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This is a repository for the TOIA 2.0 System.

Developer Setup

Environment Variables

There are three .env files. One in the root directory, one in the /interface and the other one in /server

.env in root:







  1. Set the DB_PASSWORD
  2. Set the GC_BUCKET to the bucket-name
  3. Place the gcloud credential files to their respective directories:
    1. place toia-capstone-2021-b944d1cc65aa.json to TOIA-2.0/server/speech_to_text/
    2. place toia-capstone-2021-a17d9d7dd482.json to TOIA-2.0/server/
    3. Do not change the locations defined in the .env file above as those are relative to server/
  4. Set the value for OPENAI_API_KEY

.env in toia-dm:

Use same file as root

.env in interface


.env in server is empty. Feel free to add any variable specific to server

Note: It's probably a good idea to place Google cloud related environment variables to .env in server/ but it would require some changes to the code. I'll update the ReadMe file when I make this change.

Database Migration

  1. Create a folder called Accounts in the server folder, if it does not exist.
  2. Copy the video folders to the Accounts folder provided by admin.
  3. Navigate to localhost:8080 with the username and password provided in .env in the root folder.
  4. Drop all the tables in toia (if needed backup the current toia db using export).
  5. Import the database sql file into the toia table.

Running the app

Make sure you have installed docker and the docker daemon is running.

Development mode

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

Making Changes Under Development Mode

  • The docker-compose file is setup such that react and nodejs changes are reflected as soon as you change the files in /interface or /server
  • If you change anything inside /server/q_api or /server/toia-dm, you have to restart that particular container.
  • By default, the files and database are persistent under development mode (Check volume mounts in docker-compose-dev.yml). If you wish to start a fresh environment, run docker-compose down -v to make sure all the volumes are purged when shutting down the containers. Then start the containers using the command above.
  • If the dialogue manager (toia-dm) shuts down when running in docker, change docker settings to allow more RAM (check this).

Production mode

  • Change the ENVIRONMENT variable in .env file to production and run docker-compose up