ITI-Back-End-Rent-Project My team Member: @KhloudSaed @Mayar Amein @marwan4mr @fatmaemad12 [Kirolos Moner] [Ahmed Hesham] Welcome To Rent! Back-End E-Commerce Real-Estate Project Where you can post your advertisement trust advertiser by rating feature. Create company and add users to help you in managing your business. Can work alone if you dont have a company yet. Technology, Tools. C#,MS SQL Server, ASP.NET Core web API, Mapper, Identity, JWT For Authntication and Authorization Architecture 3-Aier Architecture Advertisement_APIs That Define the Appartment and its description Chat_APIs To Facilitate the communication between the buyer and seller. Company_APIs User can create company and also can add many users. Rating_APIs User can rate another user helps other user to trusted or to avoid the advertiser. Security_APIs to Authenticate and Authorize users. User_APIs Add , Delete and get the user of a company.