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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/img/covenants.svg b/docs/img/covenants.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5728d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/img/covenants.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/l1/src/contracts/TxProof.ts b/l1/src/contracts/TxProof.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/l1/src/contracts/bridge.ts b/l1/src/contracts/bridge.ts
index 61059ef..88b355c 100644
--- a/l1/src/contracts/bridge.ts
+++ b/l1/src/contracts/bridge.ts
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ export class Bridge extends SmartContract {
* Finalize the L1 deposit.
* used when the aggregations are done, and the satoshis of the aggregator utxo should be merged into the bridge utxo.
- *
+ *
* tx: bridgeInput + aggregatorInput + feeInput => stateOutput + bridgeOutput + changeOutput(optional)
- *
+ *
* @param shPreimage - The sighash preimage.
* @param sigOperator - The operator signature.
* @param prevTx - The previous bridge transaction.
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ export class Bridge extends SmartContract {
* Finalize the L2 deposit.
* used when the operator has sent the bitocin to the deposit addresses on l2 for a deposit batch. So the operator notify the bridge contract on L1 that the deposit batch is done.
- *
+ *
* tx: bridgeInput + feeInput => stateOutput + bridgeOutput + changeOutput(optional)
- *
+ *
* @param shPreimage - The sighash preimage.
* @param sigOperator - The operator signature.
* @param prevTx - The previous bridge transaction.
@@ -261,13 +261,13 @@ export class Bridge extends SmartContract {
* Create a withdrawal transaction.
- *
+ *
* Used when the users want to withdraw from L2 to L1.
* The users request their withdrawals on L2, the operator collects the withdrawals.
* Then call this function to create a withdrawalExpander utxo on L1 to start the L1 withdrawal process.
- *
+ *
* tx: bridgeInput + feeInput => stateOutput + bridgeOutput + expanderOutput + changeOutput(optional)
- *
+ *
* @param shPreimage - The sighash preimage.
* @param sigOperator - The operator signature.
* @param prevTx - The previous bridge transaction.
@@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ export class Bridge extends SmartContract {
* Get the txid of the bridge transaction.
- *
- * deployBridgeContract tx:
+ *
+ * deployBridgeContract tx:
* feeInput => stateOutput + bridgeOutput + changeOutput(optional)
- *
- * finalizeL1Deposit tx:
+ *
+ * finalizeL1Deposit tx:
* bridgeInput + depositAggregatorInput + feeInput => stateOutput + bridgeOutput + changeOutput(optional)
- *
- * finalizeL2Deposit tx:
+ *
+ * finalizeL2Deposit tx:
* bridgeInput + feeInput => stateOutput + bridgeOutput + changeOutput(optional)
- *
- * createWithdrawal tx:
+ *
+ * createWithdrawal tx:
* bridgeInput + feeInput => stateOutput + bridgeOutput + expanderOutput + changeOutput(optional)
- *
+ *
* @param tx - The bridge transaction.
* @param expanderSPK - The script pubkey of the expander contract output.
* @returns The txid of the bridge transaction.
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ export class Bridge extends SmartContract {
* Get the hash of the finalizeL1Deposit transaction prevouts.
- *
+ *
* @param prevTxId - The previous transaction id.
* @param aggregatorTxId - The aggregator transaction id.
* @param feePrevout - The fee prevout.
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ export class Bridge extends SmartContract {
* Get the hash of the non-finalizeL1Deposit transaction prevouts.
- *
+ *
* @param prevTxId - The previous transaction id.
* @param feePrevout - The fee prevout.
* @returns The hash of the non-finalizeL1Deposit transaction prevouts.
diff --git a/l1/src/contracts/depositAggregator.ts b/l1/src/contracts/depositAggregator.ts
index 24ca7b5..50381a5 100644
--- a/l1/src/contracts/depositAggregator.ts
+++ b/l1/src/contracts/depositAggregator.ts
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ export class DepositAggregator extends SmartContract {
* Aggregates two aggregator utxos into one.
- *
+ *
* tx: aggregatorInput0 + aggregatorInput1 + feeInput => stateOutput + aggregatorOutput + changeOutput(optional)
- *
+ *
* @param shPreimage - The sighash preimage of the currently executing transaction.
* @param sigOperator - The signature of the bridge operator.
* @param level - The level of the aggregation; zero is the first level, which is the leaf level
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ export class DepositAggregator extends SmartContract {
* @param ancestorTx3 - The previous transaction of second input of prevTx1
* @param feePrevout - The prevout of the fee input
* @param isFirstInput - Indicates whether this method is called from the first or second input.
- *
+ * @param depositData0 - Actual deposit data of the first deposit; used when aggregating leaves.
+ * @param depositData1 - Actual deposit data of the second deposit; used when aggregating leaves.
public aggregate(
@@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ export class DepositAggregator extends SmartContract {
- * Hash the deposit data.
+ * Hash the deposit data.
* For depositData, we store the plain data, not hashed.
* @param depositAddress - The L2 address of the deposit.
* @param depositAmt - The amount of the deposit.
diff --git a/l1/src/contracts/generalUtils.ts b/l1/src/contracts/generalUtils.ts
index 8a2ec22..b868a0a 100644
--- a/l1/src/contracts/generalUtils.ts
+++ b/l1/src/contracts/generalUtils.ts
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ export class GeneralUtils extends SmartContractLib {
- * Get the contract output.
+ * Get the contract output.
* output=satoshis[8 bytes] + spkLength[1 byte] + spk[34 bytes]
- *
+ *
* @param amt - The amount of the output.
* @param spk - The script pubkey of the output.
* @returns The contract output.
diff --git a/l1/src/contracts/sigHashUtils.ts b/l1/src/contracts/sigHashUtils.ts
index 2a57699..3613730 100644
--- a/l1/src/contracts/sigHashUtils.ts
+++ b/l1/src/contracts/sigHashUtils.ts
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export type SHPreimage = {
hashTapLeaf: ByteString
- * (1): the key version.
+ * (1): the key version.
* a constant value 0x00 representing the current version of public keys in the tapscript signature opcode execution.
