import ""
const (
// ErrBadAbsFilePath constant is returned when a file path is not absolute
ErrBadAbsFilePath = "absolute file path is invalid - must include leading slash and may not include trailing slash"
// ErrBadRelFilePath constant is returned when a file path is not relative
ErrBadRelFilePath = "relative file path is invalid - may not include leading or trailing slashes"
// ErrBadAbsLocationPath constant is returned when a file path is not absolute
ErrBadAbsLocationPath = "absolute location path is invalid - must include leading and trailing slashes"
// ErrBadRelLocationPath constant is returned when a file path is not relative
ErrBadRelLocationPath = "relative location path is invalid - may not include leading slash but must include trailing slash"
// TouchCopyMinBufferSize min buffer size used in TouchCopyBuffered in bytes
ErrBadPrefix = "prefix is invalid - may not include leading or trailing slashes and may not be empty"
// TouchCopyMinBufferSize min buffer size used in TouchCopyBuffered in bytes
TouchCopyMinBufferSize = 262144
func EnsureLeadingSlash(dir string) string
EnsureLeadingSlash is like EnsureTrailingSlash except that it adds the leading slash if needed.
func EnsureTrailingSlash(dir string) string
EnsureTrailingSlash is like AddTrailingSlash but will only ever use / since it's use for web uri's, never a Windows OS path.
func GetFileURI(f vfs.File) string
GetFileURI returns a File URI
func GetLocationURI(l vfs.Location) string
GetLocationURI returns a Location URI
func PathToURI(p string) (string, error)
PathToURI takes a relative or absolute path and returns an OS URI.
- We assume non-scheme path is an OS File or Location.
- We assume URI authority is empty.
- We assume relative paths are relative to the pwd (program's working directory)
- We assume an empty path is equal to the root path: "/"
original path | becomes URI |
/absolute/path/to/file.txt | file:///absolute/path/to/file.txt |
/some/absolute/path/ | file:///absolute/path/ |
relative/path/to/file.txt | file:///absolute/path/with/relative/path/to/file.txt |
relative/path/ | file:///absolute/path/with/relative/path/ |
func RemoveLeadingSlash(path string) string
RemoveLeadingSlash removes leading slash, if any
func RemoveTrailingSlash(path string) string
RemoveTrailingSlash removes trailing slash, if any
func TouchCopy(writer io.Writer, reader io.Reader) error
TouchCopy is a wrapper around io.Copy which ensures that even empty source files (reader) will get written as an empty file. It guarantees a Write() call on the target file. Deprecated: Use TouchCopyBuffer Instead
func TouchCopyBuffered(writer io.Writer, reader io.Reader, bufferSize int) error
TouchCopyBuffered is a wrapper around io.CopyBuffer which ensures that even empty source files (reader) will get written as an empty file. It guarantees a Write() call on the target file. bufferSize is in bytes and if is less than TouchCopyMinBufferSize will result in a buffer of size TouchCopyMinBufferSize bytes. If bufferSize is > TouchCopyMinBufferSize it will result in a buffer of size bufferSize bytes
func UpdateLastModifiedByMoving(file vfs.File) error
UpdateLastModifiedByMoving is used by some backends' Touch() method when a file already exists.
func ValidateAbsoluteFilePath(name string) error
ValidateAbsoluteFilePath ensures that a file path has a leading slash but not a trailing slash
func ValidateAbsoluteLocationPath(name string) error
ValidateAbsoluteLocationPath ensure that a file path has both leading and trailing slashes
func ValidatePrefix(prefix string) error
ValidatePrefix ensures that a prefix path has neither leading nor trailing slashes may not be empty but unlike relative file path, may be simply "."
func ValidateRelativeFilePath(name string) error
ValidateRelativeFilePath ensures that a file path has neither leading nor trailing slashes
func ValidateRelativeLocationPath(name string) error
ValidateRelativeLocationPath ensure that a file path has no leading slash but has a trailing slash
type Authority struct {
Authority represents host, port and userinfo (user/pass) in a URI
func NewAuthority(authority string) (Authority, error)
NewAuthority initializes Authority struct by parsing authority string.
func (a Authority) Host() string
Host returns the host portion of an authority
func (a Authority) HostPortStr() string
HostPortStr returns a concatenated string of host and port from authority, separated by a colon, ie ""
func (a Authority) Port() uint16
Port returns the port portion of an authority
func (a Authority) String() string
String() returns a string representation of authority. It does not include password per
Applications should not render as clear text any data after the first colon (":") character found within a userinfo
subcomponent unless the data after the colon is the empty string (indicating no password).
func (a Authority) UserInfo() UserInfo
UserInfo returns the userinfo section of authority. userinfo is username and password(deprecated).
type UserInfo struct {
UserInfo represents user/pass portion of a URI
func (u UserInfo) Password() string
Password returns the password of a URI UserInfo. May be an empty string.
func (u UserInfo) Username() string
Username returns the username of a URI UserInfo. May be an empty string.