -77,6 +85,7 @@ type peekLockRenewer struct {
 	next                   Handler
 	lockRenewer            LockRenewer
 	renewalInterval        *time.Duration
+	renewalTimeout         *time.Duration
 	metrics                processor.Recorder
 	alive                  atomic.Bool
 	cancelMessageCtxOnStop bool
@@ -127,7 +136,7 @@ func (plr *peekLockRenewer) startPeriodicRenewal(ctx context.Context, message *a
 			logger.Info("renewing lock")
-			err := plr.lockRenewer.RenewMessageLock(ctx, message, nil)
+			err := plr.renewMessageLock(ctx, message, nil)
 			if err != nil {
 				logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to renew lock: %s", err))
 				if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) || errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
@@ -170,3 +179,34 @@ func (plr *peekLockRenewer) startPeriodicRenewal(ctx context.Context, message *a
+func (plr *peekLockRenewer) renewMessageLock(ctx context.Context, message *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage, options *azservicebus.RenewMessageLockOptions) error {
+	lockLostErr := &azservicebus.Error{Code: azservicebus.CodeLockLost}
+	if message.LockedUntil == nil || time.Until(*message.LockedUntil) < 0 {
+		// if the lock doesn't exist or is already expired, we should not attempt to renew it.
+		return lockLostErr
+	}
+	renewalTimeout := time.Until(*message.LockedUntil)
+	if *plr.renewalTimeout > 0 {
+		renewalTimeout = *plr.renewalTimeout
+	}
+	// we should keep retrying until lock expiry or until message context is done
+	for time.Until(*message.LockedUntil) > 0 && ctx.Err() == nil {
+		var renewErr error
+		func() {
+			getLogger(ctx).Info(fmt.Sprintf("renewing lock with timeout: %s", renewalTimeout))
+			renewalCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, renewalTimeout)
+			defer cancel()
+			renewErr = plr.lockRenewer.RenewMessageLock(renewalCtx, message, options)
+		}()
+		// exit the renewal if we get any error other than context deadline exceeded or if the error is nil.
+		if !errors.Is(renewErr, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
+			return renewErr
+		}
+	}
+	// lock is expired or message context is done
+	if ctx.Err() != nil {
+		return ctx.Err()
+	}
+	return lockLostErr
diff --git a/v2/lockrenewer_test.go b/v2/lockrenewer_test.go
index a6ae781..8c7766a 100644
--- a/v2/lockrenewer_test.go
+++ b/v2/lockrenewer_test.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
 type fakeSBRenewLockSettler struct {
+	Delay      time.Duration
 	PerMessage map[*azservicebus.ReceivedMessage]*atomic.Int32
 	mapLock    sync.Mutex
 	Err        error
@@ -27,6 +28,15 @@ type fakeSBRenewLockSettler struct {
 func (r *fakeSBRenewLockSettler) RenewMessageLock(ctx context.Context, message *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage,
 	_ *azservicebus.RenewMessageLockOptions) error {
+	if r.Delay > 0 {
+		select {
+		case <-time.After(r.Delay):
+			break
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			r.RenewCalled.Add(1)
+			return r.Err
+		}
+	}
 	defer r.mapLock.Unlock()
@@ -54,7 +64,9 @@ func Test_StopRenewingOnHandlerCompletion(t *testing.T) {
 			err := settler.CompleteMessage(ctx, message, nil)
-	msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{}
+	msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+		LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+	}
 	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 120*time.Millisecond)
 	defer cancel()
 	lr.Handle(ctx, settler, msg)
@@ -80,8 +92,12 @@ func Test_RenewalHandlerStayIndependentPerMessage(t *testing.T) {
 	// send 2 message with different context, cancel the 2nd context right away.
 	// The 2nd message should not be renewed.