* ref: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0342.mediawiki#common-signature-message-extension
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ export class SigHashUtils extends SmartContractLib {
assert(e == shPreimage._e + eLastByte, 'invalid value of _e')
const s =
SigHashUtils.Gx + shPreimage._e + int2ByteString(shPreimage.eSuffix + 1n)
+ //assert(this.checkSig(Sig(s), SigHashUtils.Gx)) TODO (currently done outside)
return Sig(s)
diff --git a/l1/src/covenants/depositAggregatorCovenant.ts b/l1/src/covenants/depositAggregatorCovenant.ts
index 4873cad..5344311 100644
--- a/l1/src/covenants/depositAggregatorCovenant.ts
+++ b/l1/src/covenants/depositAggregatorCovenant.ts
@@ -345,6 +345,8 @@ export class DepositAggregatorCovenant extends Covenant
): Promise {
const level = utxo.state.level;
+ console.log("level", level);
const covenant = new DepositAggregatorCovenant(
diff --git a/l1/src/features/bridge.ts b/l1/src/features/bridge.ts
index a4480b2..35f32e5 100644
--- a/l1/src/features/bridge.ts
+++ b/l1/src/features/bridge.ts
@@ -366,6 +366,101 @@ export async function createWithdrawalExpander(
+export async function createWithdrawalExpander2(
+ signer: Signer,
+ network: SupportedNetwork,
+ utxoProvider: UtxoProvider,
+ chainProvider: ChainProvider,
+ bridgeUtxo: TraceableBridgeUtxo,
+ withdrawalMerkleRoot: Sha256,
+ outputWithdrawalState: WithdrawalExpanderState,
+ feeRate: number
+) {
+ const changeAddress = await signer.getAddress()
+ // TODO: Does this check makes any sense?
+ // withdrawals.forEach((withdrawal) =>
+ // WithdrawalMerkle.checkWithdrawalValid(withdrawal)
+ // )
+ const sumAmt = outputWithdrawalState.type === 'LEAF' ?
+ outputWithdrawalState.withdrawAmt :
+ outputWithdrawalState.leftAmt + outputWithdrawalState.rightAmt;
+ console.log("sumAmt > bridgeUtxo.utxo.satoshis", sumAmt, bridgeUtxo.utxo.satoshis)
+ if (sumAmt > bridgeUtxo.utxo.satoshis) {
+ throw new Error('withdrawal amt is greater than bridge utxo satoshis')
+ }
+ const tracedBridge = await BridgeCovenant.backtrace(bridgeUtxo, chainProvider)
+ const outputBridgeCovenant = new BridgeCovenant(
+ tracedBridge.covenant.operator,
+ tracedBridge.covenant.expanderSPK,
+ tracedBridge.covenant.state
+ )
+ const outputWithdrawalExpanderCovenant = new WithdrawalExpanderCovenant(
+ tracedBridge.covenant.operator,
+ outputWithdrawalState
+ )
+ const est = estimateCreateWithdrawalTxVSize(
+ network,
+ bridgeUtxo,
+ tracedBridge,
+ outputBridgeCovenant,
+ outputWithdrawalExpanderCovenant,
+ withdrawalMerkleRoot,
+ sumAmt,
+ changeAddress,
+ feeRate
+ )
+ const total = feeRate * est.vSize
+ const utxos = await utxoProvider.getUtxos(changeAddress, {
+ total: Number(total),
+ })
+ if (utxos.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error(`Insufficient satoshis input amount: no utxos found`)
+ }
+ const feeUtxo = pickLargeFeeUtxo(utxos)
+ if (feeUtxo.satoshis < total) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Insufficient satoshis input amount: fee utxo(${feeUtxo.satoshis}) < total(${total})`
+ )
+ }
+ const createWithdrawalTx = buildCreateWithdrawalTx(
+ network,
+ feeUtxo,
+ bridgeUtxo,
+ tracedBridge,
+ outputBridgeCovenant,
+ outputWithdrawalExpanderCovenant,
+ withdrawalMerkleRoot,
+ sumAmt,
+ changeAddress,
+ feeRate
+ )
+ const signedPsbt = await signer.signPsbt(createWithdrawalTx.toHex(), createWithdrawalTx.psbtOptions())
+ const txPsbt = createWithdrawalTx.combine(ExtPsbt.fromHex(signedPsbt))
+ await txPsbt.finalizeAllInputsAsync()
+ const tx = txPsbt.extractTransaction()
+ await chainProvider.broadcast(tx.toHex())
+ markSpent(utxoProvider, tx)
+ return {
+ psbt: txPsbt,
+ txid: tx.getId(),
+ bridgeState: outputBridgeCovenant.state,
+ withdrawalState: outputWithdrawalExpanderCovenant.state,
+ bridgeUtxo: outputToUtxo(tx, CONTRACT_INDEXES.outputIndex.bridge) as UTXO,
+ withdrawalUtxo: outputToUtxo(tx, CONTRACT_INDEXES.outputIndex.withdrawalExpander.inBridgeTx) as UTXO,
+ }
function estimateCreateWithdrawalTxVSize(
network: SupportedNetwork,
bridgeUtxo: TraceableBridgeUtxo,
diff --git a/l1/src/features/withdraw.ts b/l1/src/features/withdraw.ts
index 329090c..83914bf 100644
--- a/l1/src/features/withdraw.ts
+++ b/l1/src/features/withdraw.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { Signer } from '../lib/signer'
import {
+ WithdrawalExpanderState,
} from '../covenants/withdrawalExpanderCovenant'
import { Sha256, UTXO } from 'scrypt-ts'
import { TraceableWithdrawalExpanderUtxo } from '../covenants/withdrawalExpanderCovenant'
@@ -122,6 +123,108 @@ export async function expandWithdrawal(
+export async function expandWithdrawal2(
+ signer: Signer,
+ network: SupportedNetwork,
+ utxoProvider: UtxoProvider,
+ chainProvider: ChainProvider,
+ expanderUtxo: TraceableWithdrawalExpanderUtxo,
+ leftState: WithdrawalExpanderState,
+ rightState: WithdrawalExpanderState,
+ feeRate: number
+) {
+ const changeAddress = await signer.getAddress()
+ // TODO: how to enforce this?
