| 1 | +\newacronym{sm}{SM}{Standard Model} |
| 2 | +\newacronym{bsm}{BSM}{Beyond the Standard Model} |
| 3 | +\newacronym{em}{EM}{Electro--Magnetism} |
| 4 | +\newacronym{rf}{RF}{Radio--Frequency} |
| 5 | +\newacronym{ew}{EW}{Electro--Weak} |
| 6 | +\newacronym{qed}{QED}{Quantum Electro--Dynamics} |
| 7 | +\newacronym{qcd}{QCD}{Quantum Chromo--Dynamics} |
| 8 | +\newacronym{dm}{DM}{Dark Matter} |
| 9 | +\newacronym{susy}{SUSY}{Supersymmetry} |
| 10 | +\newacronym{mssm}{MSSM}{Minimal Super-Symmetric Model} |
| 11 | +\newacronym{ckm}{CKM}{Cabbibo–-Kobayashi–-Maskawa} |
| 12 | +\newacronym{mva}{MVA}{Multi-Variate Analysis} |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | +\newacronym{hepp}{HEPP}{High Energy Particle Physics} |
| 15 | +\newacronym{gpd}{GPD}{General Purpose Detector} |
| 16 | +\newacronym{ir}{IR}{Interaction Region} |
| 17 | +\newacronym{ip}{IP}{Interaction Point} |
| 18 | +\newacronym{pmt}{PMT}{Photo-Multiplier Tube} |
| 19 | +\newacronym{kde}{KDE}{Kernal Density Estimator} |
| 20 | +\newacronym{mc}{MC}{Monte Carlo} |
| 21 | +\newacronym{ml}{ML}{Maximum Likelihood} |
| 22 | +% \newglossaryentry{pdf}{name=PDF, description={\nopostdesc}} |
| 23 | +% \newglossaryentry{pardf}{first={Parton Distribution Function (PDF)}, sort={1}, parent={pdf}} |
| 24 | +% \newglossaryentry{probdf}{first={Probability Density Function (PDF)}, sort={2}, parent={pdf}} |
| 25 | +\newacronym{pardf}{PDF}{Parton Distribution Function} |
| 26 | +\newacronym{probdf}{PDF}{Probability Density Function} |
| 27 | + |
| 28 | +\newacronym{sct}{SCT}{Semi-Conductor Tracker} |
| 29 | +\newacronym{trt}{TRT}{Transition Radiation Tracker} |
| 30 | +\newacronym{lar}{LAr}{Liquid Argon} |
| 31 | +\newacronym{ms}{MS}{Muon Spectrometer} |
| 32 | +\newacronym{csc}{CSC}{Cathode Strip Chamber} |
| 33 | +\newacronym{tgc}{TGC}{Thin Gap Chamber} |
| 34 | +\newacronym{rpc}{RPC}{Resistive Plate Chamber} |
| 35 | +\newacronym{mdt}{MDT}{Monitored Drift Tube} |
| 36 | +\newacronym{l1}{L1}{Level 1 trigger} |
| 37 | +\newacronym{hlt}{HLT}{High Level Trigger} |
| 38 | +\newacronym{l2}{L2}{Level 2 trigger} |
| 39 | +\newacronym{ef}{EF}{Event Filter} |
| 40 | +\newacronym{ros}{ROS}{Read Out Subsystem} |
| 41 | +\newacronym{ctp}{CTP}{Central Trigger Processor} |
| 42 | +\newacronym{fifo}{FIFO}{First In First Out} |
| 43 | + |
| 44 | +\newacronym{vp1}{VP1}{Virtual Point 1 \cite{bib:VP1}} |
| 45 | + |
| 46 | +\newglossaryentry{ip3d}{name=IP3D, description={\gls{atlas} impact parameter based B-tagging algorithm}} |
| 47 | +\newglossaryentry{sv1}{name=SV1, description={\gls{atlas} high performance Secondary Vertex B-tagging algorithm}} |
| 48 | +\newglossaryentry{impact parameter}{name={impact parameter}, description={TODO: FILL THIS IN}} |
| 49 | + |
| 50 | +% \newglossaryentry{}{} |
| 51 | +% \newacronym{}{}{} |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +\newglossaryentry{cern}{name=CERN, description={ - The European Organization for Nuclear Research}} |
| 54 | +\newacronym{lhc}{LHC}{Large Hadron Collider} |
| 55 | +\newacronym{sps}{SPS}{Super Proton Synchrotron} |
| 56 | +\newacronym{ps}{PS}{Proton Synchrotron} |
| 57 | +\newacronym{psb}{PSB}{Proton Synchrotron Booster} |
| 58 | +\newglossaryentry{atlas}{name=ATLAS, description={A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS}} |