 	// The 1st message should be renewed exactly twice
-	msg1 := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{}
-	msg2 := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{}
+	msg1 := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+		LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+	}
+	msg2 := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+		LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+	}
 	ctx := context.Background()
 	ctx1, cancel1 := context.WithCancel(ctx)
 	ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithCancel(ctx)
@@ -116,7 +132,9 @@ func Test_RenewPeriodically(t *testing.T) {
 			message *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage) {
 			time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond)
-	msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{}
+	msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+		LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+	}
 	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 120*time.Millisecond)
 	defer cancel()
 	lr.Handle(ctx, settler, msg)
@@ -136,7 +154,9 @@ func Test_NewLockRenewalHandler_RenewPeriodically(t *testing.T) {
 			message *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage) {
 			time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond)
-	msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{}
+	msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+		LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+	}
 	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 120*time.Millisecond)
 	defer cancel()
 	lr.Handle(ctx, settler, msg)
@@ -168,9 +188,11 @@ func Test_RenewPeriodically_Error(t *testing.T) {
-			name:              "stop periodic renewal on context canceled",
+			name:              "stop periodic renewal on renewal context canceled",
 			isRenewerCanceled: false,
-			settler:           &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{Err: context.Canceled},
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				Err: context.Canceled,
+			},
 			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
 					func(g Gomega) {
@@ -184,7 +206,7 @@ func Test_RenewPeriodically_Error(t *testing.T) {
-			name:              "stop periodic renewal on context canceled",
+			name:              "stop periodic renewal on msg context canceled",
 			isRenewerCanceled: true,
 			settler:           &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{Err: context.Canceled},
 			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
@@ -264,7 +286,9 @@ func Test_RenewPeriodically_Error(t *testing.T) {
-			msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{}
+			msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+				LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+			}
 			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 200*time.Millisecond)
 			if tc.isRenewerCanceled {
@@ -275,3 +299,360 @@ func Test_RenewPeriodically_Error(t *testing.T) {
+func Test_RenewTimeoutOption(t *testing.T) {
+	type testCase struct {
+		name              string
+		settler           *fakeSBRenewLockSettler
+		isRenewerCanceled bool
+		renewTimeout      *time.Duration
+		cancelCtxOnStop   *bool
+		completeDelay     time.Duration
+		processorCtx      context.Context
+		gotMessageCtx     context.Context
+		verify            func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer)
+	}
+	testCases := []testCase{
+		{
+			name: "should time out sooner than renewal interval if set",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				// set delay to be greater than interval to check for lockTimeout
+				Delay: time.Duration(100) * time.Millisecond,
+				// customized error to check renewal timeout config
+				Err: fmt.Errorf("renew timeout"),
+			},
+			renewTimeout: to.Ptr(time.Duration(10) * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// first renewal attempt at 0ms and finish at 10ms
+				// second renewal attempt start at 60ms and finish at 70ms
+				// third renewal attempt start at 120ms and finish at 130ms
+				// eventually, the downstream handler completed at 180ms and message context was canceled
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(3))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should time out later than renewal interval if set",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				// set delay to be greater than interval to check for lockTimeout
+				Delay: time.Duration(200) * time.Millisecond,
+				// customized error to check renewal timeout config
+				Err: fmt.Errorf("renew timeout"),
+			},
+			renewTimeout: to.Ptr(time.Duration(100) * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// first renewal attempt at 0ms and finish at 100ms
+				// second renewal attempt start at 150ms and is supposed to finish at 250ms
+				// downstream handler completed at 180ms and message context was canceled before secondary attempt finished
+				// the second renewal attempt was not finished and RenewCalled should be 1
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(1))) },
+					300*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should eventually exit if RenewMessageLock() hangs and renewTimeout is disabled",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				// set delay to be greater than interval to check for lockTimeout
+				Delay: time.Duration(300) * time.Millisecond,
+				// customized error to check renewal timeout config
+				Err: fmt.Errorf("renew timeout"),
+			},
+			renewTimeout:  to.Ptr(time.Duration(-1)),
+			completeDelay: 300 * time.Millisecond,
