diff --git a/src/Models/Update.php b/src/Models/Update.php
index c406bc6..b21c6fc 100644
--- a/src/Models/Update.php
+++ b/src/Models/Update.php
@@ -45,12 +45,64 @@ public function category()
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);
+ public function convertHtmlToMarkdown($text)
+ {
+ // Convert tags to Markdown links
+ $text = preg_replace_callback('/]*>(.*?)<\/a>/i', function ($matches) {
+ return '[' . $matches[2] . '](' . $matches[1] . ')';
+ }, $text);
+ // Convert to Markdown bold
+ $text = preg_replace('/(.*?)<\/strong>/i', '**$1**', $text);
+ // Convert to Markdown italic
+ $text = preg_replace('/(.*?)<\/i>/i', '*$1*', $text);
+ // Convert to into Markdown headings with a limit of 3 #
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
+ $text = preg_replace('/]*>(.*?)<\/h' . $i . '>/i', str_repeat('#', min($i, 3)) . ' $1', $text);
+ }
+ // Convert and - to Markdown lists
+ $text = preg_replace_callback('/
]*>(.*?)<\/ul>/is', function ($matches) {
+ return preg_replace('/- ]*>(.*?)<\/li>/is', '- $1', $matches[1]);
+ }, $text);
+ // Convert
and - to numbered Markdown lists
+ $text = preg_replace_callback('/
]*>(.*?)<\/ol>/is', function ($matches) {
+ $markdownList = '';
+ $items = preg_match_all('/- ]*>(.*?)<\/li>/is', $matches[1], $liMatches);
+ foreach ($liMatches[1] as $index => $item) {
+ $markdownList .= ($index + 1) . '. ' . strip_tags($item) . PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ return $markdownList;
+ }, $text);
+ // Convert
to Markdown blockquotes
+ $text = preg_replace('/]*>(.*?)<\/blockquote>/is', '> $1', $text);
+ // Convert to Markdown inline code
+ $text = preg_replace('/(.*?)<\/code>/is', '`$1`', $text);
+ // Convert
to Markdown horizontal rule
+ $text = preg_replace('/
]*>/i', '---', $text);
+ // Convert
to new lines (\n)
+ $text = preg_replace('/
/i', "\n", $text);
+ // Remove all remaining HTML tags
+ $text = strip_tags($text);
+ return $text;
+ }
public function createDiscordWebhook(User $author): DiscordWebhook
$embed = Embed::create()
->author($author->name, null, $author->getAvatar())
- ->description(Str::limit(strip_tags($this->description), 1995))
+ ->description(Str::limit($this->convertHtmlToMarkdown($this->description), 1995))
->url(route('changelog.categories.show', $this->category))