+ // if (expanderUtxo.state.level <= WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.MAX_LEVEL_FOR_DISTRIBUTE) {
+ // throw new Error(`withdrawal expander level should be greater than ${WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.MAX_LEVEL_FOR_DISTRIBUTE}`)
+ // }
+ console.log("expanding: ", expanderUtxo);
+ const tracedWithdrawalExpander = await WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.backtrace(
+ expanderUtxo,
+ chainProvider
+ )
+ const outputWithdrawalExpander0Covenant = new WithdrawalExpanderCovenant(
+ tracedWithdrawalExpander.covenant.operator,
+ leftState
+ )
+ const outputWithdrawalExpander1Covenant = new WithdrawalExpanderCovenant(
+ tracedWithdrawalExpander.covenant.operator,
+ rightState
+ )
+ if (expanderUtxo.state.type === 'LEAF') {
+ throw new Error('expander utxo is a leaf')
+ }
+ if (
+ outputWithdrawalExpander0Covenant.serializedState() !==
+ expanderUtxo.state.leftChildRootHash
+ ) {
+ throw new Error('left child root hash mismatch')
+ }
+ if (
+ outputWithdrawalExpander1Covenant.serializedState() !==
+ expanderUtxo.state.rightChildRootHash
+ ) {
+ throw new Error('right child root hash mismatch')
+ }
+ const est = estimateExpandWithdrawalVSize(
+ network,
+ expanderUtxo,
+ tracedWithdrawalExpander,
+ outputWithdrawalExpander0Covenant,
+ outputWithdrawalExpander1Covenant,
+ changeAddress,
+ feeRate
+ )
+ const total = feeRate * est.vSize
+ const utxos = await utxoProvider.getUtxos(changeAddress, {
+ total: Number(total),
+ })
+ if (utxos.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error(`Insufficient satoshis input amount: no utxos found`)
+ }
+ const feeUtxo = pickLargeFeeUtxo(utxos)
+ if (feeUtxo.satoshis < total) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Insufficient satoshis input amount: fee utxo(${feeUtxo.satoshis}) < total(${total})`
+ )
+ }
+ const psbt = buildExpandWithdrawalTx(
+ network,
+ feeUtxo,
+ expanderUtxo,
+ tracedWithdrawalExpander,
+ outputWithdrawalExpander0Covenant,
+ outputWithdrawalExpander1Covenant,
+ changeAddress,
+ feeRate
+ )
+ const signedPsbt = await signer.signPsbt(psbt.toHex(), psbt.psbtOptions())
+ const txPsbt = psbt.combine(ExtPsbt.fromHex(signedPsbt))
+ await txPsbt.finalizeAllInputsAsync()
+ const tx = txPsbt.extractTransaction()
+ await chainProvider.broadcast(tx.toHex())
+ markSpent(utxoProvider, tx)
+ return {
+ psbt,
+ txid: tx.getId(),
+ withdrawalExpander0Utxo: outputToUtxo(tx, CONTRACT_INDEXES.outputIndex.withdrawalExpander.inDepositAggregatorTx.first),
+ withdrawalExpander0State: outputWithdrawalExpander0Covenant.state!,
+ withdrawalExpander1Utxo: expanderUtxo.state.rightAmt > 0n ? outputToUtxo(tx, CONTRACT_INDEXES.outputIndex.withdrawalExpander.inDepositAggregatorTx.second) : undefined,
+ withdrawalExpander1State: expanderUtxo.state.rightAmt > 0n ? outputWithdrawalExpander1Covenant.state! : undefined,
+ }
function estimateExpandWithdrawalVSize(
network: SupportedNetwork,
withdrawalExpanderUtxo: TraceableWithdrawalExpanderUtxo,
@@ -237,30 +340,104 @@ function buildExpandWithdrawalTx(
return expandWithdrawalTx
-export async function distributeWithdrawals(
+// export async function distributeWithdrawals(
+// signer: Signer,
+// network: SupportedNetwork,
+// utxoProvider: UtxoProvider,
+// chainProvider: ChainProvider,
+// withdrawalExpanderUtxo: TraceableWithdrawalExpanderUtxo,
+// allWithdrawals: Withdrawal[],
+// feeRate: number
+// ) {
+// const changeAddress = await signer.getAddress()
+// const withdrawalLevels =
+// WithdrawalMerkle.getMerkleLevels(allWithdrawals).flat()
+// const hash = WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.serializeState(
+// withdrawalExpanderUtxo.state
+// )
+// const node = WithdrawalMerkle.assertHashExists(allWithdrawals, hash);
+// if (node.level > WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.MAX_LEVEL_FOR_DISTRIBUTE) {
+// throw new Error(`withdrawal expander level should be less than ${WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.MAX_LEVEL_FOR_DISTRIBUTE}`)
+// }
+// const {withdrawals} = withdrawalLevels.find((v) => v.hash === hash)
+// const tracedWithdrawalExpander = await WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.backtrace(
+// withdrawalExpanderUtxo,
+// chainProvider
+// )
+// const est = estimateDistributeWithdrawalsVSize(
+// network,
+// withdrawalExpanderUtxo,
+// tracedWithdrawalExpander,
+// withdrawals,
+// changeAddress,
+// feeRate
+// )
+// const total = feeRate * est.vSize
+// const utxos = await utxoProvider.getUtxos(changeAddress, {
+// total: Number(total),
+// })
+// if (utxos.length === 0) {
+// throw new Error(`Insufficient satoshis input amount: no utxos found`)
+// }
+// const feeUtxo = pickLargeFeeUtxo(utxos)
+// if (feeUtxo.satoshis < total) {
+// throw new Error(
+// `Insufficient satoshis input amount: fee utxo(${feeUtxo.satoshis}) < total(${total})`
+// )
+// }
+// const psbt = buildDistributeWithdrawalsTx(
+// network,
+// feeUtxo,
+// withdrawalExpanderUtxo,
+// tracedWithdrawalExpander,
+// withdrawals,
+// changeAddress,
+// feeRate
+// )
+// const signedPsbt = await signer.signPsbt(psbt.toHex(), psbt.psbtOptions())
+// const txPsbt = psbt.combine(ExtPsbt.fromHex(signedPsbt))
+// await txPsbt.finalizeAllInputsAsync()
+// const tx = txPsbt.extractTransaction()
+// await chainProvider.broadcast(tx.toHex())
+// markSpent(utxoProvider, tx)
+// const withdrawalLen =
+// psbt.getChangeOutput().length === 0 ? tx.outs.length : tx.outs.length - 1
+// const withdrawalUtxos = tx.outs
+// .slice(0, withdrawalLen)
+// .map((_, outputIndex) => outputToUtxo(tx, outputIndex) as UTXO)
+// return {
+// psbt,
+// txid: tx.getId(),
+// withdrawalUtxos,
+// }
+// }
+export async function distributeWithdrawals2(
signer: Signer,
network: SupportedNetwork,
utxoProvider: UtxoProvider,
chainProvider: ChainProvider,
withdrawalExpanderUtxo: TraceableWithdrawalExpanderUtxo,
- allWithdrawals: Withdrawal[],
+ withdrawals: Withdrawal[],
feeRate: number
) {
const changeAddress = await signer.getAddress()
- const withdrawalLevels =
- WithdrawalMerkle.getMerkleLevels(allWithdrawals).flat()