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// first renewal attempt at 0ms and hangs, processor context times out at 210ms
+				// the second renewal attempt was not made and RenewCalled should be 1
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(1))) },
+					300*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				// message context was canceled by lockrenewer
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.DeadlineExceeded))
+				// processor context timed out
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.DeadlineExceeded))
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should exit after first lock renewal failure due to context canceled",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				// set delay to be greater than interval to check for lockTimeout
+				Delay: time.Duration(100) * time.Millisecond,
+				// customized error to check renewal timeout config
+				Err: context.Canceled,
+			},
+			renewTimeout: to.Ptr(time.Duration(0)),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// first renewal attempt at 0ms and finish at 50ms with error Canceled
+				// lock renew handler cancels message context of downstream handler
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(1))) },
+					60*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		tc := tc
+		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			t.Parallel()
+			interval := 50 * time.Millisecond
+			reg := processor.NewRegistry()
+			reg.Init(prometheus.NewRegistry())
+			informer := processor.NewInformerFor(reg)
+			lr := shuttle.NewRenewLockHandler(
+				&shuttle.LockRenewalOptions{
+					Interval:                   &interval,
+					CancelMessageContextOnStop: tc.cancelCtxOnStop,
+					LockRenewalTimeout:         tc.renewTimeout,
+					MetricRecorder:             reg,
+				},
+				shuttle.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, settler shuttle.MessageSettler,
+					message *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage) {
+					tc.gotMessageCtx = ctx
+					completeDelay := 180 * time.Millisecond
+					if tc.completeDelay > 0 {
+						completeDelay = tc.completeDelay
+					}
+					select {
+					case <-time.After(completeDelay):
+						break
+					case <-ctx.Done():
+						break
+					}
+				}))
+			msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+				LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+			}
+			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 210*time.Millisecond)
+			tc.processorCtx = ctx
+			if tc.isRenewerCanceled {
+				cancel()
+			}
+			defer cancel()
+			lr.Handle(ctx, tc.settler, msg)
+			tc.verify(NewWithT(t), &tc, informer)
+		})
+	}
+func Test_RenewRetry(t *testing.T) {
+	type testCase struct {
+		name              string
+		settler           *fakeSBRenewLockSettler
+		isRenewerCanceled bool
+		renewTimeout      *time.Duration
+		cancelCtxOnStop   *bool
+		msgLockedDuration time.Duration
+		completeDelay     time.Duration
+		processorCtx      context.Context
+		gotMessageCtx     context.Context
+		verify            func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer)
+	}
+	testCases := []testCase{
+		{
+			name: "should not attempt to renew if lock is already expired",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				// set delay to be greater than interval to check for lockTimeout
+				Delay: time.Duration(100) * time.Millisecond,
+				Err:   context.DeadlineExceeded,
+			},
+			msgLockedDuration: 0,
+			renewTimeout:      to.Ptr(60 * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(0))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				// processor context healthy because we finished early
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should continue retry if error is context deadline exceeded",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				// set delay to be greater than interval to check for lockTimeout
+				Delay: time.Duration(100) * time.Millisecond,
+				Err:   context.DeadlineExceeded,
+			},
+			msgLockedDuration: 1 * time.Minute,
+			renewTimeout:      to.Ptr(60 * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// renewal times out every 60ms with context.DeadlineExceeded error
+				// retry should continue until the downstream handler completes at 180ms
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(3))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				// processor context healthy because we finished early
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should continue retry until upstream context deadline exceeded",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				// set delay to be greater than interval to check for lockTimeout
+				Delay: time.Duration(100) * time.Millisecond,
+				Err:   context.DeadlineExceeded,
+			},
+			msgLockedDuration: 1 * time.Minute,
+			renewTimeout:      to.Ptr(50 * time.Millisecond),
+			completeDelay:     300 * time.Millisecond,
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// renewal times out every 50ms with context.Canceled error
+				// retry should continue until upstream context exceeds deadline at 210ms
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(4))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.DeadlineExceeded))
+				// processor context healthy because we finished early
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.DeadlineExceeded))
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should continue retry until lock expires",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				// set delay to be greater than interval to check for lockTimeout
