Discontinuing this plugin in favor of RPCEditor
I'll no longer provide updates for this. I originally made it to edit my existing non-spotify rich presence and only added spotify support so that it would work consistently for all users, but now that there is a better plugin that fullfills its primary goal I have no reason to keep this one updated.
If you were using this plugin and use spotify, I don't think RPCEditor supports it. You can hope this keeps working for a while, and if it breaks you can hope someone forks it and keeps it up to date (or you could do it yourself if you have the skills to do so)
If you were using this plugin and don't use spotify, here's some links to RPCEditor:
git: https://git.nin0.dev/userplugins/rpc-editor
discord unofficial-plugins post: https://discord.com/channels/1015060230222131221/1288681740549754880
Changes the name of music rich presences to inherit the currently playing song's title.
Due to discord limitations, spotify activities will lose spotify-exclusive features like the time bar and listen along with this plugin enabled