const hash = WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.serializeState(
- const node = WithdrawalMerkle.assertHashExists(allWithdrawals, hash);
- if (node.level > WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.MAX_LEVEL_FOR_DISTRIBUTE) {
- throw new Error(`withdrawal expander level should be less than ${WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.MAX_LEVEL_FOR_DISTRIBUTE}`)
- }
- const {withdrawals} = withdrawalLevels.find((v) => v.hash === hash)
const tracedWithdrawalExpander = await WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.backtrace(
@@ -319,6 +496,7 @@ export async function distributeWithdrawals(
function estimateDistributeWithdrawalsVSize(
network: SupportedNetwork,
withdrawalExpanderUtxo: TraceableWithdrawalExpanderUtxo,
diff --git a/l1/src/lib/utils.ts b/l1/src/lib/utils.ts
index 0da7a1e..4590ea2 100644
--- a/l1/src/lib/utils.ts
+++ b/l1/src/lib/utils.ts
@@ -183,6 +183,13 @@ export function getDummyL2Address(): ByteString {
return toByteString(tools.toHex(Buffer.alloc(32)))
+// todo confirm this is correct
+// export function getDummyLengthedScript(): ByteString {
+// const script = Buffer.alloc(32)
+// const buf = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0x00]), script])
+// return toByteString(tools.toHex(buf))
+// }
export function getDummyUtxo(address?: string, satoshis?: number): UTXO {
address = address || getDummyAddress()
const addr = btc.Address.fromString(address)
diff --git a/l1/src/providers/enhancedProvider.ts b/l1/src/providers/enhancedProvider.ts
index 501343b..1625975 100644
--- a/l1/src/providers/enhancedProvider.ts
+++ b/l1/src/providers/enhancedProvider.ts
@@ -76,9 +76,11 @@ export class EnhancedProvider implements UtxoProvider, ChainProvider {
for (let i = 0; i < this.pendingBroadcastTxs.length; i++) {
const tx = this.pendingBroadcastTxs[i]
try {
+ console.log("broadcasting:", tx.getId())
await this.chainProvider.broadcast(tx.toHex())
} catch (error) {
+ console.error("broadcast failed:", tx.getId(), error);
failedBroadcastTxids = this.pendingBroadcastTxs.slice(i).map(v => v.getId())
failedBroadcastTxError = error as Error
diff --git a/l1/src/util/merkleUtils.ts b/l1/src/util/merkleUtils.ts
index dd9ba8b..74dc3d8 100644
--- a/l1/src/util/merkleUtils.ts
+++ b/l1/src/util/merkleUtils.ts
@@ -113,6 +113,11 @@ export class BridgeMerkle {
+export type ExpansionMerkleTree = {
+ root: Sha256
+ levels: WithdrawalNode[][]
export type Withdrawal = {
l1Address: ByteString // p2wpkh address
amt: bigint
@@ -120,16 +125,13 @@ export type Withdrawal = {
export type WithdrawalNode = {
hash: Sha256
amt: bigint
- level: bigint
+ level: number
withdrawals: Array
// todo: maybe add a hash prefix to avoid tree collision
export class WithdrawalMerkle {
- private static calculateMerkle(withdrawalList: Array): {
- root: Sha256
- levels: WithdrawalNode[][]
- } {
- let startLevel = 0n
+ private static calculateMerkle(withdrawalList: Array): ExpansionMerkleTree {
+ let startLevel = 0
if (withdrawalList.length == 0) {
throw new Error('withdrawalList length must be greater than 0')
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ export class WithdrawalMerkle {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
- startLevel += 1n
+ startLevel += 1
const newLeafHashes: Array = []
for (let i = 0; i < leafHashes.length; i += 2) {
@@ -220,6 +222,12 @@ export class WithdrawalMerkle {
return withdrawals
+ static getMerkleTree(withdrawals: Withdrawal[]) {
+ withdrawals = cloneDeep(withdrawals)
+ withdrawals = this.padEmptyWithdrawals(withdrawals)
+ return this.calculateMerkle(withdrawals)
+ }
static getMerkleRoot(withdrawals: Withdrawal[]) {
withdrawals = cloneDeep(withdrawals)
withdrawals = this.padEmptyWithdrawals(withdrawals)
@@ -254,11 +262,30 @@ export class WithdrawalMerkle {
return node
+ static getStateForHashFromTree(tree: ExpansionMerkleTree, hash: Sha256) {
+ const levels = tree.levels;
+ const node = levels.flat().find((v) => v.hash === hash)
+ if (node.level === 0) {
+ return WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.createLeafState(
+ node.withdrawals[0].l1Address,
+ node.withdrawals[0].amt
+ )
+ } else {
+ const children = this.getHashChildrenFromTree(tree, hash)
+ return WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.createNonLeafState(
+ children.leftChild.hash,
+ children.rightChild.hash,
+ children.leftChild.amt,
+ children.rightChild.amt
+ )
+ }
+ }
static getStateForHash(allWithdrawals: Withdrawal[], hash: Sha256) {
this.assertHashExists(allWithdrawals, hash)
const levels = this.getMerkleLevels(allWithdrawals)
const node = levels.flat().find((v) => v.hash === hash)
- if (node.level === 0n) {
+ if (node.level === 0) {
return WithdrawalExpanderCovenant.createLeafState(
@@ -304,6 +331,28 @@ export class WithdrawalMerkle {
+ static getHashChildrenFromTree(tree: ExpansionMerkleTree, currentHash: Sha256) {
+ const levels = tree.levels.flat()
+ const currentIndex = levels.findIndex((node) => node.hash === currentHash)
+ if (currentIndex === -1) {
+ throw new Error('currentHash not found in any level')
+ }
+ const currentNode = levels[currentIndex]
+ if (currentNode.withdrawals.length == 1) {
+ throw new Error('currentNode can not be leaf node')
+ }
+ // for an node at index i, its children are at index 2i+1 and 2i+2
+ // https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/binary-heap/
+ const leftChild = levels[currentIndex * 2 + 1]
+ const rightChild = levels[currentIndex * 2 + 2]
+ return {
+ leftChild,
+ rightChild,
+ }
+ }
static checkWithdrawalValid(withdrawal: Withdrawal) {
// todo: check address is valid
if (withdrawal.amt <= 0n) {
@@ -315,6 +364,12 @@ export class WithdrawalMerkle {
throw new Error('withdrawal address must be p2tr, p2wsh or p2wpkh script')
+ static getNodeForHashFromTree(tree: ExpansionMerkleTree, hash: Sha256) {
+ const levels = tree.levels;
+ return levels.flat().find((v) => v.hash === hash)
+ }
diff --git a/l1/tests/features/deposit.test.ts b/l1/tests/features/deposit.test.ts
index 7b0b5b6..a6ac25a 100644
--- a/l1/tests/features/deposit.test.ts
+++ b/l1/tests/features/deposit.test.ts
