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SENG301 Assignment 1 (2021) - Student answers

Samuel Burtenshaw - sgb79

Task 1.b - Write acceptance tests for U3 - Add participants to events

Feature file (Cucumber Scenarios)


Java class implementing the acceptance tests


Task 2 - Identify the patterns in the code

Pattern 1

What pattern is it?

Factory Method

What is its goal in the code?

The Factory method's use in this code is to define an interface for an object but only let the subclasses decide what class to instantiate. By using the factory method we encapsulate the knowledge of what subclass to create and move it away from the framework of the application. Due to this not only do we decrease coupling as we don't have to create new objects directly (Principle: Program to an Interface), but we also hide away the true implementation of the concrete methods and products (Principle: hide your decisions).

In contrast, everytime you would need to create a new LocationServiceResult you would need to connect the classes related to getting that object directly into your code, Even if they are only needed for that one section. This greatly increases coupling and even violates the dependency inversion principle.

Name of UML Class diagram attached:

Factory Method Pattern UML.png

Mapping to GoF pattern elements:

GoF element Code element
AbstractCreator LocationService
ConcreteCreator NominatimQuery
AbstractProduct LocationServiceResult
ConcreteProduct NominatimResult
FactoryMethod getCityFromString()

Pattern 2

What pattern is it?


What is its goal in the code?

This design pattern is implemented into the code to allow events to have multiple states that they can be in and allow the events state to change based on a users decisions.

By using a State patten this allows the different events i.e. Scheduled, Archived, Past and Canceled to have different behavior defined separately in their own sub-classes with transitions defined as explicit methods (Principle: Tell, don't ask, Program to an Interface). This makes it easier to the follow transition path and can make the codes intent clearer.

In contrast, the context implementation would have to use data values to define internal states. This would intern require repeat conditional or case operations against these values in order to preform actions. The side effects of this could cause large conditional statements or even monolithic methods that make it hard to follow what the code is doing and mean that if a new state is added all that code would have to be refactored in order to make room for the new state.

Name of UML Class diagram attached:

State Pattern UML.png

Mapping to GoF pattern elements:

GoF element Code element
Context EventHandler
request() updateEventStatus()
State Event
ConcreteStateA ScheduledEvent
ConcreteStateB CanceledEvent
ConcreteStateC ArchivedEvent
ConcreteStateD PastEvent
handle() archive()
handle() happen()
handle() reschedule()
handle() cancel()

Task 3 - Full UML Class diagram

Name of file of full UML Class diagram attached

Full UML.png

Task 4 - Implement new feature

What pattern fulfils the need for the feature?


What is its goal and why is it needed here?

In the case of this AC users need to be notified when the events they are attending change status. The idea of an eventObserver pattern allows us to do this without forcing events to directly know about the participants that are attending the event. This ensures that events and participants are kept in sync whilst ensuring that we are still separating concerns and avoiding tight coupling.

We can use the eventObserver pattern to notify participants of events when they change. This is exactly what we need to implement U4.

Name of UML Class diagram attached:

Observer Pattern UML.png

Mapping to GoF pattern elements:

GoF element Code element
Subject Event
ConcreteSubjectA ArchivedEvent
ConcreteSubjectB CanceledEvent
ConcreteSubjectC PastEvent
ConcreteSubjectD ScheduledEvent
Observer EventObserver
ConcreteObserver Participant
notify() notifyParticipants()
attach() addParticipant()
detach() removeParticipant()
update() updateAttendance()

Task 5 - BONUS - Acceptance tests for Task 4

Feature file (Cucumber Scenarios)


Java class implementing the acceptance tests
