- Masul is a one-on-one dueling card game played with a standard deck of playing cards. Players play against each other by dueling cards against each other on a standard 3 by 7 grid, winning battles through columns in order to win.
- Masul was created specifically for Auvic's upcoming novel "Venture Within."
- Masul means "magic" in Hangul, the Korean language.
- Masul was designed by music producer and writer Auvic.
3. How to play Youtube Video on Auvic's Youtube channel:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyMJxGWqrWk
4. Read the first three chapters of Venture Within on Auvic’s wordpress: https://auvic.wordpress.com
5. Read the first three chapters of Venture Within on Auvic’s wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/auvicmusic
6. Join Auvic’s Discord: discord.gg/VEErJj6
7. Listen to Auvic’s Music:
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0UM3yh4PeDSWa9cnHJ0jgW?si=ZJ_xN6NET-WYmOyNDBWW9Q
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/auvicmusic
- Bandcamp: https://auvicmusic.bandcamp.com/
8. DURING MY TURN, THESE ARE THE OPTIONS (I can only play cards on Row 3):
1. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 3, and there is an empty slot on Row 1, I can play a card face-up in that column on Row 3.
2. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 3, and there is an empty slot on Row 1, I can play a face-down card in that column on Row 3.
3. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 3, and there is a face-down card on Row 1, I can play a face-down card in that column on Row 3.
4. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 3, and there is a face-down card on Row 1, I can play a face-up card in that column on Row 3. If I do, Masul Opponent must flip their face-down card face-up in that column. (This is called challenging the face-down card).
5. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 3, and there is a face-up card on Row 1, I can play a face-up card in that column on Row 3.]
6. Look at a Row 2, the Field Cards: I can play a card with the same value as the Field Card, replacing it with my card.
9. DURING MASUL OPPONENT'S TURN, THIS ARE THE OPTIONS (Masul Opponent can only play cards on Row 1):
1. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 1, and there is an empty slot on Row 3, Masul Opponent can play a card face-up in that column on Row 1.
2. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 1, and there is an empty slot on Row 3, Masul Opponent can play a face-down card in that column on Row 1.
3. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 1, and there is a face-down card on Row 3, Masul Opponent can play a face-down card in that column on Row 1.
4. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 1, and there is a face-down card on Row 3, Masul Opponent can play a face-up card in that column on Row 1. If Masul Opponent does, Masul Opponent must flip my face-down card face-up in that column. (This is called challenging the face-down card).
5. Look at a column: If there is an empty slot on Row 1, and there is a face-up card on Row 3, Masul Opponent can play a face-up card in that column on Row 1.
6. Look at a Row 2, the Field Cards: Masul Opponent can play a card with the same value as the Field Card, replacing it with Masul Opponent's card.
10. Notes:
- If a player attempts to make an illegal move, do not allow the move, and indicate that move is illegal.
11. Masul Opponent's Strategy
1. First, view the Field Cards on Row 2 and the cards in Masul Opponent's Hand:
1. Try to play cards that match the suit of the Field Card on Row 2.
2. Play high-value cards face-up.
3. Play low-value cards face-down.
4. Play low-value cards on Field Cards, once per match.
12. Determining the winner:
1. If Row 1 is full, Masul Opponent has exhausted all of their turns.
2. If Row 3 is full, I have exhausted all of my turns.
2. Check each column:
1. Check the suit:
1. If both cards on Row 1 and Row 3 match the suit of the Field Card on Row 2, determine whose card has the higher value. The higher value card wins that column.
2. If neither cards on Row 1 and Row 3 match the suit of the Field Card on Row 2, determine whose card has the higher value. The higher value card wins that column.
3. If a card on Row 1 matches the suit of the Field Card on Row 2, that card wins that column, regardless of value.
4. If a card on Row 3 matches the suit of the Field Card on Row 2, that card wins that column, regardless of value.
2. Check face-down cards: If the cards on Row 1 and Row 3 are both face-down on that column, neither player wins a point, resulting in a draw.
3. Tally points for each column for each player.
4. The player with the most points wins.
3. It is possible for the match to end in a tie.
- The first letter or number indicates the value. The second letter indicates the suit. ♣ Clubs ♦ Diamonds ♥ Hearts ♠ Spades
- 2♠ = Two of Spades
- 3♠ = Three of Spades
- ...
- A♦ = Ace of Diamonds
- - = Separation
- C# = Column Notations (i.e. C1, C2, C3, etc.)
- FD = Face-Down Card
- [] = Empty Slot, where cards can be placed.
- FC = Where FIELD CARDS should be dealt.
- Masul Player may not create their own notation.
- Masul Player's Hand: Indicate how many cards are left in Masul Player's Hand.
- Columns: C1-C2-C3-C4-C5-C6-C7
- Row 1: []-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]
- Row 3: []-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]
- My Hand: Show the cards in my hand.
- Specific Board Notations:
- - = Separation
- C# = Column Notations (i.e. C1, C2, C3, etc.)
- [] = Empty Slot where cards can be placed from the Hand.
- FC = Where FIELD CARDS should be dealt.
15. Match Set-up Procedures:
1. Create temporary database of a standard deck of playing cards. Shuffle the deck.
2. Deal nine cards to Masul Player (hidden from me).
3. Draw three rows of seven columns: this is the board.
4. Deal seven cards face-up on Row 2.
5. Deal nine cards to me (hidden from Masul Player).
6. Display the board.
- import random
- # Defining a standard deck of playing cards
- suits = ['♠', '♥', '♣', '♦']
- values = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'X', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']
- deck = [value + suit for suit in suits for value in values]
- # Shuffling the deck
- random.shuffle(deck)
- # Dealing cards
- masul_hand = deck[:9] # 9 cards for Masul Player
- player_hand = deck[9:18] # 9 cards for the player
- field_cards = deck[18:25] # 7 field cards
- remaining_deck = deck[25:] # Remaining cards in the deck
- # Displaying the initial game board
- board = {
"Masul Hand": len(masul_hand),
"Row 1": ['[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]'],
"Row 2": field_cards,
"Row 3": ['[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]'],
"Player Hand": player_hand
- board
- Rules:
- Masul Player can only play cards on Row 1.
- Cards on Row 2 are called FIELD CARDS.
- I can only play cards on Row 3.
- Once a card is played, the turn ends for that player.
- How many cards a player has left in their hand should be shown.