+				Delay: time.Duration(100) * time.Millisecond,
+				Err:   context.DeadlineExceeded,
+			},
+			msgLockedDuration: 130 * time.Millisecond,
+			renewTimeout:      to.Ptr(50 * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// renewal times out every 50ms with context.Canceled error
+				// retry should continue until lock expires at 110ms
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(2))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				// processor context healthy because we finished early
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name:              "should not retry if renew is successful",
+			settler:           &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{},
+			msgLockedDuration: 1 * time.Minute,
+			renewTimeout:      to.Ptr(100 * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// should renew 3 times before message completes at 180ms
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(3))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				// processor context healthy because we finished early
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should not retry if renew fails for unknown error",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown error"),
+			},
+			msgLockedDuration: 1 * time.Minute,
+			renewTimeout:      to.Ptr(100 * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// should renew 3 times before message completes at 180ms
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(3))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				// processor context healthy because we finished early
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should not retry if renew fails for LockLost error",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				Err: &azservicebus.Error{Code: azservicebus.CodeLockLost},
+			},
+			msgLockedDuration: 1 * time.Minute,
+			renewTimeout:      to.Ptr(100 * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// should immediately exit lock renewal because the error is permanent
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(1))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				// processor context healthy because we finished early
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should not retry if renew fails due to context canceled",
+			settler: &fakeSBRenewLockSettler{
+				Err: context.Canceled,
+			},
+			msgLockedDuration: 1 * time.Minute,
+			renewTimeout:      to.Ptr(100 * time.Millisecond),
+			verify: func(g Gomega, tc *testCase, metrics *processor.Informer) {
+				// should exit the renewal after first attempt because context is canceled
+				g.Eventually(
+					func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(tc.settler.RenewCalled.Load()).To(Equal(int32(1))) },
+					180*time.Millisecond,
+					20*time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed())
+				g.Expect(tc.gotMessageCtx.Err()).To(Equal(context.Canceled))
+				// processor context healthy because we finished early
+				g.Expect(tc.processorCtx.Err()).To(BeNil())
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		tc := tc
+		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			t.Parallel()
+			interval := 50 * time.Millisecond
+			reg := processor.NewRegistry()
+			reg.Init(prometheus.NewRegistry())
+			informer := processor.NewInformerFor(reg)
+			lr := shuttle.NewRenewLockHandler(
+				&shuttle.LockRenewalOptions{
+					Interval:                   &interval,
+					CancelMessageContextOnStop: tc.cancelCtxOnStop,
+					LockRenewalTimeout:         tc.renewTimeout,
+					MetricRecorder:             reg,
+				},
+				shuttle.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, settler shuttle.MessageSettler,
+					message *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage) {
+					tc.gotMessageCtx = ctx
+					completeDelay := 180 * time.Millisecond
+					if tc.completeDelay > 0 {
+						completeDelay = tc.completeDelay
+					}
+					select {
+					case <-time.After(completeDelay):
+						break
+					case <-ctx.Done():
+						break
+					}
+				}))
+			msg := &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+				LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(tc.msgLockedDuration)),
+			}
+			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 210*time.Millisecond)
+			tc.processorCtx = ctx
+			if tc.isRenewerCanceled {
+				cancel()
+			}
+			defer cancel()
+			lr.Handle(ctx, tc.settler, msg)
+			tc.verify(NewWithT(t), &tc, informer)
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/v2/processor_test.go b/v2/processor_test.go
index 9744d3d..a0a433d 100644
--- a/v2/processor_test.go
+++ b/v2/processor_test.go
@@ -581,14 +581,18 @@ func TestProcessorStart_MultiProcessorWithNewRenewLockHandler(t *testing.T) {
 func messagesChannel(messageCount int) chan *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage {
 	messages := make(chan *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage, messageCount)
 	for i := 0; i < messageCount; i++ {
-		messages <- &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{}
+		messages <- &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+			LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+		}
 	return messages
 func enqueueCount(q chan *azservicebus.ReceivedMessage, messageCount int) {
 	for i := 0; i < messageCount; i++ {
-		q <- &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{}
+		q <- &azservicebus.ReceivedMessage{
+			LockedUntil: to.Ptr(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Minute)),
+		}