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ describe('Test the feature of deposit', async () => {
operatorPubKey = PubKey(await testOperatorSigner.getPublicKey())
console.log('operatorPubKey', operatorPubKey)
console.log('operatorAddress', await testOperatorSigner.getAddress())
+ console.log('operatorExpanderAddress', await testOperatorSigner.getAddress())
scriptSPKs = getScriptPubKeys(operatorPubKey)
diff --git a/l2/src/bridge.cairo b/l2/src/bridge.cairo
index 9fcaaa2..ae0fb67 100644
--- a/l2/src/bridge.cairo
+++ b/l2/src/bridge.cairo
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
use starknet::ContractAddress;
use crate::utils::hash::Digest;
+use crate::utils::word_array::WordSpan;
-// TODO: Add the correct type for L1Address
-type L1Address = u256;
+type L1Address = WordSpan;
#[derive(Drop, Serde)]
struct Deposit {
@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ struct Deposit {
pub trait IBridge {
fn deposit(ref self: TContractState, txid: Digest, deposits: Span);
- fn withdraw(ref self: TContractState, recipient: L1Address, amount: u256);
- fn close_withdrawal_batch(ref self: TContractState);
+ fn withdraw(ref self: TContractState, recipient: L1Address, amount: u32);
+ fn close_withdrawal_batch(ref self: TContractState, id: u128);
pub mod Bridge {
use core::num::traits::zero::Zero;
+ use core::sha256::compute_sha256_u32_array;
use openzeppelin_access::ownable::OwnableComponent;
use starknet::storage::VecTrait;
use starknet::ContractAddress;
@@ -45,13 +46,20 @@ pub mod Bridge {
// Internal
impl OwnableInternalImpl = OwnableComponent::InternalImpl;
+ #[derive(Copy, Drop, Debug, starknet::Store)]
+ pub struct WithdrawalsTreeNode {
+ pub hash: Digest,
+ pub amount: u32,
+ }
// Branch of a merkle tree of withdrawal requests. Uses algo described here:
// https://github.com/ethereum/research/blob/a4a600f2869feed5bfaab24b13ca1692069ef312/beacon_chain_impl/progressive_merkle_tree.py
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ8cquX5kew&ab_channel=FormalMethodsEurope
struct WithdrawalsBatch {
- branch: Vec,
+ branch: Vec,
size: u16,
id: u128,
@@ -67,14 +75,14 @@ pub mod Bridge {
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
pub struct DepositEvent {
pub id: Digest,
- pub total: u256,
+ pub total: u32,
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
pub struct WithdrawEvent {
pub id: u128,
pub recipient: L1Address,
- pub amount: u256,
+ pub amount: u32,
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
@@ -110,17 +118,17 @@ pub mod Bridge {
let mut deposits_ = deposits;
let mut leafs: Array = array![];
while let Option::Some(Deposit { recipient, amount }) = deposits_.pop_front() {
- leafs.append(HelpersTrait::hash256_deposit(*recipient, *amount));
+ leafs.append(DepositHelpersTrait::hash256_deposit(*recipient, *amount));
- let root = HelpersTrait::merkle_root_with_levels(leafs.span());
+ let root = DepositHelpersTrait::merkle_root(leafs.span());
let btc = self.btc.read();
- let mut total = 0_u256;
+ let mut total = 0_u32;
let mut deposits_ = deposits;
while let Option::Some(d) = deposits_.pop_front() {
- let amount_u256: u256 = (*d.amount).into();
- btc.mint(*d.recipient, amount_u256);
- total = total + amount_u256;
+ let amount: u32 = (*d.amount).into();
+ btc.mint(*d.recipient, amount.into());
+ total = total + amount;
let id = double_sha256_parent(@txid, @root);
@@ -128,25 +136,25 @@ pub mod Bridge {
self.emit(DepositEvent { id, total });
- fn withdraw(ref self: ContractState, recipient: L1Address, amount: u256) {
+ fn withdraw(ref self: ContractState, recipient: L1Address, amount: u32) {
let caller = get_caller_address();
- self.btc.read().burn(caller, amount);
+ self.btc.read().burn(caller, amount.into());
- self.append(HelpersTrait::double_sha256_withdrawal(recipient, amount));
+ self.append(ProgresiveHelpersTrait::hash256_withdrawal(recipient, amount));
self.emit(WithdrawEvent { id: self.batch.id.read(), recipient, amount });
- fn close_withdrawal_batch(ref self: ContractState) {
+ fn close_withdrawal_batch(ref self: ContractState, id: u128) {
- self.close_batch_internal();
+ self.close_batch_internal(id);
- pub impl HelpersImpl of HelpersTrait {
+ pub impl DepositHelpersImpl of DepositHelpersTrait {
fn hash256_deposit(recipient: ContractAddress, amount: u32) -> Digest {
let mut b: WordArray = Default::default();
@@ -160,7 +168,7 @@ pub mod Bridge {
- fn hash256_inner_deposit_node(level: u8, a: @Digest, b: @Digest) -> Digest {
+ fn hash256_inner_nodes(level: u8, a: @Digest, b: @Digest) -> Digest {
let mut input: WordArray = Default::default();
@@ -169,30 +177,20 @@ pub mod Bridge {
- fn double_sha256_withdrawal(recipient: L1Address, amount: u256) -> Digest {
- let mut b: WordArray = Default::default();
- let recipient: u256 = recipient.into();
- let recipient: Digest = recipient.into();
- b.append_span(recipient.value.span());
- let amount: Digest = amount.into();
- b.append_span(amount.value.span());
- double_sha256_word_array(b)
- }
fn merkle_root(hashes: Span) -> Digest {
let mut hashes = hashes;
+ let mut level: u8 = 1;
while hashes.len() > 1 {
let mut next_hashes: Array = array![];
while let Option::Some(v) = hashes.multi_pop_front::<2>() {
let [a, b] = (*v).unbox();
- next_hashes.append(double_sha256_parent(@a, @b));
+ next_hashes.append(Self::hash256_inner_nodes(level, @a, @b));
assert!(hashes.len() == 0, "Number of hashes should be a power of 2");
hashes = next_hashes.span();
+ level += 1;
@@ -206,7 +204,7 @@ pub mod Bridge {
let mut next_hashes: Array = array![];
while let Option::Some(v) = hashes.multi_pop_front::<2>() {
let [a, b] = (*v).unbox();
- next_hashes.append(Self::hash256_inner_deposit_node(level, @a, @b));
+ next_hashes.append(Self::hash256_inner_nodes(level, @a, @b));
assert!(hashes.len() == 0, "Number of hashes should be a power of 2");
hashes = next_hashes.span();
@@ -218,34 +216,34 @@ pub mod Bridge {
- pub impl ProgresiveHelpersImpl of ProgresiveHelpersTrait {
- const TREE_HEIGHT: u8 = 4;
+ pub impl ProgresiveDepositHelpersImpl of ProgresiveHelpersTrait {
+ const TREE_HEIGHT: u8 = 8;
const TREE_MAX_SIZE: u16 = 16; //pow2(TREE_HEIGHT)!
