- [Bumped Version] 10.4.0 (7a4f527)
- misc/ upgrade to Angular 12.2.13 (74df637)
- misc/ upgrade to Electron 16 (65d285c)
- misc/ upgrade wait-on dependency (e427f26)
- [Bumped Version] 10.3.0 (20e9142)
- fix/Polyfill Node.js core modules in Webpack (5+) (e3c0d9f)
- ref/ move angularCompilerOptions to tsconfig (e07410b)
- remove include statement from base tsconfig.json (aebec1a)
- Update README.md (47fc3ff)
- [Bumped Version] 10.2.0 (edb5269)
- add missing @ on the SCSS import for Material theme fix (dc9ee14)
- bugfix/ electron builder 22.11 needs Node 14+ (c7dbb3f)
- Bump electron from 13.1.7 to 13.3.0 (fe0280a)
- remove screenshot test (62facb1)
- replace Spectron by Playwright (558c646)
- Update README.md (4b44d8b)
- Update README.md (c385d6a)
- [Bumped Version] 10.1.0 (f399d75)
- Fix typo & some spacing (d2b6ee0)
- Fix typo in branch section (623d0fa)
- ref/action-xvfb-linux (60b591b)
- Upgrade to Angular 12.1.2 / Electron 13.1.7 (8274ae3)
- [Bumped Version] 10.0.2 (e8f36a3)
- ci/ workflow ubuntu without test (2b819d7)
- fix/ spectron e2e test (742095f)
- ref/ set default angular eslint rules (7d531d1)
- [Bumped Version] 10.0.1 (9b79616)
- fix/ use node 3rd party libraries in renderer process (1fb08a7)
- ref/ eslint conf (af0a677)
- update README (electron builder two package structure) (2e29232)
- Update README.md (33f5f6d)
- [Bumped Version] 10.0.0 (987e996)
- [Bumped Version] 10.0.0 (38f58de)
- add HOW_TO.md (3a85294)
- fix/ github actions - angular-cli need node 12+ (154d3fc)
- fix/ github actions - angular12 need node 11+ (323aeb8)
- github action - node 12/14/15 (dd9cf0d)
- ref/ electron builder two packages build (d533e49)
- ref/ move how to install with ng add in HOW_TO.md (34e1232)
- Upgrade to Angular 12 / Electron 13 (fc006d2)
- [Bumped Version] 9.0.8 (21197ab)
- Added how to install Angular Material to readme (d904101)
- fix README typo (aa691d9)
- Update electron version (b1f4451)
- Update electron version (494c607)
- fix: solving bug related in fsevents/fsevents#320 (5b091ca), closes fsevents/fsevents#320
- [Bumped Version] 9.0.7 (b8371ee)
- Account for the change in context isolation with Electron 12 (d08ae8f)
- fix/ angular.json - files to lint (ec7ce0c)
- misc/ vscode debug (f4225a3)
- montée version Angular 11.2.8 / Electrion 12.0.2 (371dafa)
- Update FUNDING.yml (54a42eb)
- Update FUNDING.yml (3749cfa)
- [Bumped Version] 9.0.6 (0a7842f)
- Create pull_request_template.md (adac86e)
- fix/ eslint parsing 'parserOptions.project' (08ce022)
- img for loading the portable .exe (5c18d64)
- misc/ add code of conduct (742c9fb)
- misc/ readme typo (f4d3ebb)
- misc/ remove useless files from final package (414d61b)
- misc/ Update issue templates (2dede45)
- [Bumped version] 9.0.5 (2e8e630)
- add github actions badges (6b505e3)
- github actions on master & puul request (e474264)
- misc / upgrade to angular 11.2.6 (982cbac)
- misc/ upgrade angular-eslint to 2.0.2 (b8230c9)
- misc/ upgrade to Electron 12.0.1 (d2f9fc2)
- redirect to github actions when click on badges (a26d5f1)
- ref/ replace electron.remote (deprecated) by @electron/remote (8a4b624)
- remove travisci (831ea51)
- set github actions (edb6f2a)
- [Bumped Version] 9.0.4 (e6d0aa6)
- extractCss true by default & deprecated (4af9def)
