Package backend provides a means of allowing backend file systems to self-register on load via an init() call to backend.Register("some scheme", vfs.FileSystem)
In this way, a caller of vfs backends can simply load the backend file system (and ONLY those needed) and begin using it:
package main
// import backend and each backend you intend to use
import (
func main() {
var err error
var osfile, s3file vfs.File
// THEN begin using the file systems
osfile, err = backend.Backend(os.Scheme).NewFile("", "/path/to/file.txt")
if err != nil {
s3file, err = backend.Backend(s3.Scheme).NewFile("mybucket", "/some/file.txt")
if err != nil {
err = osfile.CopyTo(s3file)
if err != nil {
To create your own backend, you must create a package that implements the interfaces: vfs.FileSystem, vfs.Location, and vfs.File. Then ensure it registers itself on load:
package myexoticfilesystem
// IMPLEMENT vfs interfaces
// register backend
func init() {
backend.Register("exfs", &MyExoticFileSystem{})
Then do use it in some other package do
package MyExoticFileSystem
func useNewBackend() error {
myExoticFs, err = backend.Backend(myexoticfilesystem.Scheme)
That's it. Simple.
func Backend(name string) vfs.FileSystem
Backend returns the backend file system by name
func Register(name string, v vfs.FileSystem)
Register a new file system in backend map
func RegisteredBackends() []string
RegisteredBackends returns an array of backend names
func Unregister(name string)
Unregister unregisters a file system from backend map
func UnregisterAll()
UnregisterAll unregisters all file systems from backend map