| 59 | +\newglossaryentry{cms}{name=CMS, description={Compact Muon Solenoid}} |
| 60 | +\newglossaryentry{lhcb}{name=LHCb, description={LHC beauty}} |
| 61 | +\newglossaryentry{alice}{name=ALICE, description={A Large Ion Collider Experiment}} |
| 62 | + |
| 63 | +\newacronym{grl}{GRL}{Good Runs List} |
| 64 | +\newglossaryentry{hits}{name=hits, description={ - Data format describing detector respose to a collision event.}} |
| 65 | +\newglossaryentry{bs}{name=BS, first={ByteStream (BS)}, description={Data as output by the detector readout}} |
| 66 | +\newglossaryentry{raw}{name=RAW, description={ - File format packaging all detector level data}} |
| 67 | +\newglossaryentry{esd}{name=ESD, first={Event Summary Data (ESD)}, description={Event Summary Data - File type including most detector level data and reconstructed physics objects}} |
| 68 | +\newglossaryentry{aod}{name=AOD, first={Analysis Object Data (AOD)}, description={Analysis Object Data - File type including detailed reconstructed physics objects}} |
| 69 | +\newglossaryentry{dpd}{name=DPD, first={Derived Physics Data (DPD)}, description={Derived Physics Data - File type including reconstructed physics objects for final analysis}} |
| 70 | +\newglossaryentry{d2pd}{name=D2PD, first={doubly Derived Physics Data (D2PD)}, description={Derived Physics Data - File type including a reduced set of reconstructed physics objects}} |
| 71 | +\newglossaryentry{d3pd}{name=D3PD, first={triply Derived Physics Data (D3PD)}, description={Derived Physics Data - Flat file format including a reduced set of reconstructed physics objects}} |
| 72 | +\newacronym{l2pu}{L2PU}{Level 2 Processing Unit} |
| 73 | +\newacronym{l2sv}{L2SV}{Level 2 Supervisor} |
| 74 | +\newacronym{roi}{ROI}{Region of Interest} |
| 75 | +\newacronym{ttc}{TTC}{Trigger Timing and Control} |
| 76 | +\newacronym{rod}{ROD}{Read-Out Driver} |
| 77 | +\newglossaryentry{robin}{name=ROBIN, description={INput Read-Out Buffer}} |
| 78 | +% \newacronym{}{}{} |
| 79 | + |
| 80 | +\newacronym{lcw}{LCW}{Local Cluster Weighting} |
| 81 | +\newacronym{fsi}{FSI}{Frequency Scanning Interferometry} |
| 82 | +\newglossaryentry{muid}{name=MuID, description={Algorithm to refit a muon track from hits}} |
| 83 | +\newglossaryentry{staco}{name=STACO, description={Algorithm to statistically combine muon measurements}} |
| 84 | +\newacronym{id}{ID}{Inner Detector} |
| 85 | +\newglossaryentry{ecal}{name=ECal, first={Electro-magnetic Calorimeter (ECal)}, description={Electro-magnetic Calorimeter}} |
| 86 | +\newglossaryentry{mbts}{name=MBTS, first={Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillator (MBTS)}, description={Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillator - Scintillating tracker in the forward region, mainly for collision detection}} |
| 87 | +\newglossaryentry{emcal}{name=EM, first={Electro--Magnetic (EM)}, description={ - The ATLAS Electro--Magnetic calorimetry}} |
| 88 | +% \newglossaryentry{hec}{name={HEC}, first={Hadronic End-cap Calorimeter (HEC)}, description={ - Liquid Argon Calorimeter}} |
| 89 | +\newacronym{hec}{HEC}{Hadronic End-cap Calorimeter} |
| 90 | +\newglossaryentry{fcal}{name={FCal}, first={Forward Calorimeter (FCal)}, description={ - The ATLAS Forward Calorimeter}} |