- Fix typo in introduction (c3b8258)
- misc/ upgrade to Angular 11.2.0 & Electrion 11.2.0 (0662793)
- spelling (3b7f69a)
- target only chrome 85 matching electron version (b947d2d)
- Update README.md (bdb91e4)
- [Bumped Version] 9.0.3 (fe55273)
- fix/ upgrade angular to 11.0.2 (203e608)
- misc/ upgrade dependencies (922bbf9)
- misc/ upgrade to Electron 11 (becaa73)
- [Bumped Version] 8.0.5 (2374427)
- misc/ ci - remove fast finish option (d4ce11d)
- misc/ enable remote module in renderer process (needed for spectron) (3309855)
- misc/ revert electron because spectron cannot handle: electron-userland/spectron#693 (b1affd0), closes electron-userland/spectron#693
- misc/ upgrade to Electron 10 & Angular 10.1 (07786a2)
- [Bumped Version] 8.0.4 (ac3682d)
- fix/ ng lint config (753f828)
- fix/ README typo (e2e chapter) (85aaf86)
- fix/ travis ci conf (2632a2d)
- misc/ clarify node lib import (f41ce65)
- misc/ upgrade Electron 10 (b71c514)
- ref/ clean custom webpack target ('electron-renderer' or 'web') (e3a4e01)
- Update README.md (5cf5e2b)
- Update README.md (0b70270)
- [Bumped Version] 8.0.2 (84598a5)
- [Bumped Version] 8.0.3 (00ce410)
- fix/ e2e tests with Spectron (472afc8)
- fix/ require error with nodeIntegration = false (61c5c6b)
- misc/ Upgrade Angular (10.0.9) and Electron (9.2.0) (e3d2fca)
- [Bumped Version] 8.0.1 (e032729)
- fix/ eslint on main.ts file (4b17ab6)
- misc/ remove warinng npm start ( tsconfg.app include key) (8a73b4a)
- misc/ upgrade Angular (a1ef40d)
- [Bumped Version] 8.0.0 (78a4c9e)
- added "style" key to "schematics" (6f5bbc5)
- Create FUNDING.yml (087570a)
- misc/ update README (Angular & Electron version) (2d33b15)
- ref/ Upgrade to Angular 10.3 & Electron 9.1 (84f0519)
- Update README.md (11d0a17)
- [Bumped Version] 7.2.0 (a98a84a)
- feat/ merge electron-builder npm scripts (ddd92b3)
- fix/ ng lint with eslint (92d7419)
- misc/ upgrade Electron (9.0.4) / Angular (9.1.11) (21f7401)
- ref/ electron remote deprecated (a8628fc)
- [Bumped Version] 7.1.0 (8dffcea)
- feat/ VSCode : add Debugging config for man process (#465) + Karma (acc62d9), closes #465
- fix/ Karma configuration to debug easily (273e752)
- [Bumped Version] 7.0.4 (dbce7a0)
- ref/ make app reloading/working with and without usehash routing strategy (386ce67)
- Transparent background issue fix for Linux (4c0c169)
- [Bumped Version] 7.0.2 (c4c36f6)
- [Bumped Version] 7.0.3 (6206066)
- Fix a typo in README.md (86ac910)
- fix/ polyfills in tsconfig (cf4f172)
- misc/ changelog (19f6027)
- misc/ Changelog (67437ba)
- misc/ maj angular 9.1.1 & electron 8.2.1 (061e01e)
- misc/ maj eslint dep (09fc1f7)
- moved all app icons to assets/icons folder (7d6bb69)
- ref/ set allowRendererProcessReuse to true (7c5c43b)
- [Bumped Version] 7.0.1 (7a84ca0)
- fix/ README dependencies version (7276d96)
- misc/ upgrade Angular 9.0.2 & Electron 8.0.1 (174b36f)
- ref/ travis test node 10 & 12 (8b7ee5b)
- [Bumped Version] 7.0.0 (0f304d2)
- cast isElectron to boolean #429 (ee06695), closes #429
- feat/ update angular 8 deps (7df49ff)
- feat/ update to Angular 9 & Electron 8 (a304034)
- fix/ e2e tests (395d2da)
- hot reload note (28e1854)
- ref/ upgrade electron to v8 (320ce2f)
- feat/ update Electron (7.1.2) (3d76ff5)
- misc/ maj changelog (eb46727)
