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File metadata and controls

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OpenBVE MCS REST API Documentation

This documentation provides information on making requests to the REST API server, as well as parsing the response returned from it.


  1. API Root Path URL:
  2. Most Endpoints support both XML and JSON request body. Content-Type header of application/xml and application/json are both supported. XML is assumed if Content-Type is not specified.
  3. Most Endpoints support both XML and JSON response. Accept header of application/xml and application/json are both supported. XML is used if Accept is not specified.
  4. JWT Endpoints are currently JSON-only for all requests and responses.


Package Structure

Field Name Type Description
GUID str The Globally Unique Identifier of the package.
Identifier str The Human-readable unique name of the package.
Name String3 The display name of the package.
UploaderID uint The UID of the uploader.
Uploader Uploader? The detailed information of the uploader.
Author Developer? About original author, if the package is not original
Homepage str? A URL containing more info about the package.
Thumbnail str? A URL providing a thumbnail image of the package.
ThumbnailLQ str? Same as above, but with a tinier file size.
Description str? A HTML document containing more description.
Files File[]? A list of files attached to this package.

Question Mark: The field might not be included in response if not applicable.
Italic Line: The field is not included in the list of all packages.

API Error Structure and Codes

An Error Structure will be returned as response when an API error arose.

FieldName Type Description
ErrorCode int The identifier of this error, as described below.
Msg str A message providing extra description of this error.
Request str The method and path requested when the error arose.
ErrorCode HTTP Description
101 404 The path requested is not an API Endpoint.
102 405 This Endpoint does not support the requested Method.
111 400 The Request Body is not in the required format.
112 422 Some fields in the Request Body failed validation.
201 404 The Resource requested does not exist.
202 422 The Identifier Name is already taken.
203 422 The Identifier GUID is already taken.
204 422 Duplicate Files with same Version on same Platform.
211 401 Generic JWT error. More info is in the message.
212 403 Incorrect Username or Password at login.
221 403 Such an operation is beyond your authority.
No Body 500 Server crashed. Contact the developer immediately.

Error #211 is most commonly caused by token expiration. Token renewal or another login can be attempted.


File Validation

Validated is a property that can be modified by a moderator, to indicate whether a File shall be displayed to the public.
However, not all Files uploaded to the platform needs to be validated. The genres of Files that needs to be validated can be specified in the server configuration. Therefore, if a File is not required to be validated (NeedValidation=False), then it can be displayed regardless of the value of the Validated field.

Here describes the handling of the two aforementioned fields on different API Endpoints. Please notice the difference:

  • GET /packages (?platform Filter) :
    Only validated files will be considered when collecting the available platforms of a package. Files that do not need validation are considered validated.

  • GET /files (?validated Filter) :
    Files that do not need validation are considered validated. Platform field is not affected.

  • GET /packages/:id :
    Platforms Field: Only validated files will be considered when collecting the available platforms of a package. Files that do not need validation are considered validated.
    Files[] Array: All packages regardless of whether it is validated are all included. Both fields are included in the Files[] response and the Validated field is not changed to accommodate for the NeedValidation field. It is up to the client to accommodate for both the fields and decide if the unvalidated packages should be hidden.