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What is this?

P.Pager is Lightweight package for easily paging through any IEnumerable/IQueryable, chop it up into "pages", and grab a specific "page" by an index. It supports Web projects, Winforms, WPF, Window Phone, Silverlight and other .NET projects. It is default configured to > Bootstrap 3.3.1.

How do I use it?


.Net Framework ( > 4.5.2)

Install P.Pager.Mvc via NuGet. This will install P.Pager automatically.

Install-Package P.Pager.Mvc -Version 3.0.0

.Net Core 3 to 5

Install P.Pager.Mvc.Core via NuGet. This will install P.Pager automatically.

Install-Package P.Pager.Mvc.Core -Version 3.0.0

.Net Core 6 above

Install P.Pager.Mvc.Core via NuGet. This will install P.Pager automatically.

Install-Package P.Pager.Mvc.Core

After that

  1. In your controller code, call ToPagerList off of your IEnumerable/IQueryable passing in the page size.
public class HomeController : Controller
    readonly DemoData _data;
    public HomeController()
        _data = new DemoData();

    public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, int pageSize = 10)
        var pager = _data.GetMembers().ToPagerList(page, pageSize);
        // will only contain 10 members max because of the pageSize.
        return View(pager);
  1. Pass the result of ToPagerList to your view where you can enumerate over it - its still an IEnumerable, but only contains a child of the original data.

  2. Call Html.Pager, passing in the instance of the Pager and a function that will generate URLs for each page to see a paging control.

//Default Pager options
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }))

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Default options for rendering pagination.


Option Type Summary Default
DisplayFirstPage PagerDisplayMode If set to Always, render a hyperlink to the first page in the list. If set to IfNeeded, render the hyperlink only when the first page isn't visible in the paging control. IfNeeded
DisplayLastPage PagerDisplayMode If set to Always, render a hyperlink to the last page in the list. If set to IfNeeded, render the hyperlink only when the last page isn't visible in the paging control. IfNeeded
DisplayPreviousPage PagerDisplayMode If set to Always, render a hyperlink to the previous page of the list. If set to IfNeeded, render the hyperlink only when there is a previous page in the list. IfNeeded
DisplayNextPage PagerDisplayMode If set to Always, render a hyperlink to the next page of the list. If set to IfNeeded, render the hyperlink only when there is a next page in the list. IfNeeded
PagesToDisplay int? How many page numbers to display in pagination, by default it is 5. 5
HasIndividualPages bool Display pages numbers. true
TextToIndividualPages string A formatted text to show to show inside the hyperlink. Use {0} to refer page number, by default it is set to {0} {0}
TextForDelimiter string This will appear between each page number. If null or white space, no delimeter will display. null
HasEllipses bool Adds an ellipe when all page numbers are not displaying, by default it is true. true
EllipsesFormat string A formatted text shows when all pages are not displaying, by default it is …
TextToFirstPage string A formatted text to show for firstpage link, by default it is set to <<. <<
TextToPreviousPage string A formatted text to show for previous page link, by default it is set to <. <
TextToNextPage string A formatted text to show for next page link, by default it is set to >. >
TextToLastPage string A formatted text to show for last page link, by default it is set to >>. >>
ClassToPagerContainer string Css class to append to <div> element in the paging content, by default it is set to pager container. container
ClassToUl string Css class to append to <ul> element in the paging content, by default it is set to pagination. pagination
ClassToLi string Css class to append to <li> element in the paging content, by default it is set to page-item. page-item
PageClass string Css class to append to <a>/<span> element in the paging content, by default it is set to page-link. page-link
ClassToActiveLi string Css class to append to <li> element if active in the paging content, by default it is set to active. active
HasPagerText bool Displaying current page number and total number of pages in pager, by default it is set to false. false
PagerTextFormat string Text format will display if HasPagerText is true. Use {0} to refer the current page and {0} to refer total number of pages, by default it is set to Page {0} of {1}. Page {0} of {1}.
HasEntriesText bool Displaying start item, last item and total entries in pager, by default it is set to false. false
EntriesTextFormat string Text format will display if HasEntriesText is true. {0} refers first entry on page, {1} refers last item on page and {2} refers total number of entries, by default it is set to Showing {0} to {1} of {2} entries. Showing {0} to {1} of {2} entries.


A tri-state enum that controls the visibility of portions of the PagerList paging control.

public enum PagerDisplayMode
Fields Description
Always Always render.
Never Never render.
IfNeeded Only render when there is data that makes sense to show (context sensitive).

How to use PagerOptions?

  1. Shows custom page numbers, let say 10 pages.
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), new PagerOptions { PagesToDisplay = 10 })

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  1. With Custom Page Text.
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), new PagerOptions { TextToIndividualPages = "Page-{0}" })

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  1. Custom Wording. (Can use for translation also.)
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), new PagerOptions { TextToPreviousPage = "Previous Page", TextToNextPage = "Next Page", TextToFirstPage = "First Page", TextToLastPage = "Last Page" })

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  1. Custom options.
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), new PagerOptions { TextToPreviousPage = "last-page", TextToNextPage = "next-page", TextToFirstPage = "first-page", TextToLastPage = "last-page", ClassToUl = "list-inline", ClassToLi = "list-inline-item", PageClass = "nopageclass", ClassToActiveLi = "niloclass", TextForDelimiter = " | " })

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  1. Custom Icon Options (Fontawesome)
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), new PagerOptions { TextToPreviousPage = "<i class='fas fa-step-backward'></i>", TextToNextPage = "<i class='fas fa-step-forward'></i>", TextToFirstPage = "<i class='fas fa-fast-backward'></i>", TextToLastPage = "<i class='fas fa-fast-forward'></i>" })

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  1. Minimal Pager
//Shows only the Previous and Next links.
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), PrePagerOptions.Minimal)

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  1. Minimal Pager with Pager Text (Page Count Text)
//Shows Previous and Next links along with current page number and total number of pages in pager.
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), PrePagerOptions.MinimalWithPagerText)

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  1. Minimal Pager with entries text (Item Count Text)
//Shows Previous and Next links along with index of start and last item and total entries in pager.
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), PrePagerOptions.MinimalWithEntriesText)

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  1. Classic Pager (always shows Previous/Next links, but sometimes they are disabled)
//Shows Previous and Next page always with default, 5 pages.
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), PrePagerOptions.ClassicPager)

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  1. Classic Pager with First and Last(Classic Pager with First and Last links, but sometimes they are disabled)
//Shows Last, First, Previous and Next page always with default, 5 pages.
@Html.Pager((IPager)Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }), PrePagerOptions.ClassicPagerWithFirstAndLastPages)

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