- reef/ update stale bot (671b7c9)
- ref/ remove usunsed files (9bf5824)
- [Bumped Version] 6.4.0 (fac9eef)
- #412 change selector of WebviewDirective (76e7918), closes #412
- eslint-migration (7637f45)
- eslint-migration - disable warnings/errors (99e7ec0)
- eslint-migration - fix removed translation import (2f64f37)
- eslint-migration - remove tslint.json configuration (3c1f9f6)
- karma-electron (21f97fd)
- karma-electron - remove chrome deps for travis (0f09907)
- misc/ add npmrc (9d94f9c)
- misc/ typo README (d52b03a)
- permissive eslint rules to remove linter warnings (964b57f)
- require is not defined (632c454)
- [Bumped Version] 6.3.1 (671b6a3)
- #395 - require is not defined (c4b2cb6), closes #395
- changelog (39b0bca)
- [Bumped Version] 6.3.0 (09f9646)
- misc/ change Electron version to 7.0.0 in README (6a4e2de)
- misc/ remove link to dependenciesci (93d5a8c)
- misc/ upgrade Electron 7 (d732340)
- [Bumped Version] 6.2.0 (8838e0e)
- Maj Changelog (bc4c950)
- misc/ add Stale to close unactive issues (398bdf1)
- Upgrade Angular 8.2.8 & Electron 6.0.10 (2ecda63)
- [Bumped Version] 6.1.0 (b47c594)
- [DELETE]: vscode settings removed (becc9b4)
- [UPDATE]: Typescript version fixes (a284c23)
- Angular src restructured as modular as per angular official guidelines, .travis.yml support added fo (5983703)
- bump tslint & codelyzer versions, update tslint rules & alphabetize (8425cdc)
- Corejs path updates (88056d6)
- Electron 6.0.0 (1aef350)
- fix/ Version Electron in README (acf0d4f)
- misc/ upgrade Angular 8.2 / Spectron 7 (6e2211f)
- Update dependencies (bd51f28)
- [Bumped Version] 6.0.1 (4f9cef3)
- Add CI for macOS. (3ba02e3)
- ref/ strict version build-angular & zonejs (5a24b56)
- ref/ strict version codelyzer (6ede0c8)
- Remove Node.js v12. (ccbf6cd)
- Run CI for Node.js version 10 (2538965)
- Use service xvfb. (4db31e3)
- [Bumped Version] 6.0.0 (fb719ab)
- bump angular version (7a564a0)
- Fix Travis CI link (10aaa4c)
- Not gitignore src/karma.conf.js (7599320)
- ref/ upgrade Angular 8 and Electron 5 (92334cf)
- update versions and prepare for electron 5 (07a5786)
- version bump (bb1d6bb)
- feat(CI): update Ubuntu and Node versions in Travis (e0ff557)
- fix: type conflicts (a2971bf)
- fix(e2e): add mocha types (20e1e89)
- fix(e2e): without devTools (2581983), closes /github.com/electron/spectron/issues/174#issuecomment-319242097
- chore: Spectron for e2e tests (901438a)
- [Bumped Version] 5.1.0 (b790e12)
- fix/ typo Angular 7 (fde371f)
- fix/ typo README (723233c)
- fix/ typo script npm electron:windows (45bab44)
- ref/ remve npx - fix vulnerabilities (41aeb57)
- update README (f146d5d)
- Fix typos in README file (0440ee9)
- ref/ Generate changelog (a89b3ce)
- ref/ Upgrade to Angular 7 (315a79b)
- Update electron-builder.json files rule (82c7bcf)
- Update Version Electron 2 to 3 #hacktoberfest (f083328)
- fix/ jslib in main process error (ef33f5e)
- [Bumped Version] V4.2.0 (0da3856)
- fix/ electron builder output directories #200 (f4535e5), closes #200
- Make sure tsconfig be used. (961c8b1)
- ref/ remove some directories of tsconfig.app.json (1adad4a)
- Upgrade Angular (6.1.2) deps (d8818c1)
- Allow Angular Using Electron Modules (ec705ee)
- fix/ version angular (revert 6.0.6 -> 6.0.5) (63a41b8)
