{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":179742987,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"tethysapp-tethys_app_store","ownerLogin":"BYU-Hydroinformatics","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2019-04-05T19:31:33.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/23491941?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":true},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1635264708.23731","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"66efbdd39c4093d57571dc325ad9379e38b84e6a","after":"64d296437214b0d7e91085ec512db87de42359f7","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-03-08T21:18:59.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"swainn","name":"Nathan Swain","path":"/swainn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/5123221?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Tethys4 upgrade (#24)\n\n* Upgrade for thethys4\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Michael Souffront \r\nCo-authored-by: Nathan Swain \r\n\r\n* Update to Tethys 4\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Michael Souffront \r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* Change getting the app_workspace to a function;\r\nRemove unused packages\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Michael Souffront \r\nCo-authored-by: Nathan Swain \r\n\r\n* Add logic to filter out apps by the Tethys Platform that they support.\r\nAlso add an unavailable table to check for apps upon upgrades\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Michael Souffront \r\n\r\n* Modified to check compatible tethys platform version according to the app version.\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Michael Souffront \r\n\r\n* Make style changes, pass flake8 test\r\n\r\n* new changes to correct the api/git/install\r\n\r\n* Refactoring the run git install main function, renaming gitInstall for github_install,and fixed syncstores for github_install\r\n\r\n* updated install.yml\r\n\r\n* setup tethys channel layer improved.\r\n\r\n* possible solution to \"You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async\"\r\n\r\n* possible solution for 'AttributeError: module 'tethysapp.app_store.notifications' has no attribute 'continueAfterInstall'\r\n\r\n* possible solution for module has no attribute \"xxxx\"\r\n\r\n* let's add a little breakpoint\r\n\r\n* added some logs for teh moment\r\n\r\n* added possible solution to recognize sudo\r\n\r\n* debug commit\r\n\r\n* possibel solution for error \"Exception inside application: Object of type TethysWorkspace is not JSON serializable\"\r\n\r\n* possible fiox for \"AttributeError: module 'tethysapp.app_store.notifications' has no attribute 'set_custom_settings'\"\r\n\r\n* possible fix for lost of connection in channel\r\n\r\n* possible fix 2 for the lost on signal\r\n\r\n* test for the lost of signal\r\n\r\n* test if bash script can make it wor\r\n\r\n* minor changes2\r\n\r\n* bug check3\r\n\r\n* check if we pass and log the info\r\n\r\n* possible final fix the error is in th supervisord configuration\r\n\r\n* possible fix for error AttributeError: module 'tethysapp.app_store.notifications' has no attribute 'clear_cache'\r\n\r\n* no need for this it was part of an experiment\r\n\r\n* possible replacement of the installation using mamba instead of conda.\r\n\r\n* added some extra steps to not point the user that the server is restarting when in reality has started to restart while first running syncstores and collectall commands\r\n\r\n* need to import process_branch function for the thredds process to work\r\n\r\n* Trigger only when there is a push to the tethysapp_warehouse_release branch\r\n\r\n* some changes to not remove the repo and just update it\r\n\r\n* change in asdas\r\n\r\n* changes to not have tethys_apps again\r\n\r\n* added new functions to make it compatible with tethys4 scaffolds\r\n\r\n* rewritting of the setup.py now compatible with apps that have been migrated from tethys 3 to 4\r\n\r\n* change in the main.yml to have tethysapp instead of rfun\r\n\r\n* uncomment update dependecies\r\n\r\n* just adding new comments for future reference, and also just changing the email to gromero@aquaveo.com\r\n\r\n* small big correction\r\n\r\n* adding a better version of email for failure\r\n\r\n* getting close, only need to also prompt user to update version not much\r\n\r\n* more comments for future\r\n\r\n* addition of some sort of validation function to check for existing repos\r\n\r\n* check for new versions now, the whole validation function needs to be refactored to be more elegant\r\n\r\n* removal of the margin-top at 10%\r\n\r\n* small bug to reference the original gitub repo\r\n\r\n* margin for button\r\n\r\n* added option for new app\r\n\r\n* correcting more mistakes of copy pate\r\n\r\n* changes, refactoring and notes, not tested yet, probably broken.\r\n\r\n* add labels to the json config\r\n\r\n* changes to have the custom stores in the app\r\n\r\n* more notes and customiztion for the different channels\r\n\r\n* extra changes to now load everything from the default conda_channel\r\n\r\n* half of the function to change between stores\r\n\r\n* some changes and customization for the settings.json\r\n\r\n* Update home.html\r\n\r\nRemoved obsolete note.\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Michael Souffront \r\nCo-authored-by: Nathan Swain \r\nCo-authored-by: romer8 \r\nCo-authored-by: Michael Souffront <17328135+msouff@users.noreply.github.com>","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Tethys4 upgrade (#24)"}}],"hasNextPage":false,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAC_1vfygA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity ยท BYU-Hydroinformatics/tethysapp-tethys_app_store"}