// TODO: how to enforce ZERO_HASHES.len() == TREE_HEIGHT?
// calculated with print_zero_hashes below
const ZERO_HASHES: [[u32; 8]; 8] = [
- [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- [3807779903, 1909579517, 1068079583, 2741588853, 1550386825, 2040095412, 2347489334, 2538507513],
- [2099567403, 4198582091, 4214196093, 1754246239, 2858291362, 2156722654, 812871865, 861070664],
- [2491776318, 143757168, 962433542, 1091551145, 1123133577, 2858072088, 2395159599, 1847623111],
- [431952387, 3552528441, 1013566501, 1502155963, 2651664431, 910006309, 3684743675, 2510070587],
- [2911086469, 1887493546, 3378700630, 3912122119, 3565730943, 113941511, 247519979, 1936780936],
- [4149171068, 670075167, 4270418929, 385287363, 953086358, 3888476695, 4151032589, 3608278989],
- [1723082150, 3777628280, 2788800972, 2132291431, 4168203796, 2521771669, 2723785127, 1542325057],
+ [2941612277, 2709588858, 4153192267, 3339347471, 234167874, 3136888141, 3853660813, 3773316604],
+ [4252268135, 3156982997, 1058175766, 3982171689, 2165452295, 1412192036, 676370435, 3246908486],
+ [118982229, 1164891333, 433494718, 2210494425, 989293199, 3757041399, 2351707735, 3044148480],
+ [3132511574, 1535310176, 1940885095, 311013768, 3506796797, 1597562327, 1683926785, 2365022860],
+ [3874630278, 1618857047, 2837960875, 3102865115, 2694842550, 3865935458, 2704783161, 2089796958],
+ [1342209253, 336170425, 4130094296, 1198558124, 3471065097, 1609315156, 2623184362, 848957000],
+ [3363877118, 1484151529, 2503273299, 680864377, 987407226, 2588493262, 3422490052, 169888085],
+ [494208055, 180117351, 3987495022, 4240216843, 1810711745, 1677977769, 3712207368, 137579714],
- fn get_element(self: @ContractState, i: u64) -> Digest {
+ fn get_element(self: @ContractState, i: u64) -> WithdrawalsTreeNode {
match self.batch.branch.get(i) {
Option::Some(element) => element.read(),
Option::None => {
panic!("should not happen!");
- Zero::zero()
+ WithdrawalsTreeNode { hash: Zero::zero(), amount: 0 }
- fn write_element(ref self: ContractState, i: u64, value: Digest) {
+ fn write_element(ref self: ContractState, i: u64, value: WithdrawalsTreeNode) {
if i >= self.batch.branch.len() {
} else {
@@ -257,11 +255,72 @@ pub mod Bridge {
self.batch.size.read() == Self::TREE_MAX_SIZE
- fn append(ref self: ContractState, withdrawal: Digest) {
+ fn hash256_withdrawal(recipient: L1Address, amount: u32) -> WithdrawalsTreeNode {
+ assert!(amount <= 0x7fffffff, "amount to big");
+ let mut b: WordArray = recipient.into();
+ b.append_u64_le(amount.into());
+ let (input, last_input_word, last_input_num_bytes) = b.into().into_components();
+ let hash = DigestTrait::new(
+ compute_sha256_u32_array(input, last_input_word, last_input_num_bytes),
+ );
+ WithdrawalsTreeNode { hash, amount }
+ }
+ fn hash256_inner_nodes(
+ left: @WithdrawalsTreeNode, right: @WithdrawalsTreeNode,
+ ) -> WithdrawalsTreeNode {
+ let mut b: WordArray = Default::default();
+ b.append_u64_le((*left.amount).into());
+ b.append_span(left.hash.value.span());
+ b.append_u64_le((*right.amount).into());
+ b.append_span(right.hash.value.span());
+ let (input, last_input_word, last_input_num_bytes) = b.into().into_components();
+ let hash = DigestTrait::new(
+ compute_sha256_u32_array(input, last_input_word, last_input_num_bytes),
+ );
+ let amount = *left.amount + *right.amount;
+ assert!(amount <= 0x7fffffff, "amount to big");
+ WithdrawalsTreeNode { hash, amount }
+ }
+ fn empty_node(level: u32) -> WithdrawalsTreeNode {
+ WithdrawalsTreeNode {
+ hash: DigestTrait::new(*Self::ZERO_HASHES.span().at(level)), amount: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ fn merkle_root(hashes: Span) -> Digest {
+ let mut hashes = hashes;
+ while hashes.len() > 1 {
+ let mut next_hashes: Array = array![];
+ while let Option::Some(v) = hashes.multi_pop_front::<2>() {
+ let [a, b] = (*v).unbox();
+ next_hashes.append(Self::hash256_inner_nodes(@a, @b));
+ };
+ assert!(hashes.len() == 0, "Number of hashes should be a power of 2");
+ hashes = next_hashes.span();
+ };
+ *hashes.at(0).hash
+ }
+ fn append(ref self: ContractState, withdrawal: WithdrawalsTreeNode) {
let original_size = self.batch.size.read();
if original_size == Self::TREE_MAX_SIZE {
- self.close_batch_internal();
+ self.close_batch_internal(self.batch.id.read());
let mut value = withdrawal;
@@ -269,7 +328,7 @@ pub mod Bridge {
let mut i = 0;
while size % 2 == 1 {
- value = double_sha256_parent(@self.get_element(i), @value);
+ value = Self::hash256_inner_nodes(@self.get_element(i), @value);
size = size / 2;
i += 1;
@@ -280,55 +339,62 @@ pub mod Bridge {
fn root(self: @ContractState) -> Digest {
- let zero_hashes = Self::ZERO_HASHES.span();
- let mut root = DigestTrait::new(*zero_hashes.at(0));
- let mut height = 0;
+ let mut root = Self::empty_node(0);
+ let mut height = 0_u32;
let mut size = self.batch.size.read();
// round up to the nearest power of 2
- let mut rounded_size = 1;
- let mut rounded_height = 0;
+ let mut rounded_size = 1_u16;
+ let mut rounded_height = 0_u32;
while (rounded_size < size) {
rounded_size *= 2;
rounded_height += 1;
if size == rounded_size {
- return self.get_element(rounded_height.into());
+ return self.get_element(rounded_height.into()).hash;
while height < rounded_height {
if size % 2 == 1 {
- root = double_sha256_parent(@self.get_element(height.into()), @root);
+ root = Self::hash256_inner_nodes(@self.get_element(height.into()), @root);
} else {
- root = double_sha256_parent(@root, @DigestTrait::new(*zero_hashes.at(height)));
+ root = Self::hash256_inner_nodes(@root, @Self::empty_node(height));
size = size / 2;
height += 1;
- root
+ root.hash
