This repository provides the islandora/imagemagick
image which only exists
to provide a custom Alpine APK package(s).
Since this does not change often and takes a very long time to cross compile for both platforms it's been moved to it's own repository.
To build the Docker images using the provided Gradle build scripts requires:
You can build your host platform locally using the default builder like so.
docker buildx bake --builder default
To test multi-arch builds and remote build caching requires setting up a local registry.
You need to generate certificates for the local registry:
mkcert -install
cp $(mkcert -CAROOT)/* certs/
mkcert -cert-file ./certs/cert.pem -key-file ./certs/privkey.pem "*" "" "*" "" "*" "" "localhost" "" "::1"
A docker compose file is provided to setup a local registry:
docker compose up -d
Once the registry is setup can create a builder:
docker buildx create \
--bootstrap \
--config buildkitd.toml \
--driver-opt "image=moby/buildkit:v0.11.1,network=isle-imagemagick" \
--name "isle-imagemagick"
Now you can perform the build locally by pushing to the local registry: docker buildx bake --builder isle-imagemagick ci --push
Remove the builder:
docker buildx rm isle-imagemagick
Remove the registry:
docker compose down -v