| 91 | +\newglossaryentry{tilecal}{name=Tilecal, description={ - The ATLAS Scintillating Tile Calorimeter}} |
| 92 | +\newglossaryentry{trigger}{name=Trigger, description={ - The event selection apparatus}} |
| 93 | +\newglossaryentry{daq}{name=DAQ, first={Data AcQuisition (DAQ)}, description={Data AcQuisition}} |
| 94 | +\newglossaryentry{mcviz}{name=MCViz, description={ - HEP Monte Carlo Visualizer\cite{bib:MCViz}}} |
| 95 | +\newglossaryentry{geant}{name=Geant, description={ - Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter}} |
| 96 | + |
| 97 | +\newglossaryentry{pt}{name=\ensuremath{p_T}, first={transverse momentum (\ensuremath{p_T})}, description={ - Transverse momentum}} |
| 98 | +\newglossaryentry{et}{name=\ensuremath{E_T}, first={transverse energy (\ensuremath{\slashed{E}_T})}, description={ - Transverse energy}} |
| 99 | +\newglossaryentry{ptmiss}{name=\ensuremath{\slashed{p}_T}, sort=pt miss, first={missing transverse momentum (\ensuremath{\slashed{p}_T})}, description={ - Missing transverse momentum}} |
| 100 | +\newglossaryentry{etmiss}{name=\ensuremath{\slashed{E}_T}, sort=et miss, first={missing transverse energy (\ensuremath{\slashed{E}_T})}, description={ - Missing transverse energy}} |
| 101 | +\newglossaryentry{meff}{name=\ensuremath{M_{eff}}, sort=effective mass, first={effective mass (\ensuremath{M_{eff}})}, description={ - Effective mass}} |
| 102 | +\newglossaryentry{mt}{name=\ensuremath{M_T}, sort=transverse mass, first={transverse mass (\ensuremath{M_T})}, description={ - Transverse mass}} |
| 103 | +\newglossaryentry{sumet}{name=\ensuremath{\sum{E}_T}, sort=sum et, first={summed transverse energy (\ensuremath{\sum{E}_T})}, description={ - Summed transverse energy}} |
| 104 | +\newacronym{jvf}{JVF}{Jet Vertex Fraction} |
| 105 | +\newglossaryentry{phi}{name=\ensuremath{\phi}, sort=phi, description={ - The azimuthal angle around the beam}} |
| 106 | +\newglossaryentry{ttbar}{name=\ensuremath{t\bar{t}}, first={top-anti top (\ensuremath{t\bar{t}})}, description={top-anti top}} |
| 107 | + |
| 108 | +\newacronym{lsp}{LSP}{Lightest Super Particle} |
| 109 | +\newacronym{df}{DF}{Different Flavour} |
| 110 | +\newacronym{sf}{SF}{Same Flavour} |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | +\newglossaryentry{neutralino}{name=neutralino, first=neutral gauge fermion (neutralino), description={ - neutral gauge fermion}} |
| 113 | +\newglossaryentry{chargino}{name=chargino, first=charged gauge fermion (chargino), description={ - charged gauge fermion}} |
| 114 | +\newglossaryentry{gluino}{name=gluino, first=fermionic gluon (gluino), description={ - Scalar gluon}} |
| 115 | +\newglossaryentry{slepton}{name=slepton, first=scalar lepton (slepton), description={ - Scalar lepton}} |
| 116 | +\newglossaryentry{squark}{name=squark, first=scalar quark (squark), description={ - Scalar quark}} |
| 117 | +\newglossaryentry{sneutrino}{name=sneutrino, first=scalar neutrino (sneutrino), description={ - Scalar neutrino}} |
| 118 | +% \newglossaryentry{sparticle}{name=sparticle, first=supersymmetric particle, description={ - Scalar particle}} |
| 119 | +%\newglossaryentry{}{name=, description={}} |
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