- fn close_batch_internal(ref self: ContractState) {
- let root = self.root();
+ fn close_batch_internal(ref self: ContractState, requested_id: u128) {
let id = self.batch.id.read();
+ assert!(id >= requested_id, "Wrong batch id requested");
+ if (id != requested_id) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let root = self.root();
self.batch.id.write(id + 1);
self.emit(CloseBatchEvent { id, root });
+ fn close_batch_for_testing(ref self: ContractState) {
+ self.close_batch_internal(self.batch.id.read());
+ }
mod merkle_tree_tests {
use crate::utils::hash::Digest;
- use super::Bridge::HelpersImpl;
- // use super::Bridge::MerkleTreeHelpersImpl::merkle_root;
- // use super::Bridge::HelpersTrait::merkle_root;
+ use super::Bridge::DepositHelpersImpl;
fn data(size: u256) -> Array {
let x = 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
@@ -342,58 +408,62 @@ mod merkle_tree_tests {
fn test_merkle_root1() {
let data = data(1).span();
- assert_eq!(HelpersImpl::merkle_root(data), *data.at(0), "merkle root mismatch");
+ assert_eq!(DepositHelpersImpl::merkle_root(data), *data.at(0), "merkle root mismatch");
#[should_panic(expected: "Number of hashes should be a power of 2")]
fn test_merkle_root3() {
- HelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(3).span());
+ DepositHelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(3).span());
#[should_panic(expected: "Number of hashes should be a power of 2")]
fn test_merkle_root7() {
- HelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(7).span());
+ DepositHelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(7).span());
fn test_merkle_root() {
- HelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(1).span());
- HelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(2).span());
- HelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(4).span());
- HelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(8).span());
- HelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(16).span());
+ DepositHelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(1).span());
+ DepositHelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(2).span());
+ DepositHelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(4).span());
+ DepositHelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(8).span());
+ DepositHelpersImpl::merkle_root(data(16).span());
mod withdrawals_tests {
- use crate::utils::hash::Digest;
- use crate::utils::double_sha256::double_sha256_parent;
use super::Bridge;
- use super::Bridge::{ProgresiveHelpersTrait, ProgresiveHelpersImpl, HelpersImpl};
+ use super::Bridge::{
+ ProgresiveHelpersTrait, ProgresiveDepositHelpersImpl, DepositHelpersImpl,
+ WithdrawalsTreeNode,
+ };
+ use crate::utils::word_array::{WordArray, WordArrayTrait};
+ use crate::utils::hex::{to_hex, from_hex};
// use this to fill the ZERO_HASHES array
fn print_zero_hashes() {
- let mut previous: Digest = 0_u256.into();
- for _ in 0..ProgresiveHelpersImpl::TREE_HEIGHT {
- previous = double_sha256_parent(@previous, @previous);
+ let mut previous = ProgresiveHelpersTrait::hash256_withdrawal(Default::default(), 0);
+ println!("{:?}: {:?}", 0, previous.hash);
+ for i in 1..ProgresiveDepositHelpersImpl::TREE_HEIGHT {
+ previous = ProgresiveHelpersTrait::hash256_inner_nodes(@previous, @previous);
+ println!("{:?}: {:?}", i, previous.hash);
- fn data(size: u256) -> Array {
- let x = 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+ fn data(size: u32) -> Array {
let mut r = array![];
for i in 1..size + 1 {
- r.append((x + i).into());
+ r.append(ProgresiveHelpersTrait::hash256_withdrawal(Default::default(), i));
- fn complement_with_zeros(data: Span) -> Span {
+ fn complement_with_zeros(data: Span) -> Span {
let mut required_size = 1;
while (required_size < data.len()) {
required_size *= 2;
@@ -405,12 +475,12 @@ mod withdrawals_tests {
let mut missing_zeros = required_size - data.len();
for _ in 0..missing_zeros {
- r.append(0_u256.into());
+ r.append(ProgresiveHelpersTrait::empty_node(0));
- fn test_data(size: u256) {
+ fn test_data(size: u32) {
let data = data(size).span();
let mut bridge = Bridge::contract_state_for_testing();
@@ -421,25 +491,51 @@ mod withdrawals_tests {
- HelpersImpl::merkle_root(complement_with_zeros(data)),
+ ProgresiveHelpersTrait::merkle_root(complement_with_zeros(data)),
"merkle root mismatch",
- bridge.close_batch_internal();
+ bridge.close_batch_for_testing();
fn test_progressive_merkle_root1() {
- for i in 1..64_u256 {
+ for i in 1..32_u32 {
fn test_progressive_merkle_root2() {
- for i in 65..96_u256 {
+ for i in 33..48_u32 {
+ test_data(i);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_progressive_merkle_root3() {
+ for i in 49..64_u32 {
+ #[test]
+ #[ignore]
+ fn test_print_hashes() {
+ let l1_address = from_hex(
+ "03bfac5406925f9fa00194aa5fd093f60775d90475dcf88c24359eddd385b398a8",
+ );
+ let l1_address: WordArray = Into::::into(l1_address);
+ let leaf = ProgresiveHelpersTrait::hash256_withdrawal(l1_address.span(), 10);
+ let node = ProgresiveHelpersTrait::hash256_inner_nodes(@leaf, @leaf);
+ let node2 = ProgresiveHelpersTrait::hash256_inner_nodes(@node, @node);
+ println!("leaf hash: {:?}", to_hex(@Into::<_, ByteArray>::into(leaf.hash)));
+ println!("node hash: {:?}", to_hex(@Into::<_, ByteArray>::into(node.hash)));
+ println!("node2 hash: {:?}", to_hex(@Into::<_, ByteArray>::into(node2.hash)));
+ }
@@ -453,10 +549,13 @@ mod bridge_tests {
use starknet::{ContractAddress, contract_address_const};
use crate::btc::{IBTCDispatcher, IBTCDispatcherTrait};
use super::{
- Deposit, Bridge::{Event, CloseBatchEvent, ProgresiveHelpersImpl}, IBridgeDispatcher,