- fix/ version ts-node (0d8341a)
- ref/ postinstall web & electron (50657d0)
- update README (1d48e32)
- feat(zone): add zone-patch-electron to patch Electron native APIs in polyfills (01842e2)
- misc/ remove unused packages (a7e33b6)
- misc/ update Changelog (b758122)
- ref/ upgrade angular to 6.0.3 (e7fac6e)
- refactor: update electron, electron-builder to latest (2.0.2, 20.14.7) (f19e6ee)
- refactor: upgrade to NodeJS 8, Angular 6, CLI 6, Electron 2.0, RxJS 6.1 (e37efdb)
- refactor(hooks): replace hooks to ng-cli fileReplacements logic (c940037)
- fix(test): create polyfills-test.ts for karma test & setup Travis CI (7fbc68c)
- fix(travis): set progress to false (speed up npm) (be48531)
- misc/ update changelog (70b359f)
- Modify electron builder configuration to remove source code and tests (0cf6899)
- version 3.4.1 (308ea9c)
- misc/ update changelog (7d5eeb3)
- ref/ remove contributors (6dc97a1)
- The file is unused (05c9e39)
- Translation issue (35354b1)
- version 3.4.0 (06d6b0f)
- add Changelog file (71083f1)
- fix/ typo README.md (production variables) (a8c2b63)
- version 3.3.0 (a88bda6)
- version 3.3.0 changelog (ddfbbf9)
- fix e2e tests based on PR #161 and terminate the npm process after test execution (fccf348), closes #161
- fix/ app e2e spec (8046b2a)
- Including electron to eliminate Electron not found err sg (d78203f)
- provide webFrame access (6bd044e)
- ref/ add node/electron module import as exemple : fs and remote (e3ad12d)
- remove copyfiles (9af5138)
- update dependencies (89963ab)
- version 3.2.0 (8dc69fa)
- Added option -o to script npm run ng:serve so that it really open the browser (72aff8d)
- Fix to change environment (448d68b)
- version 3.1.0 (f7c71e7)
- fix/ TranslateModule test (7863aa9)
- Ng not ejected anymore (67ab31c)
- pin all dependency versions (0558d6a)
- update dependencies and fix unit tests (4d3ca6e)
- Correction of a word. (d6655c7)
- feat/ add webview directive (e1b5600)
- migrate Angular to 5.2.0 (b8cf343)
- ref/ Remove sponsor (2a28239)
- ref/ update angular & dep (e3b1fab)
- ref/ upgrade electron (security issue) (f6a0c4e)
- version bump + logo resize (3545d16)
- fix: fixes maximegris#118 (6d21e69), closes maximegris/angular-electron#118
- fix: fixes maximegris#98 (136344b), closes maximegris/angular-electron#98
- add ngx translate (facda37)
- Brought back scripts defined in webpack.config.js (441da3d)
- migrate to Angular 5.0.3 (f4bc5b2)
- Update LICENSE badge (fa783aa)
- Update to electron-builder (0e94b52)
- Move codesponsor (064be4c)
- Add codesponsor (87e695d)
- Add script for winportable (2be2dae)
- Add support for building a Windows self-contained executable (7cfa790)
- fix/ electron-packager need favicon >= 256x256 on Windows (d2c253f)
- fix/ refact webpack config (inspired by ng eject Angular 5) (d1c30ac)
- fix/ replace aotPlugin in no prod mode (a0caf1e)
- fix/ Replace AotPlugin to AngularCompilerPlugin (bef106e)
- fix/ Update README Angular 5 (93c6949)
- fix/ webpack template path (518b66b)
- Mgrate to Angular 5.0.2 (bd7bed6)
- Update package.json (b16cf73)
- Version 2.1.0 (fccef2f)
- Add buffer to externals (7e797f0)
- Edit a typo on README (956a2bc)
- Fix #55 , and also added functionality for scripts global building (012a894), closes #55
