- PyTorch (1.x version)
- NumPy
- Tkinter
- Matplotlib
You may download the pre-training model from release section named 預先訓練好的小型權重. Then put the pt file to the dlgo directory and enter following command.
$ python3 dlgo.py --weights nn_2x64.pt --gui
The dlgo will use your GPU automatically. If you want to disable GPU, set the value USE_GPU
The dlgo support the GTP GUI. Sabaki is recommanded. Some helpful optional arguments are here.
optional arguments:
-p <integer>, --playouts <integer>
The number of playouts.
-w <string>, --weights <string>
The weights file name.
-r <float>, --resign-threshold <float>
Resign when winrate is less than x.
The sample command is here.
$ dlgo.py --weights nn_2x64.pt -p 1600 -r 0.25
Following above simple steps to train a new weights
Preparing the sgf files. You may just use the sgf.zip. The zip including around 35000 9x9 games.
Set the network parametes in the config.py. Including
. -
Start training.
$ python3 train.py --dir sgf-directory-name --steps 128000 --batch-size 512 --learning-rate 0.005
Some helpful arguments are here.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d <string>, --dir <string>
The input SGF files directory. Will use data cache if set None.
-s <integer>, --steps <integer>
Terminate after these steps.
-v <integer>, --verbose-steps <integer>
Dump verbose on every X steps.
-b <integer>, --batch-size <integer>
The batch size number.
-l <float>, --learning-rate <float>
The learning rate.
--noplot Disable plotting.