+ Deposit, Bridge::{Event, CloseBatchEvent, ProgresiveDepositHelpersImpl}, IBridgeDispatcher,
+ use crate::utils::word_array::hex::words_from_hex;
+ use crate::utils::word_array::WordArrayTrait;
use openzeppelin_access::ownable::interface::{IOwnableDispatcher, IOwnableDispatcherTrait};
fn fixture() -> (
@@ -501,6 +600,24 @@ mod bridge_tests {
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic(expected: 'ERC20: insufficient allowance')]
+ fn test_bridge_not_allowed_to_burn() {
+ let (admin_address, alice_address, _, _, _, bridge) = fixture();
+ cheat_caller_address(bridge.contract_address, admin_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
+ bridge
+ .deposit(
+ Default::default(),
+ array![Deposit { recipient: alice_address, amount: 100 }].span(),
+ );
+ cheat_caller_address(bridge.contract_address, alice_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
+ bridge.withdraw(words_from_hex("8080").span(), 50);
+ }
fn test_basic_flow() {
let (admin_address, alice_address, bob_address, carol_address, btc, bridge) = fixture();
@@ -513,20 +630,24 @@ mod bridge_tests {
array![Deposit { recipient: alice_address, amount: 100 }].span(),
- start_cheat_caller_address_global(alice_address);
+ cheat_caller_address(btc.contract_address, alice_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
btc.transfer(bob_address, 50);
+ cheat_caller_address(btc.contract_address, alice_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
btc.transfer(carol_address, 50);
- start_cheat_caller_address_global(bob_address);
+ cheat_caller_address(btc.contract_address, bob_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
btc.approve(bridge.contract_address, 50);
- bridge.withdraw(808_u256, 50);
+ cheat_caller_address(bridge.contract_address, bob_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
+ bridge.withdraw(words_from_hex("8080").span(), 50);
- start_cheat_caller_address_global(carol_address);
+ cheat_caller_address(btc.contract_address, carol_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
btc.approve(bridge.contract_address, 50);
- bridge.withdraw(808_u256, 50);
+ cheat_caller_address(bridge.contract_address, carol_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
+ bridge.withdraw(words_from_hex("8080").span(), 50);
cheat_caller_address(bridge.contract_address, admin_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
- bridge.close_withdrawal_batch();
+ bridge.close_withdrawal_batch(0);
@@ -542,10 +663,11 @@ mod bridge_tests {
let mut spy = spy_events();
- start_cheat_caller_address_global(alice_address);
+ cheat_caller_address(btc.contract_address, alice_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
btc.approve(bridge.contract_address, 2000);
- for _ in 0..ProgresiveHelpersImpl::TREE_MAX_SIZE + 1 {
- bridge.withdraw(808_u256, 1);
+ for _ in 0..ProgresiveDepositHelpersImpl::TREE_MAX_SIZE + 1 {
+ cheat_caller_address(bridge.contract_address, alice_address, CheatSpan::TargetCalls(1));
+ bridge.withdraw(words_from_hex("8080").span(), 1);
@@ -556,7 +678,7 @@ mod bridge_tests {
CloseBatchEvent {
id: 0,
- root: 0x6849d71bb3026db34e73ee25d236d16c2159f27d5f5877214b494a78a6c934e4_u256
+ root: 0x6f812e8a435a8aeb38affa6514bbfdd5410c2833f0f4f90222590c2ae707632_u256
diff --git a/l2/src/btc.cairo b/l2/src/btc.cairo
index d40eaea..1e68aed 100644
--- a/l2/src/btc.cairo
+++ b/l2/src/btc.cairo
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use core::starknet::ContractAddress;
pub trait IBTC {
- fn burn(ref self: TState, address: ContractAddress, value: u256);
+ fn burn(ref self: TState, owner: ContractAddress, value: u256);
fn mint(ref self: TState, recipient: ContractAddress, amount: u256);
fn name(self: @TState) -> ByteArray;
@@ -64,8 +64,10 @@ mod BTC {
impl ExternalImpl of ExternalTrait {
- fn burn(ref self: ContractState, address: ContractAddress, value: u256) {
- self.erc20.burn(address, value);
+ fn burn(ref self: ContractState, owner: ContractAddress, value: u256) {
+ let caller = starknet::get_caller_address();
+ self.erc20._spend_allowance(owner, caller, value);
+ self.erc20.burn(owner, value);
diff --git a/l2/src/utils/word_array.cairo b/l2/src/utils/word_array.cairo
index 2635dca..9e164c7 100644
--- a/l2/src/utils/word_array.cairo
+++ b/l2/src/utils/word_array.cairo
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ pub struct WordArray {
/// Span of a [WordArray]
-#[derive(Copy, Drop, Debug, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Copy, Drop, Debug, PartialEq, Serde)]
pub struct WordSpan {
input: Span,
last_input_word: u32,
@@ -305,6 +305,26 @@ impl WordSpanIntoArray of Into {
+impl ByteArrayIntoWordArray of Into {
+ fn into(self: ByteArray) -> WordArray {
+ let mut r: WordArray = Default::default();
+ let mut i = 0;
+ let len = self.len();
+ while i != len {
+ r.append_u8(self[i]);
+ i += 1;
+ };
+ r
+ }
+impl WordSpanDefault of Default {
+ fn default() -> WordSpan {
+ Default::::default().span()
+ }
#[cfg(target: 'test')]
pub mod hex {
use core::traits::DivRem;
diff --git a/l2/target/dev/pontis_BTC.compiled_contract_class.json b/l2/target/dev/pontis_BTC.compiled_contract_class.json
index 998f6e0..c72ea49 100644
--- a/l2/target/dev/pontis_BTC.compiled_contract_class.json
+++ b/l2/target/dev/pontis_BTC.compiled_contract_class.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/l2/target/dev/pontis_BTC.contract_class.json b/l2/target/dev/pontis_BTC.contract_class.json
index 7194ae0..24484a1 100644
--- a/l2/target/dev/pontis_BTC.contract_class.json
+++ b/l2/target/dev/pontis_BTC.contract_class.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
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