- Fix #55 removed bootstraps.css which for example purpose before. (41445eb), closes #55
- License MIT (73494b7)
- Migrate to Angular 5 (3a3ffe1)
- feat/ launch electron & webpack in // (npm run start) (8c37cc4)
- ref/ Exclude node_modules (tslint) (412a0a5)
- ref/ add package-lock in gitignore (4edd98d)
- remove package-lock (8e98627)
- upgrade angular version 4.4.3 (10d0f87)
- version 1.8.1 (70879d1)
- upgrade lib version (2ac2aa0)
- ref/ Update Angular (4.3.5) / Electron (1.7.2) / Electron Packager (8.7.2) / Typescript (2.5.0) (f97cd81)
- ajout package-lock npm v5 (09c0840)
- Change background img (7e58717)
- Fix npm run build:prod (c23bade)
- fix/ Bindings not updating automatically #44 (2a90191), closes #44
- fix/ e2e test with jasmine2 (9c51f32)
- fix/ typescript issues (bb0a6ab)
- increment version deps (bde452c)
- Revert last pull request - break production compilation (ccc9064)
- upgrade angular version to 4.3.0 (ab16959)
- fix/ karma Unit test (ea13d6d)
- fix/ remove yarn because of error with module dep in prod builds (8a49a45)
- update yarn lock (18c0e62)
- fix/ Fix npm run lint (db7972a)
- ref/ electron ./dist more generic (7e71add)
- Replace const icon to let icon (dadf65f)
- fix/ favicon path during packaging (aa2b012)
- remove build node 8 till node-sass failed (34f201d)
- v1.4.3 (4961fb0)
- Change dep versions (62d08d3)
- install npm dep when building (56948d0)
- Minor update (5f282b7)
- No hot reload in browser (7892f0d)
- update Electron v1.6.10 (f2f2080)
- upgrade ng/electron dependencies (78b0f27)
- chore(package): bump dependencies (b62c7b6)
- 1.4.0 (23213c4)
- Change style home page (93dcc52)
- Fixed compiler warnings (fca6b15)
- ref/ electron main from js to ts (835d32b)
- Remove caret & tilde (dd98155)
- feat/ add nodejs native lib in webpack config (27d9bc6)
- Fix issue #15 (d77cbf1), closes #15
- Ref/ Electron packager in external file (17b04e8)
- version 1.3.4 (374af16)
- Chapters order (a772b9c)
- Chapters order (06547e5)
- Delete spec file of electron.service (083498e)
- Fix issue #15 (e7cd6e6), closes #15
- Move Browser mode chapter (8818750)
- Version 1.3.3 (f4db75b)
- Add comments of how conditional import works (e6c1b3b)
- Conditional import of Electron/NodeJS libs - The app can be launch in browser mode (c434f8a)
- Fix indentation (6a9836a)
- Fix prepree2e script (b2af4fd)
- Set e2e tests (d223974)
- Suround electron browser by try/catch (88be472)
- Update @types/node (9d43304)
- Update readme with e2e info (01bbf13)
- update version (0849a0a)
- Add routing module (7334ce8)
- Fixed hardcoded path in glob copy, blocking assets after eject (815d519)
- update comments in dev/prod env files (7cf6a51)
- Version 1.3.1 (f18ac77)
- Fix webpack prod/dev env (8549da1)
- allowJs (4efd188)
- Example url background in scss (3705a35)
- Fix electron build (extract-zip workaround) (a7ee90e)
- Fix webpack config url in css (cea4be5)
- html loader (c55558a)
- update version 1.2.1 (78e8da7)
- Fix typo & fix script electron:mac (bd06859)
- Set theme jekyll-theme-architect (644d857)
- update README (97fa63d)
- update README (23fc0a9)
- update README (a8dcf6a)
- v1.1.2 (e29e467)
- Fix webpack.config file path (travisci) (a172df9)
- live reload on disk (7bb2f8b)
- Remove unused dependency (webpack-dev-server) (e9150f4)