Monorepo base, highly customizable, suitable for the entire process of creating, developing, testing, and deploying cli tools.
- 📦 Out of the box, zero configuration, smooth user experience
- 🔨 Monorepo-based CLI framework, supporting the entire process from development to deployment
- ⚙️ Multi-framework support, including Vue 2/3, React, and other mainstream frameworks
- 🔁 Multiple Bundlers, supporting packaging tools including webpack/vite
- 🎨 Highly customizable, supporting configuration of tools including Typescript/Eslint/postcss
- 🛡 Typescript development: Provide complete type definition files
Mopo requires Node 18+.
Install Mopo CLI globally using your preferred package manager:
npm install -g @mopo/cli
pnpm add -g @mopo/cli
yarn global add @mopo/cli
After installation, verify by running:
mopo -v # Check version
mopo -h # Show help
Docs are available at - we are still working on refining it and contributions are welcome!
MIT Copyright (c) 2024-present Bell Yang [email protected]